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12 Ways To Use Cheap Vodka

by Wanda on September 4, 2016

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Bet you didn’t know drinking isn’t the only thing you can do with vodka! Of course you can always drink it straight, or use it as an ingredient in cocktails, but there are also some pretty cool ways you can use vodka around the house.

  1. Remove odors. Spray vodka on garments to remove odors instead of sending to the dry cleaner.
  2. Remove sticker goo. Don’t you hate sticker goo that doesn’t come off? Douse it with vodka and wipe it away.
  3. Mouthwash. Make your own by mixing a few drops of cinnamon or peppermint oil into some vodka. Let it sit for two weeks and then it’s ready to use!
  4. Keep fresh flowers longer. Add one teaspoon each of vodka and sugar to the water. Sugar gives the flowers nutrients and the alcohol in the vodka kills bacteria.
  5. Make a flaky pie crust. Instead of ice water use ice cold vodka. When it bakes more water will be evaporated, resulting in a flakier crust.
  6. Window cleaner. Dilute vodka with water in a spray bottle and use it for a streak free shine on your windows.
  7. Ice pack. Combine equal parts vodka and water in a zip top back and freeze. The vodka will keep it from freezing completely and you’ll have a slushy ice pack that you can use over again.
  8. Hand sanitizer. The alcohol kills germs.
  9. Infuse. Add flavor by adding ingredient to make it interesting. Read this for instructions and inspiration.
  10. Cure poison ivy. Pour directly on skin to rinse away the chemical that causes it to itch.
  11. Smelly feet. Get rid of the stink by soaking feet in vodka for a few minutes, then drying. You can also spray in shoes to deodorize.
  12. Insect repellent. Spray it on skin to keep bugs away. You can add some lavender oil for a smell you’ll enjoy but that bugs hate.

Don’t you love multi-tasking products? And now you’ll know how to use that cheap bottle of vodka you got as a gift during the holidays!



11 Smart Back To School Hacks

by Wanda on August 31, 2016

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All good things must come to an end, and right now that’s true of summer. Which inevitably involves back to school trauma. Yes, I used the word “trauma,” because even if you’ve been waiting all summer for your kids to be busy out of the house most of the day, getting them back to school still always seems to be an ordeal. Getting the kids back to school and getting the whole family back into the routine is hard, and that’s probably not going to change. But we owe it to ourselves to make it as easy as possible, so here are some hacks that can help:

  1. Create a schedule with your kids. Work with your kids to make a schedule for wake-up time, homework time, bedtime, and anything else that has to be worked into the school day. Having the kids be a part of the planning gives them some control over their schedules and keeps you from being the bad guy who has to enforce everything.
  2. Break in new shoes. Have the kids wear shoes with thick socks and use a hair dryer to heat up the tight spots. This will help stretch them and avoid blisters.
  3. Keep buttons on shirts. OMG, is there anything worse than a button falling off a shirt on a busy morning? Apply a coat of clear nail polish over buttons and they’ll stay on.
  4. Get the right supplies. If you haven’t gotten a list from your child’s teacher, consult online supplies lists that are organized by grade.
  5. Keep lunches hot. I love this one! If you’re worried about food staying hot until lunchtime, try this trick: fill a Thermos with almost boiling water and cover it. Leave it for a few minutes (you can heat up the food or serve breakfast in this time), then spill out the water and fill with lunch.
  6. Keep lunches cold. To keep the contents of sandwiches cool and fresh until lunch, make the sandwiches on frozen bread. The bread will thaw by lunchtime and the inside will be perfect.
  7. DIY ice packs. Soak sponges in water, seal in ziploc bags, and freeze. These make great ice packs for lunchboxes because as they melt the water gets reabsorbed by the sponge and everything stays neat. Refreeze and use again!
  8. Avoid hair accessory drama. Store hair ties and clips in sectioned craft boxes and everything’s always neat, which makes mornings a whole lot easier!
  9. Color code each child. To stay organized, each child has his or her own color. Use stickers on lunchboxes, notebooks, backpacks, etc, and avoid mixups.
  10. Kiss up to the teacher. I’ll admit, this might be cheap, but it never hurts. Send in extra supplies, write a nice note, or anything that makes the teacher feel appreciated, and score points for your child.
  11. Keep your kids healthy. Make sure they know how to properly wash their hands, and forbid sharing of brushes or hats to avoid lice.

Transition is never easy, but do what you can to help yourself a little, and it will all go a little more smoothly. Good luck!

Aveda Invati Thinning Hair Treatment

by Wanda on August 30, 2016

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Don’t just accept thinning hair! Click here for a coupon for a FREE sample pack of Aveda Invati 3-step system. This sample includes exfoliating shampoo, thickening conditioner, and scalp revitalizer! Coupon expires 1/31/17.

10 Fun And Free Things To Do With Your Friends

by Wanda on August 28, 2016

MyShop blog template (60) Hanging out with friends is important. We are, after all, social beings, and spending time with friends is a great way to unwind and enjoy yourself. Sometimes just sitting around drinking coffee (or wine) is all you need to have fun with your bestie, but then there are times when you want an activity to do together. The problem is that neither of you wants to shell out too much money to have fun. Since you always have a good time together you’ll enjoy anything you do, and there are plenty of fun things you can do for free! Here are 10 ideas:

  1. Potluck dinner. You don’t want to spend the money on a restaurant but you can still enjoy a special meal together. Choose a theme to give it a fun spin.
  2. Dance party. Crank up your own playlist and just dance, dance, dance! Or find some videos on YouTube and learn some new moves together.
  3. Go for a bike ride. Good opportunity for exercise, too!
  4. Join a book club. Most book clubs meet once or twice a month, so you know you’ll see each other at least that often.
  5. Movie marathon. Or bring out the popcorn and binge watch a series together.
  6. Craft party. Get together and go through your Pinterest boards. Then actually make something.
  7. Host a yard sale. Pool together all the stuff you no longer want and make some money in the bargain!
  8. Clothing swap. Clean out your closet and get some new clothes for free.
  9. Volunteer together. Spend time together helping others.
  10. Free day at the museum.

Try these free activities and you’ll see that you don’t have to spend money to have a good time with good friends.