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Fast Ways To Get Rid Of A Headache Naturally

by Wanda on February 8, 2017

When I feel a headache coming on I reach for the Advil and within a half hour or so, the pain is usually a lot better. But I know that the medicine is only relieving the pain- not actually getting rid of the headache. And I also know that it’s always better to go the […]

Awesome Ideas For Apples

by Wanda on September 25, 2016

If you read the last post you know how awesome apples are for your health, so definitely go with the “apple a day keeps the doctor away” practice. As delicious as apples are, though, eating them plain every day could get a little boring after a while, so here are some other awesome ways to […]

Awesome Health Benefits Of Apples

by Wanda on September 21, 2016

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Whoever came up with that so many years ago probably never even knew just how true it might actually be. It turns out that eating apples has a load of health benefits, and that’s great news because apples are: a) available pretty much all year round, b) very […]