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Voucher For Free Lactose-Free Cream Cheese

by Wanda on October 25, 2016

MyShop coupon template (51) Missing cream cheese because you’re lactose intolerant? How does some lactose free cream cheese sound to you? Click here to get your voucher for a FREE 8 ounce sample of Green Valley Organics Lactose Free cream cheese and enjoy a treat!

$1 Off Mrs. Fields Cookies

by Wanda on October 24, 2016


Do you have a real life hero? Share your hero’s story with Mrs Fields and your hero could win $1,000 and more. You’ll get a FREE cookie and a coupon for $1 off a box of cookies. Offer valid through 10/31/16. Click here for details.

Operation Gratitude

by Wanda on October 23, 2016


If you’re worrying about what to do with all the extra candy your kids bring home on Halloween, you’ve now found the perfect solution! Have you heard of Operation Gratitude? It’s a sweet way to thank our troops, and a smart way to take care of your Halloween candy overflow by donating it to our heroes. Click here to learn about this program.

9 New Ways To Use Shampoo

by Wanda on October 19, 2016


I’m guessing that every household has at least one bottle of shampoo. There is a brand of shampoo out there to fit every budget, which is nice. What’s also nice is that shampoo is another one of those incredible multi-tasking products that are great for their usual use. but useful in so many other ways, too! Read on to learn what you can do with shampoo.

  1. Car wash. It lathers up nicely and makes your hair shiny, so why wouldn’t it do the same for your car? Save money, get a good workout, and let the kids have some fun washing the car.
  2. Unstick a zipper. Use a Q-tip to dab some shampoo on a stuck zipper and get it moving.
  3. Moisturize your feet. Rub shampoo on your feet, cover with cotton socks, and leave overnight. In the morning your feet will feel soft and silky.
  4. Revitalize leather. Rub a little shampoo with a clean cloth on leather shoes and handbags to shine and protect from salt stains.
  5. Pets. Use shampoo to get your pet clean and fresh.
  6. Clean the tub and faucet. It rinses away with water and will get the chrome nice and shiny. Don’t use too much, though, or you’ll have a hard time rinsing it away.
  7. Hand laundry. Add a few drops to your water for hand washing delicates and sweaters.
  8. Remove laundry stains. Rub shampoo on the stain, let it soak, then wash as usual.
  9. Clean brushes. Shampoo is a great cleaner for hair and makeup brushes.

Yeah, I was pretty excited to learn about all this and I’m planning to try them all, starting with the hand laundry. I hope these shampoo hacks will be helpful to you, too!

Smart Secondhand Shopping Tips

by Wanda on October 16, 2016


Shopping in resale stores is a smart way to save money. You can score some fabulous finds for pretty amazing prices, which is actually quite thrilling! It’s almost like a challenge to see what great stuff you get and how little you pay for it. Just like with most things, though, you need to do it smartly or you could fall into some traps. Here are some smart secondhand shopping tips to help you get the best values.

  • Know when stores put out new stock. That’s the best time to shop- you’ll have the best selection and the merchandise won’t be picked over yet.
  • Grab what you want. When you see something you think you like, take it. You’ll have time to weed things out and make decisions later. If you leave something on the rack or shelf while you think about it, someone else might grab it.
  • Look for classics. When shopping for second hand clothes look for styles that have classic lines so you won’t look dated.
  • Think about alterations. Small fixes are okay, but you can’t completely transform a garment. Also think about how much you want to pay to fix something.
  • Make sure you really want/need it. Just because you can get something for a fantastic price doesn’t automatically mean you should buy it. Spending money on something you don’t really need or want is still wasteful. If it won’t work for you, save your money.
  • Check it very carefully. Check for stains, tears, cracks, and other damages that can’t be fixed.
  • Take advantage of sales. Sign up for emails and save even more when resale shops have sales.
  • Try before you buy. Size tags might be missing, the sizes could be inconsistent, or clothes could have shrunk. Always try on to make sure something fits you and looks good.
  • Set a budget. It’s easy to overspend when you feel like you’re getting great deals, so decide on a budget and stick to it.
  • Shop with a friend. A second opinion is always helpful.
  • Have an open mind. Try something different if it catches your eye, and be open to using things in different ways.
  • Dress comfortably. Second hand shopping can be hard work, so no heavy coats or bags. If you’ll be trying on clothes, dress in something that’s easy to slip in and out of, or that you can try on over.
  • Clean it immediately. No brainer.
  • Be friendly. Make friends with the sales staff and you might be able to bargain a little. Make a friend and you’ll have someone who can look out for things you like and put them away for you.