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Save 40% At Hobby Lobby

by Wanda on August 15, 2016

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Enjoy your crafting even more when you can save 40% on one item from Hobby Lobby. Click here for your Hobby Lobby coupon to use in-store or online. Coupon is valid through August 20, 2016.

How To Help Yourself Fall Asleep

by Wanda on August 14, 2016


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Okay, not everyone has this problem; in fact, most of the time I’m so tired that it’s hard to stay awake during the day. But from time to time I have a hard time falling asleep, and I know there are many people who have this problem pretty often. There are medicines that help with that, but they can have some scary side effects, and it’s always better to go the natural route. Here are some things to try to help you fall asleep:

  • Breathing. Focusing on your breathing clears your mind and helps you relax. Close your eyes and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  • Acupressure. Use your fingertips to apply pressure to the space on top of your nose between your eyebrows.
  • Get out of bed. Sometimes you need a break from trying to fall asleep, and staying in bed wide awake can get frustrating. Leave your bedroom and do something else for a few minutes.
  • Breathe through your left nostril. Lie on your left side and hold your right nostril closed while you breathe slowly and deeply. Doing this lowers your blood pressure and calms you down.
  • Sleep paradox. Close your eyes and tell yourself you have to stay awake. Your brain will rebel and you’ll start to feel sleepy.
  • Visualize relaxing. Picture yourself in your zen space. It really helps!
  • Roll your eyes. Close your eyes and roll them up and down, mimicking the movement of falling asleep. This may trigger the release of melatonin, a sleep hormone.
  • Comfortable sleep environment. Sleep in a cool, quiet, dark room. Wear comfortable sleep clothing and have comfortable bedding.
  • Turn off devices. Not only can your phone or computer be a source of stress, but the light emitted by electronics stimulate your brain, making it even harder to fall asleep.

Next time you find yourself counting endless sheep (and fyi, there are lots of people who swear this works), give some of these tricks a chance and see how they work for you. Sweet dreams!

Free Guest Pass To Crunch Gym

by Wanda on August 12, 2016

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Joining the right gym will help you stay motivated to work out, so it’s important to try it out first. Click here to get your FREE 1-day guest pass to Crunch gym and start your exercise routine!

10 Brilliant Ways To Use An Ice Cube Tray

by Wanda on August 10, 2016

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Ice cube trays are one of the most inexpensive things you can buy, and yet, there’s so much that they can do for you! Of course, ice cube trays are great for making ice, but they may also be the hardest working tool in your kitchen! Check out these brilliant ways you can use the humble ice cube tray.

  1. Coffee ice cubes. Never have a watered down iced coffee again! Freeze leftover coffee (or brew a pot just for freezing) in ice cube trays and use them to help chill your iced coffee. You can also do this with tea or juice.
  2. Tomato paste. Most recipes use less than a whole can of tomato paste, so what do you do with what’s left in the can? You freeze it in ice cube trays and you’re always ready with a pre-measured tablespoon of tomato paste the next time you need it.
  3. Baby food. Lots of us like to make our own baby food; it’s cheaper and you know exactly what’s in it. But it’s a lot of work to do every day! Make a batch of baby food and freeze in ice cube trays. Defrost a couple of cubes when you need them.
  4. Home-made pesto. Fresh pesto is delicious, but it’s a really big job you might not be up for every time you have a craving. Next time you make pesto, freeze some in the trays and you’ll have individual portions ready when the craving hits.
  5. Wine. If it should happen that you have wine you can’t finish, just freeze it. Pop out a cube or two to to add flavor to your cooking when you don’t feel like opening a whole bottle just for a few tablespoons. Use frozen wine cubes in sangria or to chill a glass of wine in the summer.
  6. Paint palette. Keep things neat when the kids are painting by using each compartment for a different color.
  7. Fruit ice cubes. Add lemon or lime wedges, or berries, when you make ice cubes to add flavor, color, and a special touch to an ordinary glass of water. Also takes your cocktails to another level!
  8. Cookie dough. I love this one! By freezing cookie dough in ice cube trays you can always have a freshly baked cookie. This is great way to practice portion control!
  9. Jello shots. Chill in ice cube trays and pop them out to serve.
  10. Yogurt. If your yogurt is near it’s use-by date before you can eat it, freezing it in ice cube trays to use in smoothies saves it from going in the garbage.

Once these foods are frozen, pop them out and store in freezer ziploc bags to keep them fresh, have more room in the freezer, and use those trays to freeze the next best thing!

40% Off Coupon At Michael’s

by Wanda on August 8, 2016

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Michael’s has the most amazing supplies for all your crafting and DIY projects! Click here and enter your zip code to get coupons for 40% off one regular priced item, plus other great deals, at a Michael’s store in your area. These Michael’s coupons expire 7/13/16, so hurry in!

Home Remedies For Insect Bites

by Wanda on August 7, 2016

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It was a lovely summer evening. The crickets were chirping, the air was warm but fragrant with seasonal flowery aromas. It was a night of good friends and good food- everyone was having a good time enjoying the outdoors. Until… those mosquitoes came to join the party! No one invited them but they took over and ruined our night. And instead of remembering the good time we were having before the bugs came, all that lingered from that night was the terrible itching! The itching from insect bites is pure agony, and it’s almost impossible not to give in and scratch, which will only make it itch more and opens the possibility for infections. What you need to do is stop the itch in its tracks. Here are some surprising things that will help.

  1. Cold tea bag. Wet and chill a tea bag and place it on the bite. The cold will help numb your skin and the tea will soothe the itch.
  2. Cold aloe vera.
  3. Rubbing alcohol. Hand sanitizer will work, too.
  4. Preparation H. Yes, the hemorhoid treatment. It helps with inflammation and swelling.
  5. Listerine. The menthol cools the skin, and the alcohol reduces itching.
  6. Essential oils. Try tea tree, lavender, or coconut. Tea tree oil also acts as an antibacterial.
  7. Toothpaste. Also reduces swelling.
  8. Basil leaves. Crush a few and apply to your skin.
  9. Oatmeal. Make a paste and apply to itchy area.
  10. Ice pack. It will numb your skin temporarily.
  11. Baking soda. Make a paste with a little water and dab it on.
  12. Lemon or lime juice.
  13. Banana peel. Apply the inside of the peel to your skin to draw out the itch.
  14. Honey. Honey is soothing and anti-macrobial, so it will help prevent infection.

Sounds a little weird, I know, but when you’re desperate, you’re desperate. And by using things you likely already have in the house, you can save the money you’d spend on insect bite products. You might want to spend it on mosquito netting for your next outdoor gathering!