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Easy Ways To Cut Calories

by Wanda on November 29, 2015

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Did you lose the battle with your willpower over Thanksgiving? And then maybe (over)indulge in the leftovers? And it’s only the start of the holiday season! How will you make it through the next few weeks without gaining an insane amount of weight? Don’t panic- there are some things that you can do. The most important thing is to make up an eating plan for tricky days and make sure you stick to it. Exercising regularly will help a lot, too. And then there are some easy ways to cut corners that can help you keep things under control. Try some of these easy ways to cut calories, and you’ll see how they pay off!

  1. Use non-fat milk in your coffee. Substituting non-fat milk for whole milk or cream can save as much as 100 calories! It’s easier to transition to skim milk in your coffee than in your cereal or drinking it straight because coffee has so much flavor.
  2. Nibble on popcorn instead of chips. It really isn’t about depriving yourself, it’s about making smart choices. You can still give in when you get the munchies, and who doesn’t like popcorn? To save even more fat and calories make your own in an air-popper. Add flavor with a sprinkle of salt, smoked paprika, garlic powder, or whatever you like.
  3. Eat open-faced sandwiches. Who says every sandwich needs a top and a bottom? Leave off that top piece of bread or roll or bagel for some healthy calorie savings.
  4. Drink water. Soda and juice have so many calories that you just drink down without even getting the satisfaction of eating! Get into the habit of drinking water and you’ll see a huge difference. If you need to have flavor in your drink, add some fruit slices to your water.
  5. Bake your fries. Is there anyone who can give up fries? Don’t worry, you don’t have to; you can still enjoy crispy potato treats by baking your “fries.” Cut potatoes into wedges or slices, toss with some olive oil, salt, and the seasoning of your choice, and bake on a cookie sheet in a 400 degree oven till crisp.
  6. Sprinkle dry roasted seeds or nuts over your salad. Swap them for croutons- you’ll still get that extra crunch, but you’ll save calories. You’ll also get a nutrition boost in the bargain!
  7. Learn about portion sizes. So many of us really have no idea what an actual portion size is, which is one reason for overeating. Here is a handy portion size guide that makes it easy to eat healthy portions.
  8. Blot your pizza. Yeah, you might have seen people doing this and laughed at them, but the truth is they’re actually onto something. Blotting pizza and other greasy foods really will make a difference.
  9. Use mustard instead of mayo. You love some mayo on your sandwich, but it can really pack on fat and calories. Mustard has lots of flavor but no fat and very few calories.
  10. Eat from a smaller plate. It’s true that we eat with our eyes first, and when you’re hungry, your eyes want to see a full plate. Eating your main course off of a salad plate will help trick your brain and make you want less food.

What are your favorite ways to cut calories or eat healthier?

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