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The Art Of Small Talk

by Wanda on August 13, 2015


So… small talk. It seems like it comes really easily for some people while others have to rack their brains to think of something engaging to say and work really hard to keep the conversation going. It’s important to get comfortable with making small talk because it comes in handy in many life situations. start-conversation1 “So, how are you enjoying the weather?” If you’ve ever started a conversation with a line like that, I bet you wish you could think of something way more clever to say. But don’t be so hard on yourself- you’d be surprised to know that it’s actually not such a bad opener. Weather is a neutral topic that’s relevant to everyone, and by asking a question, you’re opening the door to conversation. Wait for the other person to answer and see if you can turn that into a back-and-forth. Ask questions that show you’re interested in what the other person has to say, but be careful not to turn it into an interrogation. You can join in with comments like “I know what you mean,” and “Yes, I feel like that, too,” which will help to establish a connection. Share a little about yourself, too, but don’t take over the conversation.


If you’re meeting someone new, say hello and introduce yourself right away.  Keep things on the light side- don’t bring up controversial or depressing topics, and do your best to avoid bringing negativity into the conversation. A compliment with a question is a great idea someone suggested to me once- something like “Those are great shoes, where did you get them?” Pretty clever, right? And it’s totally okay to prep; before a party or a meeting, get ready by thinking about topics you’ll be comfortable talking about, and think about things you would say to contribute to that conversation: books you’ve read, movies you’d like to see, things to do over the weekend. Think about things you might have in common with the other person, and you’ll be able to think of lots of things to say. If, for example, you’re with other moms waiting in line on Parent-Teacher Night there’s a whole lot you can easily discuss! And make sure that your body language signals that you’re friendly and interested in engaging with other people! Start with a warm smile and establish eye contact. Avoid crossing your arms and don’t stand too close. Just remember to keep your body relaxed and open and you’ll give off friendly vibes. These are the basic tips to making small talk, and you’ll find that, like everything else, the more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll get with it. So, seen any good movies lately?


Take A Vacation!

by Wanda on July 23, 2015


You’re a responsible person; I know you are! You work hard and do what you’re supposed to do. But did you know that one of the things you’re supposed to do is take a vacation? Yes, everyone needs a break- it’s important for your physical and mental health, and you’ll be better at everything once you’ve had a chance to recharge. Okay, I know that taking time off is not always possible and that vacations can be expensive, but with a little creativity, there are ways around that. If you’d like to go away, try traveling at off-peak times for better deals in hotels and airfare. Check with discount travel websites like Expedia and Kayak so that you can compare prices and choose the best deals out there. And make sure to read customer reviews- you might as well know what to expect before you spend your money. Another thing that I’ve learned is that it never hurts to find someone to talk to. If you’re booking a hotel, call the front desk and ask for upgrades or perks. Scoring free WiFi or an extra late check-out is actually pretty valuable. If you plan to fly, find out in advance exactly what your ticket covers so you won’t be surprised by extra charges for oversize luggage or snacks on the plane. Sometimes you can do really well when you book a vacation package, but do your part to make sure that it won’t be cheaper to book each part separately. suitcase-468445_1280   What do you do when getting away is not a possibility at all? Do your best to take some time off and enjoy a staycation! I actually love that word. We’re often so busy in our regular routines that we don’t ever get to enjoy the things that are always around us. And no packing, sleeping late and waking up in your own bed might even be the biggest luxury! Plan activities near you, or just relax at home, reading, watching a movie, or doing things you like to do that you never seem to have time for. Since you’re not spending money on travel, splurge and treat yourself to dinner at that new restaurant everyone’s been talking about. And if you have a strict budget you want to stick to, check your city’s website for free things to do- you’d be surprised how many things you can do that won’t cost you anything, but if what you want to do has a fee, you should also be able to find coupons for discounts for many events and activities. The most important thing is to get a break. Relax and enjoy yourself! legs-434918_1280

How To Be a Great Guest

by Wanda on July 14, 2015

4 A vacation home is on my wish list. Until then, the next best thing is friends who have vacation homes. Specifically, friends who are generous with their invitations. Invite me for a weekend away, and I’m there! luggage I’m pretty big on manners (ask my kids and watch them roll their eyes), and one of the things about which I am a real stickler is being a good guest. I feel that if your hosts have opened up their home to you, it’s up to you to show your appreciation and make them happy to have your company. Basically, that means keeping your things neat, following the house rules, being pleasant, and showing up with a gift for your hosts. I’m really big on the hostess gift; whenever I’m  invited somewhere I spend way more time than I should thinking about the best hostess gift to bring. Really, though, it’s just a token to express your thanks, and if your hosts are decent people they’ll appreciate the gesture. But since I’ve given this issue so much thought, I have lots of ideas I can share with you. Think about what’s most appropriate for the time of year, the type of visit, your hosts’s tastes, and your budget. Here are some of my typical choices:

  • You can’t go wrong with flowers. Flowers are good for every season and every budget. You can pick up a nice bouquet without spending too much, but you can also order an elaborate arrangement and go all out if  that’s the way you want to go.
  • A box of chocolate is also usually a pretty safe bet. After all, who doesn’t like getting a box of chocolate?hostess-gift-basket
  • Gift cards. Depending on how much you want to spend, you can treat your hosts to something they’ll enjoy.
  • Something nice for the house: here is where you might have to put some thought into the shopping, taking into consideration your host’s taste and decor, but again, it’s really the thought that counts, and if they hate it they can always exchange or pass it on to someone else.  You can go practical with a nice set of salad spoons or serving bowl, or just get something that looks pretty.
  • Homemade treats have a personal touch and are sure to be appreciated. Cookies, desserts, jams, and even your secret salad dressing are good choices. Flex your creative muscles with customized packaging.
  • A nice bottle of wine is my go-to when I can’t think of anything else. If I’m lucky, my hosts will share it with me!
  • Bring a fun game. It’s an idea that’s a little different and it’s a good activity for down-times during your visit.

Be a good guest, bring a nice gift, and you might just get invited back again! welcome

Smart Supermarket Shopping Tricks

by Wanda on July 6, 2015


It happens to the best of us. I’m all about smart shopping, and still, I sometimes find myself at the end of the supermarket checkout with a total that’s higher than I thought it would be. I make a list at home, and I try not to shop when I’m hungry because, as I’ve learned, that’s a sure way to come home with several bags of $7.00 gourmet chips, or more produce than I could possibly use before it starts to go bad. And I’m careful to check prices because sometimes what looks like a really good buy isn’t actually all that good. I am a careful and informed shopper, but supermarket marketers still sometimes get the better of me.


I’ll never forget the time I came home to unpack a container of banana chips. Banana chips! Who really buys banana chips, anyway? Um, I did, because when I was starving I thought they’d make a good snack. Or the time I bought half a year’s supply of pasta. True- it was on sale for a very good price, and pasta is basically a staple that doesn’t go bad. But I spent way more than I should have on that shopping trip. Not to mention the challenge of finding a good place to store all those boxes!


I have my tricks to help keep me in line and within budget, but since they don’t seem to be enough to get me the results I want, I figured I could learn someone else’s tricks and see how they help. I came across this fascinating post that lists 15 Money-Saving Ways To Outsmart Your Supermarket.  There are some really smart tips here, and I think they can help. Check them out for yourself and learn some tricks to help you outsmart your supermarket!

What’s For Dinner?

by Wanda on June 23, 2015



So, what’s for dinner at your house tonight? Did that question stress you out? I probably start thinking about dinner as soon as I get up in the morning, and then any time throughout the day when I feel the need to punish myself with a little shot of stress. There is, after all, a lot to think about: what ingredients do you have at home to create a meal so that you don’t have to go to the store…when do you have time to go to the store…what will everyone in the house eat so that you only have to make one meal…what would you have to buy…what did you eat last night…what did everyone eat for lunch…what would be really great to make so that you have leftovers you can pack for lunch tomorrow…how can you sneak the most nutrition into a meal picky eaters will eat… I could go on and on…

Today, though, is a lucky day for all of us! I opened an email to find a list of 31 meatball recipes that all sound amazing. I mean amazing fast, amazing easy, amazing inexpensive, amazing tasty, and amazing there’s something everyone would like in this list. The truth is that in my house meatballs is pretty much my go-to meal for all of those reasons, but I’m excited to try these variations on the same old same old. So now you’re set with a month’s worth of meatball recipes! Unless you’re vegan or vegetarian, in which case I offer my apologies and a promise for a post with my delicious lentil pasta sauce recipe. For the carnivores, here’s the list of 31 Easy Meatball Recipes for Quick-Fix Meals, so no more stressing about dinner!



Watermelon Keg!

by Wanda on June 16, 2015

Maybe I’m a nerd (never!) and this has been around for a while, but I just saw the coolest thing ever- a watermelon keg kit! Basically, you prep a watermelon, hollow it out, attach a spigot and then fill it with your party beverage of choice, preferably one that makes use of all that watermelon you just scooped out. It’s brilliant, and it’s a trick that will make your house the coolest place to party this summer!

I’ve done some homework, and found you some resources. The easiest way to make a watermelon keg is to buy the kit. and sell it for about $20. If you’re the DIY type who likes to hang out at the hardware store, you can try making your own with the instructions I found here or here.

I think watermelon beats all other fruit at summer parties, so what could be better than watermelon drinks in your watermelon keg? I rounded up some watermelon punch recipes to try. Some have alcohol, but you can definitely leave it out if you want to. You can find lots of recipes everywhere, and it would also be fun to experiment and come up with your favorite watermelon drinks. Here are the ones that sound the best to me:

I love the idea of the watermelon keg, but these drinks would still be delicious and refreshing served in a pitcher or punch bowl. I see a lot of watermelon scooping ahead of me this summer!


Pinterest Stress

by Wanda on June 1, 2015

As if life weren’t complicated enough, we now have “Pinterest stress” to worry about. “Pinterest stress” is what  happens when you realize other moms are more crafty than you are. You realize this when you look at what everyone else is pinning on Pinterest and wonder when you’ll have the time to make your own soap- before, or after, you install you newly planted windowsill herb garden? I just found this article on “Pinterest stress” and I have to share it because I loved it. Pinterest away, if that’s what makes you happy.


How To Buy Confidence

by Wanda on May 14, 2015

Yeah, right- as if you could buy confidence! Sure, you can buy a fancy car and other status symbols, but do they really give you confidence? Okay, maybe a little, but if it’s not coming from inside you, it’s not really…real. Real confidence is something you can work on yourself and it’s not about material objects- it’s about believing in yourself. Confidenceatwork

I’m all about believing in myself, but I have to admit that I have my moments. Life can be confusing and intimidating, and a little confidence and self-esteem go a long way in navigating our way through it. But who wants to just navigate her way through life? I want to rock it! I know I can, and so can you, because we are all going to give ourselves a confidence boost. Here’s how:

  • Pay attention to your appearance. There’s no way to sugarcoat this: when you look good you feel better. Keep yourself well-groomed and well-dressed and you will not only feel better about yourself, you will also project a positive and confident self-image to others. This will go a long way.
  • Watch your posture. Stand up straight and hold you head up. Slouching will make you look like you feel unimportant and will actually hurt your body.
  • Know your strengths. You know what you’re good at, so focus on your strengths and let yourself feel good about them. Use that good feeling to take you even further.
  • Step out of your comfort zone. Yes, focus on your strengths and accomplishments, but don’t get stuck there. Try something that scares you a little bit because that is how we grow. Set small goals for yourself and acquire more and more confidence as you master new things.
  • Count your successes. Pat yourself on the back every now and then! You deserve it and don’t let yourself believe otherwise.
  • Don’t try to be perfect; try to be the best you that you can be. Perfection is unattainable, and if that’s your goal, you will always feel like a failure. Instead, figure out how you can do your best and applaud yourself when you get there.
  • Accept praise and compliments. A confident person has no use for false modesty. There’s a difference between confidence and arrogance.
  • Repeat affirmations. Adopt a positive quote that speaks to you, or make up your own, and make sure to say it everyday.

You can do this. Now go and buy yourself some confidence!


Mother’s Day Gifts

by Wanda on May 7, 2015

How great are our mothers? So great that there’s a whole day dedicated to them, when we shower them with well-deserved cards, gifts, flowers, and special meals. Let’s stop a minute and think about the gifts that mothers give to their families. Like, for example, the gift of life. No biggie. How about those newborn sleepless night and dealing with crazy toddler tantrums? Our moms did all that, and while it’s easy to start to hate someone who robs you of your sleep and your sanity, no one loves us like our moms do.


Who else can soothe your physical and emotional boo-boos like your mom, sometimes making things feel better just by being there? There is probably no one on this earth who would make the sacrifices she would make for you. Really, who else would give you the last cookie without a fight? Mothers support and encourage our dreams, no matter how out-there they are, while at the same time, gently letting you know that maybe your dream is a little too out-there without hurting your feelings. Because she wants you to stay grounded. Then she’ll support you as you go on to the next dream because your mother believes in you like no one else does.

How about those special birthday parties, cooking your favorite meals, or any meals at all, for that matter. But its not just about food- our mothers feed us and nourish us in so many ways. Our moms chased away the monsters in our nightmares, and sometimes the ones in real life, too. Mothers are there to attend to their children’s basic and immediate needs, and to teach them to navigate this chaotic world. It can be tough out there, but thanks to Mom, you can handle it, and she had faith in you the whole time!

So when you give your mom her gift this Mother’s Day, be sure to thank her for the gifts she’s been giving you your whole life. Happy Mother’s Day!


Beautiful Or Average?

by Wanda on April 23, 2015

What is it with us women and our self images? Why do we always feel too fat, too short, too tall, too old, too young, or too…anything? Or not thin enough, not pretty enough, or not…anything enough. Why can’t we just love ourselves more? Of course I’m generalizing here; I know there are plenty of women who love who they are and how they look, and even if there are things they don’t love, at least they accept them and love themselves anyway.. You know who you are, and please accept my heart-felt high-5.

This is a fascinating video that  illustrates my point. Watch it and realize that you are beautiful!