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14 Ways To Feel Thankful Every Day

by Wanda on November 23, 2016


Thanksgiving is a time to take stock and reflect on what we feel thankful for and it feels good. If it feels good why would you limit that to just one day a year? Feeling thankful is a key to happiness, and it’s also good for your physical health. I admit, it can be hard to feel thankful when you’re having a bad day, or things are not going the way you want them to, but you can work on it and in the end you’ll feel happier and healthier. Here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Journal. Keep a journal and write down five things every day that you are thankful for. It gets easier as you do it!
  2. Acknowledge the negative. Life includes some negative, too, and being thankful doesn’t mean you should ignore that. Rather, recognize it and acknowledge that it’s there, but don’t focus on it.
  3. Spend time with loved ones. Being with the people you love definitely gives you something to be thankful for.
  4. Recognize small things. We take a lot for granted, but you’ll feel thankful when you notice the small things.
  5. Volunteer. Doing good for others will make you thankful for what you have.
  6. Exercise. This one somehow finds its way into every list! But exercise will get those feel-good hormones flowing.
  7. Practice mindfulness. Focus on the present; don’t feel bad about the past or worry about the future. Be present and enjoy it.
  8. Control your thoughts. It takes practice, but with a little work you can learn not to dwell on upsetting things.
  9. No comparing. Do not compare yourself to others!
  10. Words. Use positive vocabulary.
  11. Be inspired. Motivational and inspirational articles and sayings can have a huge affect on your mood.
  12. Say “thank you.” Say it often and see how it starts to affect the way you feel.
  13. Give compliments. Spreading positivity and good feeling will make you feel more thankful, too.
  14. Learn from difficult situations. Life is not perfect, and you will experience some bad stuff. Instead of letting it take you under, think about what you can learn from it to make your life better in the long run.

As you practice you’ll learn to appreciate the small things and realize that life is a blessing- which will make you calm and happy in the long run!

Barnes & Noble Coupon

by Wanda on November 22, 2016

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Barnes & Noble is a great place for books and other cool stuff. Click here and use the coupon for 20% off one item! The offer expires 11/28/16 for online purchases and 11/27/16 in store, so start shopping!

Centrum Vitamints Coupon

by Wanda on November 21, 2016


Centrum Vitamints is a multivitamin that comes as a mint you can enjoy any time and get the nutritional benefits- and it comes in three delicious flavors! Click here for a coupon and save $4.00 now!

Be The Perfect Thanksgiving Guest!

by Wanda on November 20, 2016


It’s nice to be invited out for Thanksgiving dinner. You don’t have to deal with the planning, shopping, prepping, and cooking that it takes to host the perfect Thanksgiving and you still get to enjoy the result. But great food is only part of what it takes to have a great meal- the guests help make the party, too! Keep reading to see what it takes to be the perfect guest this Thanksgiving.

  1. RSVP on time. Don’t keep your hosts hanging- respond to an invitation in a timely manner.
  2. Bring something. It’s your way of letting the hosts know you appreciate the invitation and the hard work that goes into hosting. You can offer to bring something for the dinner, but you should bring a small token even if they don’t take you up on your offer. A bottle of wine or some flowers are nice host/hostess gifts, and you can do this at any budget.
  3. Arrive a little late. You don’t want to come exactly on time in case your hosts need a little extra time. But don’t keep them waiting by arriving too late- 15 minutes should be okay. And never come too early.
  4. Be enthusiastic and grateful. Let your hosts know how happy you are for the invitation and how happy you are to be there.
  5. Wait for the host to start eating. Often the hosts of a dinner party end up sitting down to eat after they’ve made sure the guest are all settled with their food. Good manners say to wait for your host before you dig in.
  6. Offer to help. It’s a nice way to express your appreciation for the host’s hard work, and your help might be gratefully accepted. But always ask first because some people prefer to handle all that on their own.
  7. Put your phone away. Distractions are rude.
  8. Make good conversation. Make your hosts happy you’re there. Keep it entertaining and positive; avoid heavy topics.
  9. Give compliments. We all like to know our hard work is appreciated.
  10. Know when to leave. Never overstay your welcome.
  11. Don’t bring uninvited guests. If for any reason you need to bring someone along, always clear it first- never just show up with extra people.
  12. Say “Thank you.” A follow-up text, email, or phone call is proper etiquette and sure to be appreciated.

Being a great guest is the least you can do in exchange for being wined and dined, so follow these guidelines and you’re sure to be invited back!

Premama Prenatal Vitamin Coupon And Sample

by Wanda on November 19, 2016

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Taking prenatal vitamins is an important part of a healthy pregnancy. Premama is a tasty vitamin powder you mix into a drink for some delicious nutrition. Click here to get a prenatal vitamins coupon and samples.

Go Veggie Cheese Coupon

by Wanda on November 17, 2016



Go Veggie has the cheese product for you, whether you’re looking for vegan or lactose-free cheese. Click here to print a coupon and enjoy a FREE cheese product of your choice from Go Veggie! Coupon expires 12/31/16.

10 Ways To Tap Your Inner Creativity

by Wanda on November 16, 2016


We live in a world of DIY everything and entrepreneurs. If you don’t have 50,000 Pinterest followers, don’t have a food blog, or haven’t started an outrageously successful home business you might feel like a failure. The pressure is real, my friends! But don’t be discouraged! You can be the creative genius you want to be. To a certain extent creativity is an inborn trait, but the truth is that anyone can learn to flex some creative muscle, and fulfilling your own creative appetite should be your real goal. You don’t need validation from Instagram. Here are some easy tips to help you be more creative:

  1. Just do it. Pick up a brush and start painting, or fire up your computer and start writing, or whatever it is you want to be doing. Stop thinking and get started.
  2. Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from trying. And don’t look at failure as a bad thing; think of it as part of the creative process and learn from it. Use feedback to make your work stronger.
  3. Hang out with creative people. Join a writing group, or a music group, or whatever speaks to you. Being around other creative people will inspire you and help you to push your limits.
  4. Be open to criticism. Ask people for their opinions on your work and ideas and don’t be sensitive.
  5. Don’t expect perfection. Requiring perfection will stifle your creative energy and hold you back.
  6. Ask a lot of questions. Learning is part of the process, and the more you know, the  more you’ll have to work with. Do research on you own or talk to people who know.
  7. Keep your eyes open. Inspiration is everywhere.
  8. Break some rules. Don’t be destructive or irresponsible, but creativity requires coloring outside the lines sometimes.
  9. Keep a journal. Writing down what’s in your mind will get you in touch with your subconscious and help the ideas flow. And if you want to be a writer, the extra practice never hurts.
  10. Meditate. Like journal writing, it’s a way to be present without actively thinking, so you can free your mind and the ideas will come.

You can bring out your inner Martha Stewart! All it takes is a little determination, flexibility, and inspiration!