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7 Ways Popcorn is Good for You

by Wanda on February 7, 2016

ways popcorn is good for you healthy myshopdiscounts blog

You probably think popcorn is one of the snacks you’ll have to give up if  you’re trying to eat smarter and watch your weight, right? Well, not so fast! Popcorn is good for you! You still can’t work your way through a super-size tub at the movie theater, and you can’t drown it in butter, but popcorn is a really smart snack choice. Here are just 7 ways popcorn is good for you:

      • It’s full of antioxidants- even more that a serving a fruit!
      • It’s a great source of iron, potassium, and vitamins B and E.
      • Popcorn has lots of fiber.
      • It has a low GI- glycemic index- which means it helps keep your blood sugar stable.
      • It’s considered a whole grain and has all those benefits.
      • It’s relatively inexpensive, so also good for your budget.
      • Popcorn is a good source of serotonin, a relaxing mood-booster. And you thought it was just the satisfying crunch and delicious taste that made you happy!

Microwave popcorn is very convenient, but often has too much fat, salt, and other processed ingredients. Instead, try some other alternatives for making popcorn at home. You can make it in an air popper for a fat-free, sodium-free snack, but let’s be honest: that doesn’t really have a whole lot of flavor. Instead, try making it the old fashioned way – in a pot with some canola oil. Here’s how:

  1. Heat a thin layer of oil in a large pot and add 3 or 4 popcorn kernels.
  2. Cover and shake the pot occasionally
  3. When the kernels start to pop, add the rest of the popcorn – enough to cover the bottom of the pot in one layer.
  4. Keep shaking the pot, keeping the lid open slightly to allow steam to escape until all the kernels are popped.
  5. Transfer to a bowl and add sea salt to taste.

Popcorn is so good as it is, but it also does very well with a little pizzazz. Click for 30 healthy ways to spice up your popcorn. Next time you’re craving a crunchy snack, go for popcorn instead of chips and tell yourself that it’s actually a health food. Just be careful and don’t give popcorn to kids under 4 because of the choking hazard.

9 Ways Love Is Good For You

by Wanda on February 3, 2016

9 ways love is good for you valentine's day myshopdiscounts blog

Valentine’s Day is coming soon and I’m feeling all hearts and flowers. There’s something about love being in the air that just makes everything look better. And it’s not just the romance, either – though that’s nice, too. Love has real physical and emotional health benefits. Here are 9 ways that love is good for you:

1. Someone always has your back. Knowing that you have unconditional support is great for your self confidence. You can reach higher levels of success when you know you have a cheering section.

2. Love is good for your immune system. Maybe it’s because there’s someone else to make sure you take care of yourself, or maybe it’s love itself. Either way love will keep you healthier.

3. It’s good for your heart. It’s pretty appropriate that a heart is the symbol for love. Women in good marriages tend to have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

4. Hugging may lower your blood pressure. How about that! Doctor, prescribe me some hugs!

5. Love can lower stress levels. Love makes you happy and calm – not that being in love doesn’t take some work! But in general it has a positive effect on stress.

6. It can boost your emotional stability. Babies who get love and hugs from their parents grow up more emotionally stable than those who don’t.

7. You look and feel better. Love releases hormones that make you look more attractive.

8. Love can help you achieve greater financial stability. Married couples tend to be more stable than people who are single.

9. Feeling loved reduces pain. Holding hands with a loved one can reduce feelings of pain. Forget your hats – hold onto your guy!

Are you ready to break out the champagne and chocolates for Valentine’s Day? Love is definitely something to celebrate!

10 Creative Ways To Use Leftovers

by Wanda on January 31, 2016

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Throwing out food is pretty painful. After all, you work hard for your money, spend time and money on your groceries, and you don’t want to see it all go in the garbage. But what about that banana turning brown on the counter, or the bread that’s sure to go stale before you can finish it? It’s sad, but almost inevitable that they’ll go to waste at the end of their life spans. Well, think again! Here are 10 creative ways to use leftovers that will give new life to old food!

1. Bananas: It’s almost like a staple in every home- the sorry brown banana that no one wants to eat. So you leave it there a few more days until the only thing to do with it is throw it away. Not anymore! Save a banana by peeling it, slicing it, and sealing in a zip top bag. Keep it in the freezer and you’re always ready for banana cake, smoothies, or banana ice cream. Here’s a recipe for One Ingredient Banana Ice Cream you’ve got to try!

2. Almost empty mustard jar: You know how there’s always a little bit of mustard you can never seem to scrape out? You can use it up when you make salad dressing right in the jar. Add some olive oil, red wine vinegar, garlic, salt, and pepper and shake until it’s well blended.

3. Bread: You could make a bread pudding if you want, but that’s a whole event in itself. It’s way easier to turn old bread into home made breadcrumbs or croutons. For breadcrumbs: Grind in a food processor and store in an airtight container for up to two weeks. For croutons: cut into cubes and place on a cookie sheet. Toss with seasonings of your choice and bake in 350 degree oven until toasted.

4. Tomatoes: Don’t toss those tomatoes just because they’re getting mushy! That makes them perfect for a delicious tomato sauce.

5. Vegetables: Leftover cooked or roasted veggies, or raw ones on their way past their prime are great to toss into meatloaf or omelets.

6. Meat or chicken: Create a healthy, delicious, easy meal by adding slices of cooked chicken or meat to a salad.

7. Pasta: Mix leftover pasta into beaten eggs for a hearty frittata. Any shape is good.

8. Cake: Throwing out cake is just sad! Crumble it up and mix with some frosting to make cake pops.

9. Cola: I hate it when I have too many open bottles of soda after a party because I know I’ll never finish it all before it goes flat. The solution is barbecue sauce! Here’s an easy, tasty recipe for Coca-Cola Barbecue Sauce.

10. Coffee: For those times when you brew too much coffee you can use it in chocolate cake or brownies in place of water for some extra zip. Or freeze in ice cube trays and use to chill your ice coffee without watering it down. Try these suggestions, and instead of feeling bad about throwing something out, feel good about creating something new!