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Incredible Benefits of Broccoli

by Wanda on October 26, 2017

I’m aware that broccoli is not such an interesting subject so I thought really hard and Googled a lot to help me come up with something funny and attention grabbing to start off this post. Because I really want people to read it! I personally love broccoli and I know lots of people who love it, […]

12 Foods To Eat For Healthy Skin

by Wanda on October 30, 2016

Do you think you need expensive creams to have gorgeous, healthy skin? It is important to have a good skincare routine, but you can get good products at all price points. If you want great skin it’s also important to eat right, and we can all do that! Here are some of the foods that keep your […]

When To Toss Your Makeup

by Wanda on June 5, 2016

I love makeup and I know I’m not the only makeup lover who has drawers and cosmetics bags full of makeup. There’s always a new color or formula you want to try and you can’t throw out the old stuff because you might really need it one day. Everyone knows that! But the sad truth is that […]

How To Have Beautiful Skin

by Wanda on May 22, 2016

True or False: In order to have great skin you have to hit the genetic jackpot. In order to have great skin you have to spend tons of money on expensive products. The answer to both questions is “False!” Surprised? Of course, great genes never hurt, but they aren’t the only way to have beautiful […]