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6 Ways Giving Is Good For You

by Wanda on January 4, 2017


The holidays are over and so is the gift frenzy that’s such a huge part of the season. It’s nice to get presents- I like stuff and I won’t even pretend that I’m not materialistic! But I’ve also come to realize that I also like to give, and it turns out it’s not just because I’m such a nice person. There are real ways that giving is good for your physical and emotional health, among other things. Here are five ways that giving is good for you:

  1. Makes you happy. When you give, it activates regions of pleasure in your brain.
  2. Reduces stress. Giving has been clinically shown to reduce stress and blood pressure.
  3. Activates reward centers. Your brain reacts as though you’re receiving.
  4. Promotes cooperation and social connection. And that’s just good all around
  5. Creates a ripple effect. The whole “pay it forward” thing is real.
  6. Tax break. This isn’t the case for every time you give, but certain donations can get you a tax break in addition to all the other benefits!

I’m talking about all kinds of giving here- gifts, donations, charity, and volunteering. Pay attention next time you give and see how great it makes you feel!

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