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Road Trip Tips

by Wanda on July 24, 2016

There’s something about summer that screams “Road Trip!” Road trips are fun, cheaper than traveling by plane, and a great way to connect with the family- or whoever you travel with. The trick to an awesome road trip is planning- a little bit of effort before you set off will let you relax and enjoy […]

Budget Travel Tips

by Wanda on May 15, 2016

How does a fabulous summer vacation sound to you? Great, right? But too expensive, maybe? Don’t give up so easily! Oh, sure, a dream vacation can cost a fortune if you want to go that way, but it doesn’t mean the alternative is staying home or settling for an “eh” vacation. There are ways to […]

Take A Vacation!

by Wanda on July 23, 2015

You’re a responsible person; I know you are! You work hard and do what you’re supposed to do. But did you know that one of the things you’re supposed to do is take a vacation? Yes, everyone needs a break- it’s important for your physical and mental health, and you’ll be better at everything once […]

How To Be a Great Guest

by Wanda on July 14, 2015

A vacation home is on my wish list. Until then, the next best thing is friends who have vacation homes. Specifically, friends who are generous with their invitations. Invite me for a weekend away, and I’m there! I’m pretty big on manners (ask my kids and watch them roll their eyes), and one of the things about […]