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Merci Chocolate Coupon

by Wanda on November 14, 2016


Merci knows that box of chocolate always makes a nice gift, so they’re making it easy for you. Click here for a money-saving coupon for Merci chocolates, a FREE shopping list, and personalized gift inserts.

Smart Morning Hacks

by Wanda on November 13, 2016


I’m definitely not one of those people that bounce out of bed in the morning, wide awake and ready to start the day. Far from it! In a perfect world I’d never get up earlier than 10 AM and I’d start my day with a leisurely cup of coffee and some Instagram. But, alas, that’s not my reality and I’ve got to jump-start my mornings no matter how tired and groggy I am, and that’s not pleasant. I figured there has to be a better way, and I’ve made up my mind to try these smart morning hacks to help get my day started.

  • Don’t hit the snooze button. If you just can’t help yourself keep the clock where you can’t reach it from your bed so you’ll have to get up to shut it off.
  • Exercise. It doesn’t have to be a heavy-duty, long workout; whatever you can manage is fine. Exercise in the morning will boost your metabolism and energy for the day.
  • Wake up to natural light. Open the shades so your brain knows it’s morning.
  • Smile. Believe me, I know how hard it is to smile in the morning! Do it anyway, even if you have to fake it. Smiling releases endorphins- the hormones that make you happy, and smiling will give you a positive start to the day.
  • Prepare what you need the night before. Plan your outfit, pack your lunch, and do anything you can to make it easier for you to get ready in the morning.
  • Make your bed. A neat room really makes a difference and makes you more motivated to start your day.
  • Make a to-do list. If you know what you have going on you can plan your day and be organized.
  • Eat a nutritious breakfast. Make sure to eat protein and healthy fat to power your brain and your body.
  • Have a routine. Following a routine helps things run smoothly, but be flexible.
  • Prepare your daily dose. Fill a weekly pill box with your vitamins and medications for each day to save time in the morning.
  • Don’t look at your phone. Stay away from your phone until you’re all dressed to avoid distractions.
  • Give yourself enough time. Know how much time you need for everything you have to do in the morning, including showering, dressing, and travel, so you won’t feel rushed or stressed.

Want to have smoother mornings? Try these hacks and have a great day!

Clever Cleaning Hacks

by Wanda on November 9, 2016


I love cleaning hacks because they make cleaning easier and less annoying. Also because I love learning new ways of doing things, and new ways of using things. Here are some cleaning hacks that will make your life a little easier, and also make you say “oh, that’s so cool!”

  • Blender: I’ve always hated taking apart all the pieces and scrubbing to get them all clean. Not anymore! Fill the dirty blender halfway with water and a few drops of dish soap, blend on low for 10 seconds, and rinse.
  • Mattress: Spray with vodka to disinfect without a chemical odor. The alcohol will also help it to dry quickly.
  • Crayon on walls: Rub with baking soda toothpaste.
  • Greasy stove burners: Put them in zip top bags with 1/2 cup of ammonia. Seal, let sit overnight, and wipe with a sponge.
  • Cheese grater: Grate a raw potato and rinse.
  • Laundry: Speed up dryer time by tossing a dry towel in with wet clothes. The towel will help absorb some of the moisture.
  • Oven: Place a bowl with 1/2 cup of ammonia into a cold oven and leave it overnight. In the morning you’ll only need to wipe it.
  • Silver: Make polishing silver less of a chore by lining a large pan with aluminum foil. Add 1/2 cup salt and 1/2 cup baking soda, fill with hot water and let the silver soak for 30 minutes. Rinse and dry your shiny silver!
  • Small items in the dishwasher: Zip them into a lingerie bag. This is a great way to clean and sanitize toys.
  • Sneakers: Clean the white parts of sneakers with nail polish remover.

Pretty clever, huh? Try these hacks and make cleaning a little easier!

Helpful Tips For Clearing Out The Clutter

by Wanda on November 6, 2016


I am by no means a neat freak, but there are few things that freak me out as badly as clutter. Which is a bad thing, because as a busy mom I really don’t have time to stay on top of all the things that somehow don’t stop accumulating. When there’s too much clutter I get distracted, frustrated, angry, and depressed. The good news is that I can change all that with just a little bit of work. Did I make that sound too easy? Trust me- I know that the idea of clearing out the clutter is enough to cause its own anxiety, and the job is not always an easy one. But I’ve put together a list of tips that break down decluttering to make it easier to do.

  1. Visualize. Picture a clutter free space and tell yourself that you can make it happen.
  2. Do it bit by bit. If you’re dealing with a lot of clutter, you’ll have a lot of work on your hands, but that doesn’t have to overwhelm you. Break down the job and do a little bit at a time to make it more manageable. Eventually you’ll get it all done, even if you do just one drawer a day.
  3. Be realistic. Be honest with yourself about what you really use, what you’ll never use again, what really doesn’t fit anymore, etc. Your piece of mind is more important than your stuff.
  4. Get rid of what you don’t need. We all know we’re supposed to do this, but let’s be honest: we get attached to our stuff. Donating some of your old things may make it easier to part with them; it might help to know that someone else will get good use out of your things. If you really can’t part with something, but you also really never use it, store it away in a bin or box so it’s out of the way.
  5. Listen to music. Or a podcast, or anything that makes the time more enjoyable for you and makes you forget it’s a chore.
  6. Promise yourself a gift when you finish. Hey, we all need some motivation!
  7. Take pics. Don’t have the heart to throw out your kids’ artwork? I totally get it! Photograph them and create a digital gallery, then throw out the original.
  8. Ask for help. If you don’t think you can be objective about what you need to keep, ask a friend to work with you.
  9. Get the family involved. All members of a household are responsible in some way for the clutter that accumulates. Delegate the work and make it an ongoing project.
  10. Make some money. Collect the things you no longer use or need and sell them. Hold a yard sale, list them ebay, or take them to a consignment shop.

Once you get rid of the clutter you’ll see how much happier you are and how much better you’ll function. Oh, you’ll never be excited for housekeeping chores, but my tips will make it way easier for you to clean out the clutter. Go get started!

50% Off At Picture People

by Wanda on November 5, 2016


The holidays will be here before you know it, so it’s time to get moving! Book your photo session at Picture People and click here for your coupon to get 50% off a holiday package. Offer expires 12/31/16.