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How To Look Great In Pictures

by Wanda on October 28, 2015

myshopdiscounts look great in pictures There’s nothing like red carpet photos of celebrities looking all polished and glam to make me feel bad about myself. I know most of them don’t roll out of bed looking that way, but still… I don’t have a team of stylists and makeup artists in my back pocket making sure I look great every time a friend snaps my pic and posts it somewhere that everyone can see. My typical reaction to seeing myself in a picture is to groan. Anyone else do this? But guess what? It’s not just the designer clothes and perfect makeup application that make those red carpet shots look so good. And professional photographers. Those don’t hurt, either, but it turns out that there are actually some tricks that anyone can learn for how to look great in pictures! Here are some tips to make you look great the next time someone tells you to say “cheese”:

  • Don’t you hate when you’re snapped mid-blink? To avoid that, close your eyes before the picture is taken and open them slowly right before the click.
  • To make your face look thinner put your face slightly forward and tip your chin down just a bit. You might feel a little awkward, but you’ll look really great in the photo!
  • Have some makeup basics down: Concealer that’s too light will make you look ghostly, so make sure that you wear the right shade. Bright lipsticks photograph better than darker shades, and never forget mascara! It will open up your eyes and make them twinkle.
  • Eliminate shine from your face. In a pinch, you can always blot with a tissue.
  • Do not say “cheese!” Smile with your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your teeth for a more natural, less goofy look. Holding your tongue this way will also do flattering things to your face.
  • Did you ever notice that everyone seems to stand the same way on those red carpet shots? Standing the right way can make you look slim and confident. Try it yourself! Face the camera at a 3/4 angle and slightly twist your torso (shoulders forward). Put one foot in front of the other with your weight on your back foot and your front toe pointed towards the camera.
  • It’s way more flattering to be shot from above than from below, so get your photographer a chair to stand on if you’re taller.
  • Props add personality and help you look relaxed.
  • Avoid harsh direct lighting.
  • Look at pics of yourself that you like and see what’s good about them. Do you have a more flattering side? A pose that makes you look good? A color that brings out your best look? Keep doing those things in all your pics.
  • Definitely take advantage of filters! Why not manipulate things so that you appear in your best light?

We ordinary people no longer have to fear the photo! Follow these tips and you’ll look like you’re posing on the red carpet in every shot!

Boston Market Dessert Coupon

by Wanda on October 27, 2015

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End a delicious meal with a delicious treat! Get a free individual dessert with the purchase of an individual meal with this Boston Market dessert coupon. Click here for the coupon you need to present at any Boston Market location to claim your free dessert. Offer expires November 9, 2105.

Hair Care BOGO Coupon

by Wanda on October 26, 2015

MyShop coupon template women

Keep your hair looking full and youthful no matter your age with Roux Anti-Aging Hair Care. When you enter to win a designer handbag you’ll get shampoo and conditioner samples and a hair care BOGO coupon for Roux Anti-Aging Hair Care products at Sally Beauty. Click here for more details.

National Make A Difference Day

by Wanda on October 23, 2015

MyShopDiscounts national make a difference day

Tomorrow- Saturday, October 24- is National Make A Difference Day, a day that is dedicated to improving the lives of others. It was started 24 years ago and is the largest national day of community service. Here is a link to their page, where you can read more about it and find a volunteer project to work on in your area.

Because I really do believe that kindness makes the world go round, I love the idea that is specifically set aside to help others, but I also think that this is something that should happen every day. And I’m not even talking about hours of volunteer work- small and random acts of kindness go a long way. I’d like to share an experience I had that really made an impression on me.

One cold, dark morning I walked into Starbucks, in desperate need of a warm jolt of caffeine. Just being enveloped in the aroma of a Starbucks is enough to get me salivating but this morning it was especially urgent. I placed my order with the barista and swiped at my phone to pay, when, as my luck would have it, I couldn’t get my Starbucks app to work! I know, I know- First World Problems! It wasn’t the end of the world, of course- just mildly inconvenient to have to dig through my very full bag and locate my wallet. And then the saintly woman behind me said “I’ll pay for her coffee.”  heart-601534_1920

Wow! How many people do things like that? I offered to pay her back in cash but she refused, saying that it makes her happy to do something nice for someone else. So I thanked her (profusely, of course!), and went about my day. It wasn’t such a big deal; it was just a cup of coffee, but thinking about the generosity of a stranger kept me on a slight high throughout the day! (Okay, I’m sure the Venti Americano helped a bit, too.) More than that, though, it really inspired me.

I’m a pretty nice person. I just don’t know if my instinct would have told me to pay for the coffee drinker in front of me if her app didn’t work. Now I see things differently. A few days later I had just parked my car and was about to start on my errands when a woman with a baby came out of the car parked next to mine. “Excuse me!” she called out, trying to get my attention. She needed change for the parking meter and wanted to know if she could give me nickels and dimes in exchange for quarters. I gave her what she needed but when she counted her coins, she was a little short. She offered to go into the nearest store to get change to pay me back. It was cold, and she was out with her baby – she didn’t need to be going in and out of stores scrambling for change. I told her to keep the quarters and forget about my change. She looked at me like I had given her a thousand dollars and said “Really? Are you sure?”

Kind of like how I reacted when the woman in Starbucks offered to pay for my coffee. And ultimately, that mom has my coffee gifter to thank for those parking quarters because it was her small kindness that inspired me to help someone else pay for her parking. Hopefully my little gift to her carried her through the day and inspired her to pay it forward. Take National Make A Difference Day to heart and do what you can to help someone out. I can tell you that a little bit goes a long way.