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11 Reasons To Chew Gum

by Wanda on February 15, 2017

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What if there was one thing that would help your memory, keep you alert, help control your weight, and improve your dental health, among other things? You’d want to know what that one thing was, wouldn’t you? Get ready, because when you hear what this thing is, it’s gonna blow your mind. Ready? It’s gum!

Yes, chewing gum- obviously the sugarless kind- it good for you in a whole bunch of ways! While many people consider chewing gum to be a bad habit, that all changes when there are health benefits involved, as long as you’re considerate and chew politely. Here are the ways that chewing gum is good for you:

  1. It helps concentration and memory: The act of chewing gum increases blood flow to the brain, which is important for focus and memory.
  2. It makes you alert: It’s that blood flow, again. And it’s also thought that chewing stimulates nerves and parts of the brain that make you feel awake. Chewing gum can give you a pick-me-up when you start to drag later in the day.
  3. It relieves stress and anxiety: Chewing gum lowers levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. It’s also a good substitute for other nervous habits like nail biting.
  4. It reduces acid reflux and indigestion: When you chew gum you produce more saliva, which helps with digestion.
  5. It’s good for your teeth: The extra saliva helps clean your teeth. Again, chew sugarless, obvs!
  6. It keeps your breath fresh: Chewing minty gum will make your mouth feel fresh, of course, but it’s not just the smell of the mint. Chewing gum helps kill odor causing bacteria in your mouth.
  7. It controls food cravings: In studies, people who chewed gum felt fewer cravings and decreased hunger.
  8. It can help control weight: Well, fewer cravings always helps, and gum has way fewer calories than regular snacks.
  9. It burns calories: Okay, it’s not like running a marathon, but you are moving, and every calorie counts!
  10. It can help you quit smoking: The physical act of chewing can help.
  11. It can relieve ear pain: When your ears feel like they’re going to explode on an airplane, chewing gum relieves the pressure. This is great when you’re traveling with kids.

Gum! Who would’ve thought? And gum is no great splurge financially, either, so go out, get a few packs, and chew away!


11Ways To Zap A Zit

by Wanda on February 12, 2017

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Why is it that when you have a huge zit on your face everyone feels it necessary to point it out to you? As if you hadn’t noticed it yourself. Wouldn’t it be great if  you could just wish it away? Maybe one day, but right now wishing won’t do you any good. But you’ll be happy to know that there are some things you can do to make it go away fast! Next time you’re plagued with a nasty pimple, try some of these interesting methods to zap a zit.

  1. Lemon juice: Dab some lemon juice directly on the blemish to help it dry out faster.
  2. Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil’s antibacterial properties will help kill the bacteria that caused the zit in the first place.
  3. Toothpaste: Sounds crazy, but it works! Dab a little toothpaste on it to help dry it out. Use regular white toothpaste- not gel.
  4. Honey: Honey also acts as an antibacterial, so dab some on and leave it for about 30 minutes before rinsing with warm water. Do this a few times a day to speed healing time.
  5. Papaya: The enzymes in papaya do the work for you. Apply papaya juice, leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse.
  6. Cucumber: Place cucumber slices on the pimple. This is also soothing.
  7. Eye drops: Use the kind for red eyes to help clear a pimple.
  8. Garlic: Cut a clove in half and rub onto the zit. Tolerate the smell for 5 minutes and rinse.
  9. Purell: The alcohol will dry it out.
  10. Apple cider vinegar: Make a mixture of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water, apply, and leave on for 15 minutes. Do this a few times a day.
  11. Sea salt: Stir 1 teaspoon sea salt into 2 teaspoons of water. Apply salt water with a Q-tip and do not rinse.

Some of these sound kind of crazy, but they do work!

Osh Kosh B’Gosh Coupon

by Wanda on February 9, 2017

MyShop coupon template (10) It’s time for some new clothes for your little ones. Click here for a coupon and get 20% off when you spend $40 or more at Osh Kosh B’Gosh! Coupon expires 2/28/17 and is valid in stores and online.

Fast Ways To Get Rid Of A Headache Naturally

by Wanda on February 8, 2017

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When I feel a headache coming on I reach for the Advil and within a half hour or so, the pain is usually a lot better. But I know that the medicine is only relieving the pain- not actually getting rid of the headache. And I also know that it’s always better to go the natural way- without drugs- so I’ve dug up some ways to get rid of a headache using other methods. Of course a little Advil or Tylenol now and then is fine, but it’s worth trying some natural headache cures before reaching for the pills.

  1. Drink water: Being dehydrated can give you a headache, so drink plenty of water throughout the day. When you feel a headache starting, drink a glass of water, and then keep sipping. If it’s from dehydration, you should start to feel better quickly.
  2. Coffee: For some reason, coffee can sometimes get rid of a headache, but know that caffeine can be dehydrating, so drink some water, too.
  3. Acupressure: Press on the webbed area between your thumb and forefinger for about a minute. Switch, and do this on the other hand next.
  4. Peppermint oil: Massage your temples with a little bit of peppermint oil.
  5. Lavender oil: Just inhaling this essential oil can provide relief. Pour 2 drops on a tissue or cotton ball and breathe in.
  6. Cold or hot compress: Depending on the type of headache you have, either hot or cold will feel better. Apply to your forehead and the back of your neck.
  7. Stretch your neck: Tension in your neck can cause a headache, so try some stretches: Slowly bring your ear to your shoulder and repeat on the other side. Also stretch up and down by bringing your chin up to the ceiling and down to your chest.
  8. Go for a walk outside: This might be the perfect thing when a headache strikes at work; fresh air and a break from the screen will do wonders.
  9. Check your hairstyle: Sounds crazy, but a too-tight ponytail or bun, or a squeezing headband, can cause pain.
  10. Eat an apple: Eating an apple can restore the acidic and alkaline balance in your body, which will help you feel better.