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Why Keeping A Journal Is Good For You

by Wanda on April 20, 2015

How badly would you like to have something that lets you take a good look at what’s going on in your life, make you feel good about yourself, and alleviate stress? Not to mention express yourself creatively without the pressure of judgement by others? I’m talking about keeping a journal, which is a very cool thing to do. Here’s why: Writing When you keep a journal you have the opportunity to take an objective look at your life. This allows you to see things you might not see otherwise, and act on them. You can see the blessings in your life that you might otherwise take for granted, feel good about them, and let that positive energy nourish you. Looking at things objectively helps you work out problems that seem overwhelming when you’re in the thick of things. You’ll also learn about yourself, which will guide you in leading a more productive and rich life. If you’re upset, it can help to talk to a friend, but there are times when no one’s available and certain things that are too personal to talk about with anyone. A journal is the best thing for those situations. Getting rid of your negative thoughts by putting them on paper is an incredible stress reliever. Writing a journal requires time to be alone with yourself and your thoughts, which is also good for your emotional health. Take the time every day, or every few days, to get away from everything and focus on yourself- it’s extremely therapeutic. Finally, keeping a journal is a wonderful way to express yourself. A little creativity goes a long way and since your journal is just for you, you can write away without worrying about how good it is. Nobody’s going to see it but you so don’t be self-conscious about your writing skills and just let go! black-woman-writing-pf So, how to get started? You can go the traditional route and keep a paper journal. Treat yourself to something special that will inspire you to write. Here is a variety of of choices in a range of prices from Barnes & Noble. Somehow I feel like writing by hand means I put more of myself into it, but if you really love your gadgets, a journaling app might be the way to go for you. Two popular ones are Penzu and Day One. Check them out and see what works for you. Like everything else that’s good for you, keeping a journal requires some discipline and commitment, but if you stick to it, you will enjoy the benefits. Happy writing!

Flowers, Flowers, Flowers!

by Wanda on April 8, 2015

Nothing brightens up a room like flowers. Flowers are an easy and inexpensive way to decorate, and they bring extra character and energy to your decor. Almost any kind of flower or flower arrangement is suitable for any occasion as long as you like it and it makes you happy.Role-Of-Flowers-In-Decorating-A-House


Flowers are not just for special occasions, though. Flowers add a dimension of richness and beauty that looks good in your regular, everyday decor, as well. The best part of that is that it’s not permanent. While it’s sometimes sad to see a beautiful flower arrangement wither and die, the good thing about it is that flowers are not a long-term decorating commitment. You can change up the flowers in your house according to your mood, the seasons, or specific occasions. For a quiet and calm feeling you can use colors that complement the the decor of a room, or choose something with contrast to make a bold statement and punch up the energy in the room.


You can go to your local florist for some expert advice and beautiful blooms, but sometimes the best place to get flowers is at your local supermarket or corner deli! The price is right, for sure, and while you might not have a large variety of choices, you’d be surprised that the quality is usually pretty good. Because you’re getting such good prices, snatch up two or three bunches and combine them to create your own unique bouquets. Trim the stems, put them in a vase with some water, and enjoy the beauty. But just because flowers usually go in vases floral-arrangements-spring-home-decorating-6doesn’t mean that you have to be limited that way. Almost any vessel is suitable to hold your flowers, and the more out of the box you think, the more interesting your flower arrangements will be. Jam jars, wine glasses, coffee mugs, and pretty water pitchers are all up for the job. If you want to put your own little spin on a classic, tie a ribbon around a regular vase and fill it with roses. You can never go wrong with that!



Shout-Out To All Moms!

by Wanda on March 31, 2015

Don’t worry- I know what day it is! This is not a Mothers Day post. It’s just that I read a really great article about stay-at-home moms and I had to share it. Being a mom is a legitimate job that deserves respect and recognition. The article should be interesting to all parents, no matter where they work. And to make it even more interesting, linger a little longer and read the comments. Here’s a link. Enjoy! busy mom 1

Pretty In Pink! Or Blue!

by Wanda on March 26, 2015

My friend and I had a conversation about gender neutrality. She works in fashion and was pretty upset about one company’s recent Fashion Week gimmick, where both male and female models walked the runway in the same men’s and women’s clothes. The fashion business is pretty cutthroat so you need something to distinguish yourself and I think as far as gimmicks go, that was a pretty good one. As a social or political statement- maybe not so great. And Holly was pretty upset by the idea of making men and women the same.   The fact is that men and women are not the same. Men are men and women are women and that’s more than okay! Let’s embrace who we are. We should be careful not to steer kids into any stereotypes, but if a girl likes to play with dolls and a boy likes to play with trucks, let them! Just like we should also allow girls to play with trucks and boys to play with dolls. I think it’s healthy for all kids to play with all toys because that’s how they learn about the world and exercise their imaginations. 9a4457fa382f5522ae4323dda6b12404 Hey, ladies- if you like to wear heels and makeup, do it, and enjoy it! Don’t feel guilty about being feminine- it doesn’t make you weak or politically backwards. And guess what: you can like cars and makeup! So go for what you like and do what makes you feel like you. It would be nice to live in a world one day where women are respected and paid as much as men, but I don’t think wearing pink is the thing that’s preventing that from happening, and anyway, that’s a whole other topic. Gender neutrality is a big buzzword today and it has it’s place, but I think there is still reason to celebrate the differences between genders. I’m proud to be a strong woman who wears heels and makeup and I’m not going to apologize for that!large

Time For A Change?

by Wanda on March 12, 2015

It feels safe to say that Spring might actually be on its way. We’re already in Daylight Savings Time, and that has to count for something, doesn’t it? A change in season is usually a good time to make other changes, and Spring, which is considered a time of renewal, is an especially good time to try something new. New look, perhaps? After hibernating all winter, that sounds like a great idea!

You can have fun and get pretty creative with layering and cold weather accessories in the winter, but when the coat comes off, you sometimes feels like your look might need an overhaul. You might be up for a bold change and try a new haircut or hair color, or maybe you want to play it a little safer and just change up your lip gloss color. Sometimes all you need is a small change to kick things up, so don’t feel like you need to do something drastic, even if you’re climbing the walls these last few weeks of winter. Just hang in there- we’re almost there! For fun and a few ideas, watch this video of how some celebrities changed their looks with one small change.



Fabulous Lashes

by Wanda on February 26, 2015

I challenge anyone to name something that can make you feel more glamorous than mascara. Whether you’re getting dressed up to go out to a party or a formal event, or just having a casual day in jeans, a coat of mascara on those lashes takes your look to the next level. I believe mascara is a must-have even on days when you’re lucky if all you can do is brush your teeth and throw on some reasonably clean clothes. Hold on- I mean: mascara is a must-have especially on those days! Woman Eye If you’re not a mascara devotee, I recommend trying it and seeing how the boost it gives to your look can really boost your mood. The key is finding the right mascara for you and knowing how to apply it properly. The first thing to decide on is color. The basic colors are black and brown, in more or less intense shades. Figure out what works best with your eyes, hair, and skin. Those are the classics and they always work, but if you’re feeling adventurous and creative, try a color! Check in here for a peek at the latest shades and tips on how to wear them. For a more traditional look, stick with the blacks and browns. A dark brown can be the perfect compliment to a casual look. Your lashes will frame your eyes and perk up your face without making you look like you tried too hard. For a bit more punch black is the way to go.

It’s really important to know how to apply mascara, since you want your lashes to be coated but not clumpy. This depends a little bit on the formula you choose, but mostly on the application. Wipe off excess mascara from the wand before you start and you should be okay. Wiggling the wand as you apply helps eliminate clumps, as well. Start with the wand at the base of the lashes, since it’s the mascara at the root of your lashes that will help create the illusion of length, and wiggle the wand as you pull it up through your lashes. This will separate the lashes and help avoid clumps. If you want to apply more than one coat, make sure you pile on that mascara while it’s still wet. 290_mascara0855_ws There are women who will swear that expensive mascara is the only way to go, but I’ve never been convinced. I don’t think it’s necessary to spend over  $20 on mascara if there are less expensive alternatives that work just as well. My favorite drugstore mascara is Cover Girl Clump Crusher. I love it and it usually costs about $8. I think I covered the basics here, but it’s really important to talk about safety. First of all- never share mascara or other eye makeup. It’s a great way to spread eye infections and nobody wants that. Because mascara is a liquid and you dip the same wand back in the tube after it touches your eye, it can breed bacteria. After two or three months you should toss your mascara to avoid infection. Not too complicated, right? So try some mascara and see how great it makes you feel!341aa4f6d6658f778e5415ab99e43e1e21

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes!

by Wanda on February 3, 2015

I was surfing (okay, procrastinating) a little earlier, trying to take my mind off the miserably cold and icy weather we seem to be trapped in this week. In all fairness to the weather, though, it’s not all bad; I am looking forward to the balmy 40 degrees in the forecast for tomorrow. I should dust off my flip-flops! Speaking of footwear, I came across this article about stylish shoes with heels that won’t hurt your feet. Since it seems like my feet have been encased in boots for as long as I can remember, I got excited about looking at pretty shoes and decided to share the link.


Seeing that article got me thinking about shoes. Actually, that’s not really true- I’m always thinking about shoes! I love shoes! So let’s talk about shoes. Here’s the thing: I love all shoes, even ones that hurt, so I thought that an article that can show you how to look great and be comfortable was a great idea. I really think that the right pair of shoes can turn an ordinary outfit into a runway-worthy ensemble, and I also firmly believe that wearing the perfect pair of shoes can absolutely give you the ultimate self-confidence boost! Well, it works for me, anyway. Yes, I give in and wear Uggs as a way to survive the winter, but I hate myself every minute. I give in only because I hate being cold more than I hate ugly boots. Can anyone else relate?


But while wearing a killer pair of shoes can make your day, once they start hurting your feet your day is pretty much killed. Trust me- I’ve been there, so now I make sure that the fabulous shoes also feel fabulous. If you like to wear heels, skip the stilletos and go with a more moderate heel. Other comfortable options for heels are wedges, platforms and shoes with chunky heels. They help distribute the pressure more evenly around your foot so you won’t feel like you are carrying your entire body weight in the ball of your foot. Aerosoles always has a great selection of stylish and trendy shoes, including heels, that are designed to also be comfortable. Remember that there is nothing wrong with flats! Flats can be really stylish and comfortable all at the same time- win-win! There are pages and pages to choose from at DSW. And I’d love to share one of my favorite tricks with you: Dr. Scholl’s gel inserts. You can choose different ones to suit different needs and I can tell you that they make all the difference! You can shop for them here, but you can also get them at your local CVS or Walgreens.


Who Let The Dogs Out?

by Wanda on January 13, 2015

I honestly can’t remember how it came up, but we were hanging out around the office the other day when someone mentioned the song “Who Let The Dogs Out.” Remember that song from the Baha Men? It played on “Rugrats In Paris: The Movie” in 2000 and practically every sporting event around that time. It was really popular even though it was ranked third in a 20 most annoying songs poll by  Rolling Stone in 2007 and first on Spinner’s “Top 20 Worst Songs Ever” list in 2008.


So, getting back to the office conversation… Someone commented that the song was about ugly women. A comment to which all the men laughed, or maybe even guffawed (I think- if I’m clear on what a guffaw actually is) and the women groaned. Does everything always have to be sexist? I always just assumed the song was about dogs- why would I think anything else?  Then we all got back to work. But on my way home, the song popped into my head again and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Not necessarily about that particular song, or girls, or dogs, but about the idea that a song can totally change meaning when you think about the words meaning more that what they seem at first listen. Since the discussion was about “Who Let The Dogs Out,” I looked up the lyrics just for fun. Turns out it’s a long song with lots of words even though I don’t know anyone who ever knew the lyrics beyond “Who let the dogs out? Who? Who? Who?”


And wouldn’t you know it- the dogs in the song are not just really dogs! But they’re not ugly girls either- the dogs in the song are disrespectful men who hit on girls at a party! In case anyone’s interested, here are the lyrics to “Who Let The Dogs Out?” And for fun, here is something interesting I found about the meanings behind songs from the 80′s.

Don’t Be SAD

by Wanda on January 9, 2015

I know some people who love the winter. I know, I don’t get it, either. They love the cold and snow and I think they must be crazy. Okay, sorry- that wasn’t nice and I apologize if I insulted anyone- being cold makes me a little cranky. We’re all entitled to our preferences. But really, I would love someone to explain to me the appeal of numb fingers and toes, chattering teeth, slippery roads, and dirty snow everywhere including what comes into my house on everyone’s boots! And the dark, dreary days. Those make me sad; do you know about SAD? It stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder, and it’s a real thing. It’s a type of depression that occurs from changes in the seasons, most commonly during the winter, and is attributed to a lack of exposure to sunlight. You can read up on it here if you want more information.


For those of us who are not wild about the many charms of winter, it’s understandable that some of the inconveniences and discomforts of this wondrous season can get you down. But being down and dealing with it is different from having it take over your life for a few months. There’s not much any of us can do about arranging the seasons or controlling the glories of winter, but there are things we can do about how we let it affect us. I must point out, though, that if you feel that the “winter blues” are getting the best of you, you should discuss it with a doctor. Either way, it’s worthwhile to try some of these ideas and see if they help:

  • Move: Exercise regularly this winter and you’ll kill two birds with one stone. Exercise is a great mood enhancer and if you keep at it you might avoid the scramble to lose that winter padding come beach season.
  • Stick to a regular schedule: Sleeping and getting up on a regular schedule on weekdays and weekends helps regulate your body’s inner rhythm, which can have an effect on your mood.
  • Get some exposure to daylight every day: Even when it’s cloudy, you can still benefit from daylight.
  • Get a special light box: There are lamps you can buy that are supposed to mimic sunlight. Sit with it shining on you while you work or read. People who use them say they help. I don’t have a specific brand to recommend, but you can shop for one on where you can find many options at different price ranges, and read customer reviews to find the one that best suits your needs.

Hopefully this winter will fly by and we’ll soon be dealing with “Spring Fever.” Meanwhile, hang in there and do what you can so you won’t feel SAD.


Stop Wasting Time

by Wanda on January 6, 2015

It’s hard, it really is! You’re sitting at your desk, supposed to be doing your work. Or you have a big school assignment to hand in or important exam to study for. Or you should be making some phone calls- schedule that doctor’s appointment, research plumbers…Stuff like that. You know what happens. You sit down with the best of intentions. Maybe you even brought your extra large, extra cozy mug of coffee to help you through. Or your bag of M & M’s. Or whatever does it for you. You’re gonna get things done and you’re not getting up until your mission is accomplished.

Businessman staring at paperclip chain

But of course you need to check your email first. Of course, because  there could be something important there that needs your immediate attention. And then you’re clicking on that link, because 50% off is 50% off. Can’t argue with that! Then you hear your phone buzz- it’s on vibrate because you didn’t want to be interrupted. Text message from the friend you’ve been trying to connect with for weeks! How can you not respond? But you’re being good today, gonna cross things off your list, so you text back and forth a little and then let her know you have to get back to work. But first, you’re just going to take a quick look at your calendar because you need to see if there are important things happening this week. Life is busy and you have to be on top of your schedule. Okay, calendar is organized, but since the phone is in your hand already, you might as well see if it’s your turn on Words With Friends.


Back to the computer. Back to work. For real. Except that there’s always some celebrity scandal and you want to see the pictures and read up a little bit on it. After all, you are a citizen of the world and you need to know what’s going on, which includes reading comments because being well-informed means also knowing what other people are thinking. So that’s another few minutes, maybe a half hour. You know you need to focus on not getting distracted, and you will, just as soon as you check the weather, because, you know, with global warming anything can happen at any time and it’s important to be prepared.


Did I paint a good scenario? I certainly hope I did, since I consider myself a master of wasting time. I’m not completely incompetent so eventually I get things done. But for some reason, when it’s important that I focus and do what I need to do, there are so many things that demand my attention. There’s just so much stimulation sticking itself in my face all the time, how can I possibly help it? And I’ve come to think that may not even be so terrible. There’s got to be some value to wasting time and procrastination. I think it keeps me on my toes. I know that at some point I’ve got to settle down and do my work, so it’s on my mind all the time even when I’m busy with something else. And maybe all the “distractions” are really just fodder for my creative juices- inspiration if you will. I like that idea! Wasting time is no longer just wasting time- I will now think of it as research and inspiration. And it seems I’m not the only one, either. Look at this for fun. I found it while I was sitting at my desk trying to get “inspired.”