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12 Morning Hacks For A Great Day

by Wanda on March 12, 2017

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As far as I;m concerned, mornings suck! My ideal wake-up time is somewhere around 10 AM and I’d rather not rush. Sounds good, but unfortunately, it’s not my reality, so I think it’s time to up my morning game. Anyone else in the same boat? Here are some ways to make mornings as productive and painless as possible :

  1. Don’t hit the snooze button. If you just can’t help yourself keep the clock where you can’t reach it from your bed so you’ll have to get up to shut it off.
  2. Exercise. It doesn’t have to be a heavy-duty, long workout; whatever you can manage is fine. Exercise in the morning will boost your metabolism and energy for the day.
  3. Wake up to natural light. Open the shades so your brain knows it’s morning.
  4. Smile. Believe me, I know how hard it is to smile in the morning! Do it anyway, even if you have to fake it. Smiling releases endorphins- the hormones that make you happy, and smiling will give you a positive start to the day.
  5. Prepare what you need the night before. Plan your outfit, pack your lunch, and do anything you can to make it easier for you to get ready in the morning.
  6. Make your bed. A neat room really makes a difference and makes you more motivated to start your day.
  7. Make a to-do list. If you know what you have going on you can plan your day and be organized.
  8. Eat a nutritious breakfast. Make sure to eat protein and healthy fat to power your brain and your body.
  9. Have a routine. Following a routine helps things run smoothly, but be flexible.
  10. Prepare your daily dose. Fill a weekly pill box with your vitamins and medications for each day to save time in the morning.
  11. Don’t look at your phone. Stay away from your phone until you’re all dressed to avoid distractions.
  12. Give yourself enough time. Know how much time you need for everything you have to do in the morning, including showering, dressing, and travel, so you won’t feel rushed or stressed.

Nothing too crazy here and it all makes sense. I’ll never be a morning person, but these tips will make my mornings a lot easier!

10 Reasons Chocolate Is Good For You!

by Wanda on March 8, 2017

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I truly believe that chocolate is a form of happiness. Who agrees with that? Chocolate tastes good, and eating chocolate makes you feel good… until the guilt kicks in. Chocolate is a kind of candy, after all, and we all know that candy isn’t good for us. Well, that’s why chocolate is different; chocolate actually is good for you! For real- chocolate has physical and emotional health benefits, so now you can indulge without guilt!

  1. It’s good for your heart: Chocolate contains compounds that help prevent heart disease.
  2. It can lower your risk of stroke.
  3. It has antioxidants: The antioxidants in chocolate help with many things, including vision.
  4. It’s packed with minerals: Chocolate is a good source of important minerals like potassium, zinc, selenium, and iron.
  5. It helps regulate your cholesterol: Eating chocolate can lower your “bad” cholesterol and raise levels of the “good” cholesterol.
  6. It protects your skin: You still need to wear sunblock, but eating chocolate can help protect your skin form sun damage.
  7. It puts you in a good mood: Yeah, you already knew that! Eating chocolate activates the brain chemicals that make you feel good.
  8. It can help control your appetite: Eating a little bit of chocolate before a meal can help you feel satisfied sooner and prevent overeating.
  9. It lowers stress: You already knew that, too, didn’t you? That’s because eating chocolate lowers levels of stress hormones.
  10. It gives you a brain boost: Eating chocolate can help you focus and feel energized.

As if you needed any encouragement to eat chocolate! Just remember: even with all the good stuff it has going for it, chocolate is still high in fat and sugar, so enjoy it, but indulge in moderation.

$25 Off At Lane Bryant

by Wanda on March 6, 2017


Size shouldn’t be a factor when it comes to fashion, and it isn’t at Lane Bryant. Click here for your coupon and get $25 off your purchase of $75 or more, $50 off your purchase of $150 or more, or $75 off your purchase of $225 or more! Coupon expires 4/2/17.

How To Teach Your Kids Good Manners

by Wanda on March 5, 2017

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Good manners will get you far. One of the most important responsibilities we have as parents is to give our kids the best chances they can get, and that includes teaching them manners- an essential tool for success. As all parents know, dealing with kids can be hard, and teaching life lessons doesn’t always work like clockwork. What sounds easy on paper, or on a blog, doesn’t always go so smoothly in real life, but what we learn when we’re young stays with us. So since a polite kid will grow into a polite adult, it’s important to put in the effort and raise our kids to be polite. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Set a good example: Pretty obvious, right? Teach your kids that it’s important to say “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me,” and then show them how it’s done in real life. The same goes for polite and appropriate behavior.
  2. Be respectful: Treat everyone with respect, even your kids.
  3. Be consistent:
  4. Teach them to express gratitude: While it might be old-fashioned, writing thank you notes for gifts is not out of date. Birthday presents, Christmas presents, and all other gifts should be followed with a short note, phone call, or email.
  5. No interruptions: Teach kids to politely say “excuse me” if they want your attention when you’re on the phone, or otherwise busy.
  6. Table manners: Kids should know how to use utensils and napkins, not to talk with their mouths full, to clear their plates when they’re finished eating, and to ask to be excused from the table.
  7. Apologies: Knowing how to apologize is extremely important. Teach kids to say “I’m sorry” and to let the other person know they mean it.
  8. Prepare for specific situations: Talk about an occasion or situation that you have coming up, like a play date, or a visit to Grandma’s house, and discuss what behavior is expected.
  9. Praise good behavior: We all like recognition for a job well done, and a little bit of positive reinforcement goes a long way. Saying something like “It was so nice of you to hold the door open” will make your child feel really great.

Of course you and your kids will still have your moments. There will still be tantrums and refusals to say “thank you,” but if they know the fundamentals of good manners, those blips will happen less and less often.

Half Off Shakes At Sonic

by Wanda on March 3, 2017

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Now you know just what to do when your evening sweet craving hits: go to Sonic for 1/2 price shakes and Ice Cream Slushes! This offer is available every night starting at 8PM. This offer might not be around for long, so get in on it now! Click here for details.