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Have A Safe And Spooky Halloween

by Wanda on October 20, 2015

safe spooky halloween

Halloween is a fun holiday! There’s dress-up, there are parties, and there’s candy- what’s not to love? Everyone should enjoy the day, but also keep in mind important safety factors. Here are some smart safety tips, many of them them recommended by the American Association of Pediatrics.

  • Make sure that trick-or-treating kids have adult supervision. Kids who are old enough to get around by themselves should travel in groups and parents should know where they plan to be.
  • Give kids a curfew. They should have cell phones and instructions to check in every hour.
  • Tell kids not to ring bells at the homes of strangers. Make sure they know never to go into a car to get candy.
  • Consider  bright or light-colored costumes because they’re easier to see at night. You might want to attach reflective tape to coats and costumes.
  • Make sure that kids know crossing safety, and tell them to walk on sidewalks- not the middle of the street.
  • Make sure the costumes are safe- not too long to be a tripping hazard. If your child is wearing a mask make sure the eye holes are large enough to see well out of. Even better- use face makeup instead.
  • Accessories like swords should be soft.
  • Give kids flashlights with working batteries to go around in the dark.
  • Have your kids eat a meal before they go out trick-or-treating so they’ll be less likely to overdo it on the candy.
  • Check treats at home for choking hazards and to make sure all packaging is sealed properly.
  • Consider giving out non-food treats, such as stickers, or coloring kits.
  • Keep you home safe for your visitors: Remove things people can trip over, sweep away wet leaves, and make sure the lights are on outside your house.

It might look like a long list, but there’s nothing hard here, and most of it’s common sense anyway. Take some precautions and have a safe and spooky Halloween!

10 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Good for You

by Wanda on October 18, 2015

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Are you sick of reading about quinoa and coconut oil? It’s good that everyone seems to be really into eating healthy- it’s something I try to do myself- but those endless emails about “25 Ways To Enjoy Quinoa,” or “10 Delicious Ways To Add Hemp Seeds To Your Diet” are starting to get a little tiresome. I happen to enjoy quinoa, so new recipes are interesting to me, though I have yet to muster up the courage to try hemp seeds. But just because those “health foods” are trending, it doesn’t mean those are the only foods to eat to be healthy. In fact, there’s plenty of yummy food out there that’s also really good for you. And some of them are foods that many of us have been led to believe are not good, so we cut them out, or enjoy them as a guilty pleasure. Well, today’s your lucky day because here I’m going to give you a list of foods you didn’t know were good for you!

  1. Chocolate. Yes, I said chocolate! Dark chocolate has anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that actually makes it a good snack or dessert choice. The key is moderation, but it’s perfectly fine to enjoy two squares of chocolate when you have a craving.
  2. Red Meat. Red meat is probably not something you should eat every day, but lean red meat once or twice a week is an excellent source of iron.
  3. Cheese. You try to stay away from cheese because of the fat and calories, but options like feta, Parmesan, Swiss, mozzarella, and cottage cheese give you protein, calcium, and phosphorus.
  4. Wine. The anti-oxidants in red wine are good for heart health, so one glass a day is actually a good thing to indulge in!wine-850337_1920
  5. Cinnamon. I don’t know if there’s been too much hating on cinnamon, but I felt like including it here because in addition to its delicious, warm flavor, cinnamon also a powerful anti-inflammatory, helps lower cholesterol, and keeps your blood sugar from spiking after a meal.
  6. Eggs. Eggs are high in cholesterol so that scares people off, but the truth is that they are low in saturated fat, which is the real culprit in causing high cholesterol counts in your body. They also have lots of iron, protein, vitamin D and vitamin B12. Eggs should be a regular part of your diet.fried eggs-703904_1280
  7. Potatoes. Okay, if you’re afraid of carbs, you’ve probably been conditioned to hate potatoes, and that’s a real shame! Because potatoes are also fat-free and have fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B. Eat them with the skins to get the most benefit.
  8. Almonds. Yes, nuts are high in fat, but it’s the good fat that’s good for your brain and heart. Almonds have fiber, protein, and lots of vitamins and minerals. Eat them unsalted and you’re fine.
  9. Avocado. Avocados also get a bad rap because of their fat content, but they also have the good fat, so go ahead and enjoy them. Because they have a low glycemic index, eating avocado will keep you from getting hungry too soon.
  10. Canned tomatoes and ketchup. Canned food is the ugly stepsister to fresh, and in most cases fresh is better. But canned tomatoes contain lycopene, which can help decrease your risk for heart disease, and canning them when they’re fresh helps retain all their nutrients, like vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and iron. Just watch out for salt, and the sugar in ketchup.

So try those recipes for kale and spaghetti squash because they are good for you, and it’s good to try new things. But go ahead and enjoy these other foods and know that they are good for you, too.

Make A Spooky Halloween Dessert!

by Wanda on October 14, 2015

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As you may know (or not), October 14 is National Dessert Day! Of course that means we have to celebrate – who doesn’t love dessert, and what better month for desserts than spooky October?? To those who disagree: BOO!

So, in the spirit of the season, today we’re rounding up the cutest and spookiest Halloween dessert recipes! We’ve divvied them up into different dessert types so you can start with your favorite kind. If you’re having a kid-friendly Halloween party, grab your kids and let them pick the desserts – and then help make them, of course ;)

Cute Cake Pops

Scream-Worthy Cookies

Creepy Cupcakes

Spooky Cakes 

Eerie Treats

What are your favorite desserts to make for Halloween? Do you prefer cute or spooky treats? Weigh in below!
