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9 Ways To Use Banana Peels

by Wanda on March 30, 2016

MyShop blog template (19) I get the feeling that bananas are something that people either love or hate. Personally, I’m not a huge fan, but I try to eat them because they are really so good for you. They’re packed with vitamins and fiber, and they are great for stabilizing blood sugar and keeping you in a good mood. Bet you didn’t know their peels are fabulous, too! Sounds crazy, I know- but keep reading for some pretty cool ways to use banana peels!

  1. Relieve itch: Rub over rashes and insect bites.
  2. Tenderize meat: Add to the roasting pan to keep meat moist
  3. Polish silver: In a blender, make a mixture of peel and water and rub over silver for a chemical-free polish.
  4. Polish leather: Rub the pith side (the white side) on leather shoes and bags and buff with a cloth.
  5. Whiten teeth: Rub the inside of the peel over your teeth until they’re coated. Leave on for 10 minutes and brush well with toothpaste.
  6. Remove warts: Place over a wart overnight- tape it in place- and you should see results in one to two weeks.
  7. Compost: It’s full of nutrients for your soil.
  8. Remove splinters: Tape to a splinter for a few minutes to make removal easier.
  9. Insect repellent: Bury 1″-2″ in soil around plants to keep aphids away.

Next time you enjoy a banana don’t throw out the peel- get your money’s worth from the entire fruit! Try these banana peel hacks and be amazed!

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