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Join A Book Club!

by Wanda on January 6, 2016

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New Year’s resolutions are on everyone’s mind these days, and it seems to me like most of them are about losing weight and exercising more. I get it- most of us are always trying to lose a few pounds, and what better time than the new year for a fresh start? There are two other things I want to try to be on top of this year, and they are: 1) make time to do things for myself, and 2) learn new things.

And I have the perfect way to check off both of those resolutions: join a book club! Book clubs are really popular now, and have been for a while. If you’re already a member of one, you probably know how awesome they are. If you’re not in a book club yet, or if you’re a little skeptical, read on to see why so many people love their book clubs.

  • A book club makes a wonderful social outlet. You’ll meet interesting people and make new friends. Most book clubs meet once a month, and it’s nice to look forward to getting together on a regular basis. And no matter how intellectual your group is, book club meetings inevitably run to casual chit-chat at some point. We can all use an opportunity to relax and enjoy ourselves. And there are usually snacks…
  • You’ll read books you might not have picked out for yourself. It’s a great way to explore new things and broaden your horizons. You probably reach for the same type of book or the same authors over and over, and that’s fine, but you might find that you really enjoy books that you never would have thought of reading on your own.
  • Sometimes you really want to discuss a book you’ve read. Did you ever read a book you just had to talk about? In a book club everyone is reading the same book specifically for the purpose of talking it out. Reading a book becomes a richer experience with a meaningful discussion. You can sit back and absorb what the other members contribute to the conversation, or take the chance to express yourself.
  • You learn things. Everyone knows that reading is a great way to learn new things, and it’s not limited to text books! (Thank goodness!) A novel can teach you about new cultures and explore issues that you don’t come across in your daily life. And you’ll learn interesting points of view from your fellow members during your book discussion. Learning all your life helps keep you interesting, plus it’s essential for brain health.
  • It’s free entertainment. Think about it- you can borrow or download a book for free from the library, and there’s no admission fee to a night out with friends! Sounds like a pretty good deal to me! There is usually a rotation of hosting duties, so you’ll probably have to set out some snacks and drinks once every few months, but with some planning, you can host a nice get-together and still stick to a budget. And speaking of learning- you could learn some delicious new recipes from other members’ spreads.

To join or start a book club, check on community boards, local bookstores, or ask your librarian. You can also just mention it to some friends and spread the word. And keep in mind that a group made up of people who are all alike might not make the best book club; it’s good to hang around and talk with people who are about your age, in a similar stage of life, and like minded, but for a really great book club it’s better to have a mix. It makes it way more interesting! And I just thought of something else that’s great about book clubs: setting a good example for your kids. Seeing you get excited about reading will show them reading is cool!

Are you in a book club? Let us know what you’re reading!

Culturelle Probiotic Coupon

by Wanda on January 4, 2016

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Probiotics are important to help strengthen your immune system and promote digestive health, and Culturelle is one of the top doctor recommended brands. Click here for a $2 coupon for new Culturelle Advanced Immune Defense and try it out.

You Are Fabulous! Happy New Year!

by Wanda on December 30, 2015

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Let’s talk a little bit about New Year’s resolutions. The concept is understandable; life is all about growing, and what better time to take stock and make plans than the beginning of a new year? But what if, looking back, 2015 turned out to be less than you expected it to be? What if you didn’t make as much money as you planned to, didn’t lose as much weight, didn’t learn a new language? Well, don’t beat up on yourself- that’s all way in the past! It’s a  new year, and a new opportunity to try and reach those goals again. Sounds like a plan! Or maybe not…

The promise of a new year gets us all swept up in the idea of “new year, new you,” and we get inspired to create the “new and improved” versions of ourselves. Here’s an interesting table on New Year’s resolution statistics. Take a look and see which are the most popular and how many people actually follow through. You won’t be surprised at the rate of success in sticking to them. So how about trying something different this year? Don’t get me wrong- I’m all for growing and improving, I’m just saying to make resolutions with the right attitude. If you make a long list of things you think you want to do, there’s a good chance you’ll get overwhelmed and do nothing. If you create goals that are not realistic you are setting yourself up for failure. You’re not a failure and you shouldn’t be made to feel like one just because you think you should be doing something different. Stop for a minute before you write that list and think about whether those goals are really things that you want to accomplish and not just things that society and the media make you think should want to accomplish?

So this year, free yourself from the expectations you think you should have. Make those resolutions, but think about yourself in a positive way. You are not too fat, too dumb, too irresponsible or disorganized! You are you and you are fabulous! You might decide there are a few challenges you want to tackle to help you be your most fabulous self. So accept that nobody’s perfect and that you will do your best to meet your goals- and not someone else’s. Do things like exercise and eat healthy because it will make you feel good about you and not because you’re worthless if you don’t. And if you have a hard time getting started, that’s okay, because making changes is hard. Once you can accept that and the fact that change doesn’t happen overnight, you will have freed yourself from the pressure and disappointment of setting unattainable goals. And stay positive; maybe you didn’t lose 20 pounds, but you lost 5! That is also an accomplishment and because you did it you are a successful and productive person. Be yourself and love yourself! Happy New Year!!