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10 Different Ways To Use Dryer Sheets

by Wanda on September 14, 2016


You love dryer sheets because they make your laundry smell fresh, and there’s nothing like fresh, clean laundry! Since you already have them around the house, you might as well get them to work a little harder doing some other things for you. If you don’t regularly use dryer sheets for your laundry, you’ll be tempted to buy a box to use in these different ways. Check them out:

  1. Repel bugs. For some reason, insects don’t like the fresh scent of dryer sheets, so tuck one in your pocket when you go out and it’s buggy.
  2. Freshen your car. Keep a sheet in your car to keep it smelling fresh.
  3. Remove static. Rub on your hair or clothes to get rid of static.
  4. Remove deodorant marks. Get rid of those annoying white marks on your clothes by rubbing a dryer sheet over them.
  5. Pack in your suitcase. To keep everything fresh.
  6. Scrub pots. Place a dryer sheet in a messy pot or pan, fill with water, and soak overnight. When you’re ready to scrub everything will come off easier.
  7. Remove pet hair. Rub over carpet, clothes, chairs, and the hairs will stick to the sheet.
  8. Clean bugs off your car. Are there bug guts all over the front of your car? Wet the car and rub over the spots with a dryer sheet.
  9. Keep your bathroom fresh. Stuff a dryer sheet into a toilet paper roll and you’ll get a burst of freshness every time you spin.
  10. Storage. Place a sheet into storage boxes and the contents won’t smell old and musty when you take them out.

I’m loving these ideas because they’re all so easy, too. And you don’t need the more expensive brand name dryer sheets for this to work, either, which is always nice!

Pasta Pass From Olive Garden

by Wanda on September 13, 2016


Buy your Pasta Pass for $100 and enjoy unlimited Never Ending Pasta Bowls at Olive Garden from October 3- November 20, 2016. Pasta Passes go on sale September 15, and there are only 21,000 available. Click here for details and get yours right away!

Smart Weight Loss Hacks

by Wanda on September 11, 2016


Why does losing weight have to be so hard? Dieting and feeling deprived, sweating over exercise…Wouldn’t it be great if you could just snap your fingers and have the weight come off? Eating well and exercising are smart, healthy moves for everyone, all the time- even if you’re not trying to drop some pounds. Still, everyone wants a little help, so here are some cool weight loss tricks that don’t involve dieting and exercise:

  • Smaller plate. Eat your meals on smaller plates. They’ll look full with less food and make your brain think you’re getting more.
  • Slow down. Your eating, that is. Chew your food more times and take about 20 minutes for each meal. Studies show that people who chew more lost more weight. Also, this gives your brain time to register fullness, so you’ll be less likely to overeat.
  • Take a walk. I know I said we weren’t going to talk about exercise, but I’m talking about a leisurely walk here. Light exercise allows your muscles to absorb the glucose you ate, which prevents spikes in insulin levels.
  • Get cold. Drink cold water, take a cold shower, turn down the thermostat. When your body is cold it will burn energy to warm  you up.
  • Keep a food journal. When you see it in black and white that cookie might look a little less tempting. There are some great apps to help you keep track of what you’re eating.
  • Add some spice. Spicy food can boost your metabolism and curb appetite and cravings.
  • Chew gum. This will help suppress your appetite. And you won’t want food after chewing minty gum- it will make your food taste weird.
  • Drink water. Sometimes you think you’re hungry but you’re really just thirsty, so always go for a glass of water first. Drinking water before a meal will make you feel full so you’ll eat less.
  • Sleep. Lack of sleep causes cravings and stunts the production of hormones that control hunger. Also, if you go to bed earlier there’s less time for late night snacking.
  • Eat soup. Starting a meal with soup makes you eat slower and feel fuller.
  • Eat at home. Cook your meals so you can control portions and ingredients.
  • Control stress. We all know about stress eating, and stress produces hormones that store fat.
  • Eat lots of protein. Eating protein reduces hunger by keeping you feeling full and satisfied longer. Also, protein builds lean muscle, which helps you burn fat.
  • Eat regular meals. Eating regularly keeps your blood sugar steady, which will prevent cravings and keep your energy up.

The reality is that there are no magic words or potions that melt off the pounds, but it is nice to know the tricks that can help them come off without too much effort!

15 Genius Ways To Reuse Prescription Pill Bottles

by Wanda on September 7, 2016

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I love it when you can take something that’s been used for one thing and transform it to use in a totally different way. Like old prescription pill bottles. Recycling them isn’t so simple, and besides, there’s something about their adorable size and perfect shape that’s just calling out to be used in a new, cool way. Of course you’ll want to remove the label first. Do that by filling with boiling water for a minute or so to loosen the glue, and make sure you clean the inside of any pill residue.

  1. Coin storage. Pill bottles are the perfect size and shape for storing coins. You won’t have the mess of spare change lying around everywhere, and it will always be handy when you need it. Keep them in your car or your desk. It’s also perfect for kids’ backpacks.
  2. Waterproof money holder. Keep coins and bills in an old pill bottle for days at the beach or boating trips and your money will stay dry.
  3. Snacks. Fill with M&M’s or other tiny candy for times when you need a quick sugar boost (or just for a treat).
  4. Store ear buds. You won’t have to dig around to find them and they won’t get all tangled up.
  5. Non-prescription pills. They are pill bottles after all! Fill small bottles with over-the-counter pain reliever to keep in your handbag or for traveling.
  6. Safety pins. There’s always a scramble for safety pins in my house. Well, not anymore! A pill bottle is a perfect safety pin holder.
  7. Travel sewing kit. You can fit one or two small spools of thread, a needle, and some pins for a portable sewing kit.
  8. Bobby pins. Keep bobby pins and small hairpins neat and portable.
  9. Travel jewelry holder. Keep small jewelry like earrings and rings in a pill bottle and save room when you pack.
  10. Condiment containers. Store salad dressing and other condiments in cleaned pill bottles when you pack a lunch.
  11. Crafting supplies. Keep them neat and organized in pill bottles.
  12. Q-tips. Fill the bottle with Q-tips and keep in your cosmetics bag.
  13. Emergency first aid. You can fit in some Band-aids, antibiotic ointment, alcohol swabs, and Q-tips and store in your car, bag, suitcase, etc.
  14. Air freshener. Drill small holes in the lid, then fill with cotton balls and a few drops of scented oil.
  15. Organize buttons. Designate a separate bottle for every color and  you won’t have to go hunting for what you need.

It’s great when you can give new life to an item that’s been used for something else before, and by decorating those pill bottles you can recreate them into completely new objects! Paint them, add glitter, sequins, beads, or whatever; or just make them pretty with decorative tape- let your own creativity take over.