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Do A Grouch A Favor Day

by Wanda on February 17, 2016

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In today’s social media age every day is a “Day,” but this one is a winner! February 16 is National Do A Grouch A Favor Day and it’s one you can have a lot of fun with. We all have our days, and our moods, but there are some people in all of our lives who always seem to be grouchy. Maybe that’s just their nature, or maybe there are real reasons that they’re not all that happy. We don’t always know what goes on in other people’s live and why they feel the way they do.

Today is a day to do something nice for a grouch in your life. Your grouch of choice can be someone who’s permanently grouchy, or you can try to cheer up someone who’s just having a bad day. Maybe all the grouch really needs is to know that someone is thinking of him. Here are some suggestions:

  • Send a card or an email just to say “hi!”
  • Send or bring over flowers
  • Invite a grouch out to dinner, or to dinner at your house for some company
  • Watch a movie together
  • Take a grouch out for ice cream
  • Offer to spend some time just talking
  • Offer to do an errand

If you’re the grouch today, there’s no reason you can’t do any of these things for yourself. And of course, let’s all remember the most important grouch- Oscar!

Free Contact Lenses from Acuvue

by Wanda on February 15, 2016

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Why suffer with uncomfortable lenses when you can try top-brand contacts for FREE? Click here to get your certificate for free contact lenses from Acuvue.

How To Tell A Joke

by Wanda on February 14, 2016

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My husband has this hilarious date story that I’ve heard him tell about a hundred times, and each time I hear it, I laugh ’til I cry. Granted, it is a pretty funny story involving stepping in dog poop, but I don’t believe it would be quite so funny if not for his great delivery. Why are some people able to tell a joke that leaves their listeners roaring with laughter, while other people can’t get a laugh for the life of them? Okay, some people are just funny, but it’s not only that; there’s actually some technique involved in telling a funny joke. Here are some tips that will make your jokes most successful:

  • Timing: Make sure the setting is appropriate.
  • Audience: Know your audience and know what types of jokes they’ll be open to. You don’t want to offend anyone.
  • Know your joke: Stumbling will just ruin everything.
  • Be comfortable: Be relaxed while you tell your joke, and don’t make it sound scripted.
  • Speak with expression: The worst thing for a joke is to speak in a monotone. You might want to use different voices for different characters, or accents- but only if you can do a good accent.
  • Smile: Smile while you tell the joke, but don’t laugh. Laughing will look like you’re trying too hard.
  • Be specific: Give details to make the joke more interesting and to make your audience able to picture exactly what you’re saying.
  • Set-up: Be realistic so your audience can relate, but exaggerate to make it funny.
  • Believe your joke is funny: That’s how you’ll come off as funny.
  • Make it personal: Put yourself into the joke somehow.
  • Pause before the punchline: Making them wait a few seconds creates suspense and makes the punchline more funny.
  • Keep it short: A long story will get boring and that’s not funny.

Humor is such a valuable tool that it’s worthwhile to try to master it. You’ll make yourself and lots of other people really happy!

$10 JCPenney Coupon

by Wanda on February 13, 2016

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Shopping is great, but shopping and saving is even better! Click here for a JCPenney coupon to save $10 on your next purchase of home, beauty, fashion, and other essentials! You can save even more when you use your JCPenney card. This coupon is good in store and online, but hurry because it expires February 15, 2016!

Happy National Pizza Day!

by Wanda on February 9, 2016

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There are some very important days in February. Of course, there’s Valentine’s Day coming up soon, and you definitely want to make the most of that. But today, February 9 is National Pizza Day! And wait- it’s also National Bagel Day! On the same day! So it’s actually pretty appropriate that Valentine’s Day is so soon, because is there anyone who doesn’t love pizza? Or bagels?

What I love about pizza is that it’s a quick and easy meal that, as long as you don’t eat too much of it, it’s actually pretty nutritious. Another thing that I love is that plain, regular pizza is delicious, but you can always make it more exciting with toppings, and you can never get bored because the options and combinations are endless. Of course you can make it easy and order a pie form your favorite pizza place, but if you want to do something different, try these homemade recipes from NYT Cooking.

And bagels are great for the same reason. They’re easy to grab and they’ll keep you satisfied for a pretty long time. I’m not such a fan of plain bagels myself, but I can’t argue against the simplicity. It’s a good thing there’s a nice variety of bagel toppings, not to mention the filling options, which are also pretty awesome. Here’s a recipe for homemade bagels if you’re feeling adventurous. Store bought, or homemade, make the most of your bagel experience by making an amazing sandwich! Here are some ideas for inspiration.

So how do you choose which food to celebrate today? You might think that you’ll have to decide between pizza or bagels today, but why should you? Eat a bagel for one meal and pizza for anther. Or, even better: combine the best of both worlds and enjoy a pizza bagel!
