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How To Dress Like A Million Bucks On A Budget

by Wanda on August 3, 2016

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You love fashion, you love to look good, but you’re broke. What do you do? Maybe you’re not broke, but you’re on a budget and trying to save money. It is possible to look like a million bucks without spending it, and it’s not even that hard to do. Follow these tips to look your best without breaking the bank:

  • Sales. Know when your favorite stores are having their sales, and shop then. At the store head first for the clearance racks for even more savings. Even though most stores put seasonal clothes on sale at the end of the season, there often isn’t even that much of a difference in the clothes and you’ll score a great bargain. And plenty of summer items make great layering pieces all year round. Scout out sample sales to score great deals on great fashion.
  • Resale and consignment shops. So what if something’s not new? If you love it, it looks good on you, and it’s in good condition- buy it at a savings. Take the clothes you’re done with and sell them- then use the money to buy new things. Shopping at a thrift shop that helps a charity is a way to shop and do good at the same time.
  • Accessorize. You can totally change the look of an outfit with the right accessories, and great scarves and jewelry are available at all price points.
  • Clothes swap. You must have friends who also love clothes but are also watching their budgets. Organize a clothing swap and everyone gets something new without spending a dime.
  • Rewards. Sign up for rewards programs for stores that you love and let your money work for you.
  • Fast fashion stores. Don’t invest your clothing budget in fashion trends. That’s what fast fashion stores like Forever 21 and H&M are for. Just check the quality of what you buy- you don’t want it to look cheap!
  • Fit. Ill-fitting clothes can kill a look right off the bat, so make sure whatever you wear fits your body.
  • Make sure your clothes are clean. Obvs!
  • Grooming. Make sure your hair looks good and your makeup is classy. Your overall look goes a long way in making your clothes look great. Read this for some smart tips on saving on haircuts.
  • Own your look. This is the most important part of dressing like a million! Project confidence and be comfortable with your look and you’ll pull everything together.

Yeah, it would be great to be able to buy and wear everything that looks good to you. I get it. But that’s too easy, anyway! You can have great clothes and look your best at any budget!

Purina Dog Food Coupon

by Wanda on August 2, 2016

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Purina Pro Plan experts will help you find the right nutrition for your dog and give you a coupon to save $5.00. Click here for your Purina dog food coupon. This offer is valid December 31, 2016 or while supplies last.

10 Low Cost Ways To Stay Cool

by Wanda on July 31, 2016

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Remember a few months ago… when we were all complaining about the bitter cold? Warm enough for you now? And if the awful heat weren’t bad enough, how about those summer energy bills! Wouldn’t it be great to stay cool without relying so much on your air conditioner? If it sounds impossible, read on, because here are some clever and economical ways to cool off this summer.

  1. Avoid turning on the oven. Cooking in the oven will really heat up the house, but no biggie- just another excuse to grill! Microwave, slow cooker, and toaster oven are other ways to cook without generating heat.
  2. Close blinds and shades. Keeping sunlight out will help keep it cool.
  3. Fake a sea breeze. I love this trick! When you place a bowl of ice or an ice pack in front of a fan it blows a cool mist that’s really refreshing.
  4. Cotton bedding. Put away the heavy blankets and make sure your bedding is cotton. This natural fiber is very comfortable and cooling when it’s hot.
  5. Apply cold to your pulse points. Run cold water or place a cold compress on your wrist or neck to help cool off your body.
  6. Hydrate. Make sure to drink a lot of water on hot days. This is important for your health as well as your comfort! Drinking ice cold water will cool you off.
  7. Dress for the weather. Wear loose-fitting clothes made of natural fibers.
  8. Take a cool shower. Not cold, since that will send your body signals to warm itself up.
  9. Proper fan positioning. Position a fan across from an open window for best air circulation.
  10. Avoid using the dryer. Hang your laundry out to dry. The dryer gives off heat, and air-drying saves even more money!

Try these tips to cut down on using your air conditioner and save some money this summer. If all else fails, remind yourself how cold you were a few months ago!

Barnes & Noble Coupon

by Wanda on July 30, 2016


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Barnes & Noble is a great place for books and other cool stuff. Click here and use the coupon for 20% off one item! The offer expires 7/31/16 for online purchases and 8/1/16 in store, so start shopping!

12 Reasons To Be Kind To Yourself

by Wanda on July 27, 2016


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We all talk about kindness a lot: being kind to others, teaching our children to be kind, and about how kindness is way more constructive than negativity and discord. But how many of us really apply the idea of kindness to ourselves? I’m talking about being kind to yourself, which isn’t always easy. If you think about it, you might find that you treat yourself to negativity more often than kindness. Well, it’s time to stop that game right now! If you need some convincing, here are 12 reasons to be kind to yourself:

  1. It’s how you would treat others. You wouldn’t normally be too negative to others, why would you be like that with yourself?
  2. You are not responsible for everything. So stop beating up on yourself and focus on the good stuff.
  3. It will make you feel better. You’ll feel good about yourself.
  4. You will learn from it. Treating yourself to kindness will open you up to lots of new things- getting you out of the negativity rut.
  5. It will make you happy. Everyone likes to be treated nicely.
  6. It’s good for your brain. It helps enhance endorphins- the feel-good hormones
  7. You will be healthier. Being kind to yourself means taking care of yourself- making sure you eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep.
  8. You deserve it. Yes, you do!
  9. You will be kinder to others. We can all use a little more kindness in our lives.
  10. Your relationships will be better. Feeling good about yourself helps you get along better with the people in your life.
  11. It will set you up to be positive.
  12. It will cause others to be kind to you. You will project the attitude that you are worthy of kindness.

It’s true that a little bit of kindness goes a long way, and what better place to start than with yourself?