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Find Your Dream Home

by Wanda on November 18, 2015

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So… real life. Real life is dealing with work, family, bills… you know- real life! There are good parts and not so good parts in everyone’s life, and hopefully it all works out for the best. What about dreaming? There are things we all dream about even though we know they might never happen, and I think that’s healthy. First of all, if you keep dreaming, who knows? Sometimes dreams do come true! And dreaming can be a good escape from the not so great parts of real life- a kind of mini-vacation. So I say: dream away!

Going through my inbox the other day I came across a quiz entitled “What Type of House Should You Really Be Living In?” Well, I believe I should be living in a huge beach house (certainly not my reality), so I had to take the quiz and see if the results match what I think is my dream home. I have to say I was surprised with the answer I got and I’ve got a lot of soul searching to do. Just kidding! It was fun and I’m passing it on to you! Take the quiz here and find out which type of home is your real dream house.

Free Photo Ornament

by Wanda on November 16, 2015

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A photo ornament is such a great personal touch for the holiday decorating. Click here for the coupon code from Shutterfly and design your own special free photo ornament.

8 Fun Ways To Enjoy Cereal

by Wanda on November 15, 2015

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Who decided that cereal and milk are just for breakfast? I actually prefer my cereal without milk (which for some reason people think is really strange) and I don’t think it should be limited to breakfast. A bowl of cereal- with or without milk- is the perfect snack at any time of the day, and in a pinch, it makes a pretty decent lunch or dinner, too. But there are so many other yummy and creative ways to enjoy cereal!

Check out these suggestions:

  1. As a topping for ice cream and yogurt. This is not to say that ice cream and yogurt are not delicious on their own, but sprinkling on some cereal just takes it to the next level! You can even get fancy with this by layering the yogurt and cereal and adding some fruit.
  2. As a crunchy topping for oatmeal. Oatmeal is good for you, it’s filling, and it’s cozy on a cold morning. But let’s be honest; mushy cereal is not for everyone. If you’re not an oatmeal person, try add some crunch with your favorite cereal sprinkled over the top- it’s a game-changer!
  3. Baked into your favorite cookie recipe. Gently mix the cereal of your choice into the cookie batter before baking.
  4. As a cupcake topping. Cupcakes are hot right now, but yours will be extra special with some cereal sprinkled over the frosting.
  5. Rice Krispies Treats. This is a classic cereal snack! Get the original recipe here.
  6. Chocolate-Cereal Snacks. I don’t have an exact recipe for this because you don’t need one. Just melt some chocolate in the microwave or over a double boiler and mix in some cereal. Drop spoonfuls onto a cookie sheet to cool until they harden (if you can wait!) and enjoy! You can use any cereal for this; my fave is Corn Flakes.
  7. In place of bread crumbs. Lightly crush cereal and use in place of breadcrumbs to coat chicken or fish, or to top a casserole. You can also use crushed cereal as a binder for meatballs, meatloaf, or croquettes.
  8. As a tart or pie crust and topping. Use crushed cereal instead of graham cracker crusts or regular pie crusts. It’s so much more interesting and you can customize your pie by creating a crust to complement the type of pie you’re making.

Try these new ways to enjoy cereal and I’m pretty sure you’ll love them! Comment with creative ways you eat cereal.

Colgate Coupons

by Wanda on November 12, 2015

MyShop coupon template toothbrush Oral care is important to your overall health, and Colgate can help you keep in top shape. Click here for money saving coupons for lots of Colgate products.

Happy National Sundae Day!

by Wanda on November 11, 2015

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November 11 is Veterans Day, an important day to honor those who put their lives on the line to keep ours safe. It’s also National Sundae Day, which means we can honor our veterans with ice cream! After all, the ice cream sundae is an authentic American dessert.

I know you know what a sundae is, but let’s get technical for a moment. A sundae typically has one or more scoops of ice cream with a syrup or sauce. It can also have other toppings like fruit, nuts, whipped cream, sprinkles, or anything else you can think of. The classic ice cream sundae is made with vanilla ice cream, topped with a flavored sauce, whipped cream, and a maraschino cherry. Nothing wrong with that, but one of the best things about sundaes is that you can change them up any way you like! Use more than one flavor of ice cream, and any assortment of syrups and toppings that you want, and it’s still a sundae. Of course you’ll want to celebrate this important day, so here are some sundae combos you might want to try or use as inspiration to create your own:

Peppermint Hot Fudge Sundae

S’mores Sundae

Peanut Butter And Banana Sundae

Popcorn Crunch Sundae

Chocolate Chip Caramel Sundae

Before you go enjoy your most amazing sundae ever, here are some fun facts about sundaes. Because fun facts are… fun!

  • The most expensive sundae ever cost $1000.
  • Americans are the number 1 consumers of ice cream.
  • It takes 12 gallons of milk to make one gallon of ice cream.
  • About 9% of milk produced by American dairy farmers is used for ice cream.