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Road Trip Tips

by Wanda on July 24, 2016

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There’s something about summer that screams “Road Trip!” Road trips are fun, cheaper than traveling by plane, and a great way to connect with the family- or whoever you travel with. The trick to an awesome road trip is planning- a little bit of effort before you set off will let you relax and enjoy yourself even more on the road. Read these smart road trip tips and have a great time!

  1. Plan, but be flexible. Planning is better than winging it, but don’t be so rigid. Go off on a detour to explore if you feel like it, or if you hit unexpected traffic. Make all necessary reservations before you leave so you won’t be shut out of an overbooked hotel.
  2. Give your car a check-up. Make sure your car is in good shape before you start so you won’t have to deal with car trouble on the way.
  3. Make sure you have necessary documents. Always travel with your license, insurance, and registration- and make sure they’re all up to date.
  4. Clean your car before you leave. Throw out last week’s snack wrappers and water bottles and you’ll be way more comfortable.
  5. Take along an extra car key. Things happen…
  6. Pack essentials for the car. Things you should have are: wipes, hand sanitizer, snacks, a first-aid kit, a roadside assistance kit, flashlights, a spare tire and a jack.
  7. Make it comfortable with pillows and blankets. Blankets are also great for avoiding air conditioning wars.
  8. Don’t forget sunblock. Dangerous UV rays come in through the car windows.
  9. Plan entertainment. Podcasts and audiobooks are great for car trips.
  10. Keep the kids busy. Whiny kids in the car can kill a road trip, so keep them busy with a scavenger hunt. Give them a list of things to look for along the way to make it interesting. A trivia game about the family or a topic that interests them is fun, too. If motion sickness is a problem, avoid it with Dramamine.
  11. Use cruise control. You don’t want the expense and the hassle of a speeding ticket!
  12. Take breaks. It’s good to stop every 2 hours to stretch. Bring along a ball or jump rope so the kids can be active.
  13. Take a plug-in cooler. Keep it filled with drinks and snacks so you won’t have to pay inflated prices at rest stops.
  14. Choose a hotel that has free breakfast. Another money-saver!
  15. Let someone know where you’ll be. If you have cell service check in at the end of each day so someone knows where you are. If you’ll be away from any communication, give someone your itinerary before you go.
  16. Have a bag or container for garbage in the car. This makes your trip so much more pleasant than driving in a messy car. You can empty or replace the bag every time you stop.

These tips are easy and will only make your trip even better! Have a great time and drive safely!

Osh Kosh B’Gosh Coupon

by Wanda on July 21, 2016

MyShop coupon template (10) It’s time for some new clothes for your little ones. Click here for a coupon and get 20% off when you spend $40 or more at Osh Kosh B’Gosh! Coupon expires July 31, 2016 and is valid in stores and online.

12 Foods That Can Help You Lose Weight

by Wanda on July 20, 2016

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Dieting is hard! You want to look good and feel good- and fit into the skinny jeans- but you don’t want to feel deprived! Plus, there’s so much info out there on weight loss and diets that it’s hard to keep it straight in your head. And what about fad diets? Any nutritionist will tell you that’s not the way to go. Sure, the first few pounds will come off quickly, but most of those diets don’t reflect the way most of us really eat, so it will be hard to maintain that diet and weight loss. What you need to do is exercise and eat sensible, nutritious, portion controlled meals and snacks.

A little bit of magic would be nice when it comes to weight loss, but sadly, we all know that magic isn’t real. But what if there were some foods- regular foods- that could help you lose weight? Sounds too good to be true, right? Would I mess with you that way? Of course not! Check out this list of foods that can help you lose weight.

  1. Popcorn. I’m not kidding! Of course I’m not talking about butter laden movie popcorn, but 4 cups of low-fat, or air-popped popcorn will give you 3 grams each of fiber and protein. And fill you up- all for only 150 calories.
  2. Lemon. Use lemon in your cooking to add flavor without fat and salt. And feel good about that because chemicals in lemons can aid digestion and help you fight cravings.
  3. Almonds. Almonds are a healthy snack that make you feel satisfied so you’ll eat less at meals. One ounce (about 22 nuts) has just 160 calories and is a great source of healthy fat, fiber, and protein.
  4. Lean meat. Because it’s high in protein it will help you feel satisfied. Meat is also a good source of iron, but the fat in lean meat is still saturated fat, so limit meat meals to once a week.
  5. Quinoa. Quinoa is a complete protein and it has lots of fiber so it will fill you up and keep you satisfied.
  6. Beans. High in fiber and protein, and slow to digest so you won’t feel hungry for a while.
  7. Dark chocolate. Studies show that people who ate a little dark chocolate controlled their appetites better.
  8. Apples. The fiber in fresh fruit makes you feel full and the act of chewing tells your brain you’re eating real food.
  9. Yogurt. Lots of protein and fiber to keep you satisfied. And the probiotics in yogurt help with gut function, which can minimize bloating and inflammation. Studies show that people who eat dairy lose more weight than those who don’t.
  10. Chili pepper. Spicy foods can reduce appetite and increase metabolism.
  11. Cinnamon. Cinnamon regulates your blood sugar, curbs cravings, and boosts metabolism.
  12. Berries. Not only are they great for satisfying a sweet craving, but the antioxidant in berries works on the gene activity of fat cells, which makes it harder to gain weight.

Not really magic, but I’d say pretty close! Include these foods in your healthy food plan and dieting won’t seem like such hard work!

How to Break a Bad Habit

by Wanda on July 17, 2016

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It’s really important to love yourself- to be happy with who you are even if you’re not perfect. Perfection is boring anyway! Self-love and all, though, don’t you have a bad habit or two you really wish you could break? And that’s a trap for making you feel like a failure, because breaking habits can be sooooo hard! I know all about it. But because of my love for my imperfect self and my constant quest for self improvement, I’ve been working hard to learn how get out of some habits that make me love myself just a little bit less. Here’s what I’ve learned:

  • You have to replace a bad habit with a good one. You can’t just wipe away behaviors, so you modify them. If you’re trying to stop biting your nails try chewing gum instead.
  • Have a conscious plan. Winging it just won’t work. You need to plan it out. Just be careful not to bite off more than you can chew- set small goals if the whole project seems like too much.
  • Find a method that works for you. Don’t plan to do something that really won’t work. If you’re not a morning person don’t plan to get up at 5 AM.
  • Write everything down. Your plan, your triggers, your emotions.
  • Avoid triggers. Once you know what can set you off, do you best to avoid those situations or people- put the fattening snacks on a high shelf. Or distract yourself when you’re hit with a trigger.
  • Reframe your thinking. Look at your bad habits in a negative light, instead of thinking about the satisfaction you usually get from them.
  • Involve others. Let your loved ones know what you’re trying to do. They can be there for you with reminders and support.
  • Reward success. Even small steps.
  • Visualize yourself succeeding. See yourself successfully changing your behavior and being happy about it.

Anyone who’s tried to break a bad habit knows it requires a lot of hard work, often with some setbacks. Hopefully these tips can help you set yourself up for success!