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The Art Of Small Talk

by Wanda on August 13, 2015


So… small talk. It seems like it comes really easily for some people while others have to rack their brains to think of something engaging to say and work really hard to keep the conversation going. It’s important to get comfortable with making small talk because it comes in handy in many life situations. start-conversation1 “So, how are you enjoying the weather?” If you’ve ever started a conversation with a line like that, I bet you wish you could think of something way more clever to say. But don’t be so hard on yourself- you’d be surprised to know that it’s actually not such a bad opener. Weather is a neutral topic that’s relevant to everyone, and by asking a question, you’re opening the door to conversation. Wait for the other person to answer and see if you can turn that into a back-and-forth. Ask questions that show you’re interested in what the other person has to say, but be careful not to turn it into an interrogation. You can join in with comments like “I know what you mean,” and “Yes, I feel like that, too,” which will help to establish a connection. Share a little about yourself, too, but don’t take over the conversation.


If you’re meeting someone new, say hello and introduce yourself right away.  Keep things on the light side- don’t bring up controversial or depressing topics, and do your best to avoid bringing negativity into the conversation. A compliment with a question is a great idea someone suggested to me once- something like “Those are great shoes, where did you get them?” Pretty clever, right? And it’s totally okay to prep; before a party or a meeting, get ready by thinking about topics you’ll be comfortable talking about, and think about things you would say to contribute to that conversation: books you’ve read, movies you’d like to see, things to do over the weekend. Think about things you might have in common with the other person, and you’ll be able to think of lots of things to say. If, for example, you’re with other moms waiting in line on Parent-Teacher Night there’s a whole lot you can easily discuss! And make sure that your body language signals that you’re friendly and interested in engaging with other people! Start with a warm smile and establish eye contact. Avoid crossing your arms and don’t stand too close. Just remember to keep your body relaxed and open and you’ll give off friendly vibes. These are the basic tips to making small talk, and you’ll find that, like everything else, the more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll get with it. So, seen any good movies lately?


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