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10 Healthy Dieting Tips

by Wanda on January 22, 2017


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Why does dieting have to be sooooo hard? I think part of the problem is that we’ve been trained to think of dieting as deprivation, and it’s really not true. Sticking to a smart diet is really just a matter of making smart decisions and following through. The way we think about things really does affect our actions, so looking at “dieting” in a new way can actually help you achieve your health and weight loss goals. So can some changes in your routine. If that sounds like it might be hard for you, keep reading for a few tips that can help make it easier.

  1. Keep a food journal: We can slip up when we’re not totally honest about the calories we take in, which can happen if we don’t keep track of our eating. Keeping a food journal is a smart way to get around this. You can write it down the old fashioned way, or download an app.
  2. Have healthy alternatives: Making changes is hard, but it becomes easier when you have a plan. If you’re not ready to commit to hitting the gym full force, take a walk around your neighborhood a few days a week. If potato chips have become a habit, swap them out for the healthy crunch of carrots dipped in hummus.
  3. Distraction: Thinking about the ice cream you can’t have is only going to make you want it more. When you’re hit with a craving, do something else instead and it will usually go away.
  4. Drink a lot of water: Many of us often confuse hunger with thirst. Drinking water will also make your stomach feel full and prevent overeating. And that extra water weight that’s making you bloated? Staying hydrated is the way to get rid of that.
  5. Ditch diet soda: Though it sounds ironic, drinking diet soda can really sabotage your diet by creating sugar cravings. You might also feel like you’re entitled to splurge because you had a diet drink.
  6. Don’t deprive yourself: Feeling deprived all the time will only make you want to give up. You can have your “forbidden” treats once in a while if you plan them smartly. When you do indulge, allow yourself to enjoy and appreciate every bite!
  7. Don’t get too hungry: That will only make you overeat. Your body needs food every 3-4 hours to keep your blood sugar steady and prevent your appetite from going crazy. Small, healthy snacks of about 100 calories should do the trick between meals.
  8. Eat enough protein: Protein will keep you satisfied for longer intervals.
  9. Eat slowly: It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to get the message that you’re satisfied.
  10. Shop smartly: Be prepared with healthy ingredients so that you’re never caught off-guard.

Save $10 On Baby Gear At Kohl’s

by Wanda on January 20, 2017

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Shop for what you love in baby, toddler, and maternity wear, and baby gear, and get $10 off your purchase of $30 or more! Coupon expires January 22, 2017. Click here to start saving.

Toys R Us Party Coupon

by Wanda on January 19, 2017

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Throw a fabulous party, and get 25% off fabulous party stuff at Toys R Us now through January 21, 2017. Click here for your coupon and save on party goods, greeting cards, and more!

Winter Skin Treatments From Your Kitchen

by Wanda on January 18, 2017

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Winter is never kind to my skin. The dry, cold air is not a good thing for me, and frankly, I can’t afford spa skin treatments or expensive skin products. So, does that mean that I’m doomed to ugliness and discomfort all winter? Not at all! Not in the winter or any time of the year, because there are lots of ingredients I always have in my house that make some really great skin pampering products. Good to know, right? Here are some of them:

  1. Olive oil: Olive oil makes a wonderful moisturizer when your skin needs a little TLC. Apply to dry areas- or really anywhere- 10 minutes before a shower and you’ll love how soft your skin feels after. You can also apply a thin layer under you regular moisturizer for some extra softening.
  2. Oatmeal: Put a cup of oatmeal in your bath to soothe itchy, irritated skin. Oatmeal brightens and regenerates dull, tired skin, so you can make a paste and use it as a mask.
  3. Avocado: Make an avocado mask, leave on for 15-20 minutes, and rinse.
  4. Coconut oil: Mix coconut oil and sugar for a fabulous moisturizing body scrub.
  5. Honey: Honey is an excellent gentle cleanser, so apply and rinse. Honey also will plump up your skin, making it look young and fresh.
  6. Yogurt: Yogurt moisturizes, and its antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory properties exfoliate and relieve dry, itchy skin. Apply and leave for 10 minutes before rinsing.

You can pamper your skin with these at home treatments that won’t cost you anything. But who am I to knock a fabulous spa experience? Save those pennies and treat yourself one day!

How To Stay Healthy This Winter

by Wanda on January 15, 2017

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I hope you got your flu shot this season. It’s the best way to prevent catching the flu, but it won’t help with colds and other winter viruses, and that’s where your immune system comes in. Here are the things that you can do to keep your immune system strong, and you can start right now!

  • Wash your hands. This is probably the single most important thing you can do to avoid getting sick. Use warm water and soap- and scrub!
  • Eat well. Nutrition is an extremely important part of staying healthy.
  • Get enough sleep. A tired body has a harder time fighting off germs.
  • Exercise.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Be sociable. Human connection helps fight illness.
  • Be positive. A healthy attitude can help keep your body healthy, too.
  • Avoid stress: Too much stress can actually make you prone to getting sick.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation.
  • Take probiotics. Probiotics are the good bacteria that promote good health. Yogurt is one of the best sources of probiotic you can eat, and there are plenty of probiotic supplements you can get in any health food store or pharmacy.

Sticking to these guidelines should help keep you from getting sick too often. Unfortunately, nothing is foolproof and no matter how careful you are you could still get sick, but with a strong immune system you’re body is ready to fight those germs and get you feeling better quickly!

Save $10 At Bath & Body Works

by Wanda on January 12, 2017


Pamper yourself with some great deals at Bath & Body Works- and get $10 off your purchase of $40 or more! Click here for your coupon to use in store or online. Offer expires January 22, 2017.

13 Surprising Benefits Of Smiling

by Wanda on January 11, 2017


When we’re happy, we smile- well, most of us, anyway. It’s just a natural, almost involuntary response to feeling good. That’s why I was surprised to learn that smiling can actually make you feel good, if you weren’t already! In fact, there are a lot of ways that smiling is good for you, and here they are:

  1. Releases endorphins: Yes, those endorphins! The hormones that make you feel good are released when you smile, even when you’re faking, a good reason to fake it til you make it.
  2. Reduces pain: Endorphins also act as a natural pain killer.
  3. Reduces stress and anxiety: Smiling also reduces production of cortisol, the stress hormone.
  4. Get more oxygen: Laughing is related to smiling and it’s also really good for you. Laughing expands your lungs and gets more oxygen to your brain.
  5. Strengthens your immune system: Smiling makes you produce more white blood cells.
  6. Makes you more attractive: Studies show that people who smile are more attractive. They also appear more confident.
  7. Makes you look approachable and trustworthy: This is important in relationships and for advancing in your career. Basically for success in almost anything.
  8. It’s a good leadership technique: Another key to success.
  9. Increases productivity and motivation: Important for getting your stuff done.
  10. It’s contagious: When you smile you’ll make others happy, too.
  11. Retrains your brain: As a defense mechanism, our brains are wired to see negativity. By smiling often you can retrain your brain to be positive.
  12. Makes you look younger: And who doesn’t want that?
  13. Makes you live longer: Studies show that people who smile live longer.

Amazing, isn’t it? Kind of makes you want to smile!