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What You Didn’t Know about President’s Day

by Wanda on February 18, 2013

I hope you all are enjoying your President’s Day. Or at least many of you are enjoying a day off. Did you know “President’s Day” isn’t even the official title of this holiday? Here are some things I bet you didn’t know.

  1. Nationally, this holiday was created to celebrate George Washington’s birthday. States started calling it “Presidents Day” and I guess the name stuck.
  2. The holiday was first celebrated unofficially while George Washington was still alive. It wasn’t till 1885 that Chester Arthur made it an official national holiday
  3. Back when it was still called “Washington’s Birthday,” the custom was to make lots of foods using cherries, especially cherry pie. This was an allusion to the fable of little George chopping down a cherry tree.
  4. Although Lincoln’s birthday isn’t officially part of Presidents Day/Washington’s Birthday, he is the second president most associated with today. Some states celebrate Lincoln’s birthday separately on February 12th.
  5. Richard Nixon was the one who promoted the idea of celebrating all the Presidents on Presidents Day.
  6. In the 1980′s, retailers started using Presidents Day weekend to clear out old inventory for the new spring season. Hence “The President’s Day Sale.”


These things are fun and fun is good

by Wanda on February 15, 2013

If you never did you should. These things are fun and fun is good Dr Seuss

Last week for our Weekly Wednesday Creativity Contest on Facebook I asked the question, “What’s something that is only good to do once?” We had a lot of answers ranging from “Eat blowfish” (I laughed but my colleagues here agreed that blowfish probably isn’t good even the first time,) to the winning answer, “being born.” The answers weren’t quite what I expected, but that’s what makes our Creativity Contests so much fun for me.

I got the idea for the question from the Dr. Seuss quote above which suggests that people go try things. It’s something I wish I took to heart at a younger age. There are so many things I shied away from out of fear of the unknown. Some of them being:

  • Going on an RV roadtrip with friends right after college
  • Working as a bartender
  • Teaching English in Asia
  • Going to grad school

Many of these chances have been missed by me. We all have regrets, c’est la vie. As my oft-quoted Uncle Frank said, “Whatever you didn’t do, you get your kids to do.” (Frank was a college dropout, minor league baseball player, whose kids, my cousins, grew up with intense school and baseball regimen.) I certainly want my kids to experience more of life than I…well to a certain extent. There is a little danger in trying everything. Trying everything can lead to some bad consequences. Doing things is fun, but being broke or lost or hurt isn’t. But when thought a little further, most things won’t likely have terrible consequences, at least not the things I listed.

It’s great advice still. I just wish Dr. Seuss would complete the thought to say “If you never did you should, because these things are fun, and fun is good, as long as it’s done safely and with regard to consequences.”


Valentine’s Day for New Parents

by Wanda on February 13, 2013

For the past seven years, Valentine’s Day has been more about the kids than about hubby and I. Who am I kidding? For the past seven years, everything has been more about kids than hubby and I. The Valentine’s Day when I was pregnant with my first child, I remember wondering if it was going to be the last truly romantic Valentine’s Day of my marriage. I feared of what having a family would do to our romance. I daydreamed about having to make Valentine’s Day of the following year an important renewal of passion. What a silly idea that was!

Valentine’s Day is fun and a lovely thing to celebrate, but it shouldn’t be that big a deal. (I know all my ex-boyfriends would slap their palms to their foreheads if they heard me say that now.) As long as romance is continuously renewed throughout the year, who cares if we can’t do a fancy dinner on a random Thursday? Here are three tips for new parents to keep their fire burning.

  1. Monthly Date Night. It started as weekly date night…for about a week. Now with three kids and a series of obligations, it’s kind of hard to keep up with it more than once per month. It’s actually a good thing. It gives us 30 days of anticipation for the next one. Also we also don’t feel as guilty spending a little extra for whatever romantic adventure we choose.
  2. Take classes together. Your spouse is more than a lover, he/she is your life partner. There is no better way to learn and expand your life than with someone you love. There is no better activity to share with someone you love, than learning and expanding your life together. Some great examples are dance classes, cooking classes, and maybe even something he likes ;)
  3. Soulful Eye Contact EVERY DAY. I learned this one from an acting class a long time ago. I ran it by my married friends, and I couldn’t believe how rarely they looked deeply into their spouses eyes. It may seems like a silly ritual, but the eyes are the window to the soul. Maybe you and your spouse don’t have the time or desire to hang out all evening, that’s ok. In just a minute of deep eye contact you can reconnect and get on the same page as your partner.


Time in Different Spaces

by Wanda on February 11, 2013

The family was in Argentina that last week. Argentina is a beautiful place with many unique points when it comes to food. For one, meat is just about every course. The country takes pride in its asados, large barbecues. At an asado, no part of the animal is spared: kidneys, intestines, and even blood. It’s definitely not the place to be a vegetarian. They don’t give you water at restaurants. Ordering tap water is frowned upon as barbaric. (Their tap water does taste pretty bad.) Everyone drinks mineral water instead. They eat flan (caramel custard) as their number one dessert, and drink yerba mate compulsively.



The craziest thing about their eating habits isn’t the food itself, its the timing. They eat four meals. The day starts with a light breakfast of coffee and a pastry. Then at two pm they eat a large lunch. At six they eat a short meal. At ten they eat a large dinner. The two pm lunch is the killer…it can last two to four hours!

I was on vacation so it didn’t matter, but I couldn’t believe people could spend that long eating when they had work to do. It took me awhile but I finally figured out why te patrons didn’t mind that the waiter were taking their time. They have an entire culture of moving slow. No one rushes because no one has anywhere to be.

At one restaurant, the waiter greeted us immediately but only to talk. He didn’t bring us the menu till 45 minutes later- he had to smoke first. It was a six course meal. As in the six things we ordered came out one at a time. My husband asked the waiter why every moved so slow and the waiter responded “because we are already where we have to be.”

It’s such a crazy contrast from our “time is money culture.” We Americans keep rushing to get everywhere. We never do get to where we are satisfied do we? These Argentinians definitely don’t get ask much accomplished, but if they are happier, does it matter? Maybe we should all try taking it slow.

How many is a “couple,” “few,” or “several?”

by Wanda on February 8, 2013

I was at a cafe during my vacation in Argentina, listening to several kids (I call them kids, but they were in their mid to late twenties,) arguing loudly in English. My excuse for eavesdropping was that they were the only one’s speaking in English and my Spanish is terrible. But I don’t really need an excuse to eavesdrop now do I?

Girl: “several and plural are synonyms. Several means anything 2 or more.”

Boy: “No! Two is a couple, three to five is a few, and six to eight is several. Several means about seven

Girl: “That’s ridiculous. Seven and several have nothing to do with each other.”

Boy: “Of course they do. They have the same etymological root.”

This is the first pic on Google when you search "several." I wonder why.

This is the first pic on Google when you search “several.” I wonder why.

I though their conversation was quite funny. It was more flirtatious banter than a true argument, but you could see that it was getting a bit heated and both sides wanted to win. They started polling other people in the cafe and asking their opinion, even though many of the other patron didn’t speak English.

I never thought of it myself. I agreed a couple was two. A few I usually think of being less than several. But to the boy’s discredit, “seven” and “several” don’t have the same root. Several shares the same root as “to sever.” Several means a smaller portion severed off a larger portion. Not that it matters…

The kids could see me sneaking glances at them from across the aisle. They knew I was listening, and I knew they were going to ask me my opinion next. I decided to help the kids out to help their intellectual pursuit and speak before they could get their question out to me.

“I heard your argument. Here’s my opinion: Why do you care?”

That shut them up. I kind of like imparting Old Lady Wisdom. Bring on the Golden Years.




Saving Money with Perspective

by Wanda on February 6, 2013

Most of us know how much we earn in a year. Most of know how much we earn in a week. Most also know how much we earn in a day and roughly per hour. But how many of us track our spending that way? Only when it comes to financing something or donating to charity do most people actually break up spending into different units.

I don’t care how much you like your sugar and caffeine, this doesn’t beat the beach.

One $2 cup of coffee per day is $14/week, $60/month, and $712/year. Still, that’s not a whole lot to be spread out over a year, but think of what an extra $712 in the bank would represent. Wouldn’t you like to win $712? God forbid you actually buy coffee at Starbucks and spend $4-8/cup. Just think, each time you decide not to buy that extra cup of coffee, you are accumulating a $1000 prize at the end. Doesn’t that make it worth it? It’s not just “two bucks.” It’s a spending habit that can lead to large amounts in the future.

How about a vacation? You can vacation for a week in most parts of United States for $2000 or less. That’s a whopping $167/mo. Or $38.46/week. Or $5.62/day. Can you save six buck per day for an extra vacation every year? Can you trade a Starbucks coffee, or a slightly less expensive dinner each night, for a lovely week on the beach (or skiing, or wine tasting, or whatever it is you like to do?) I’m sure you can.

Making spending and saving decisions become much easier when put in perspective. If you want to match it to your income, you can think about how many hours you must work for each purchase. How much time and effort do you put in for that coffee? How much time and effort do you put in for vacation. Is it worth the minutes?

Think about it next time. Money is money. Coffee vs Vacation. Put it in perspective and you’ll find your life and your bank account a lot richer.


Best Super Bowl Commercials of the Last Decade

by Wanda on February 4, 2013

What did you guys think of this years Super Bowl Ads? I was chasing my kids around too much as this year’s Super Bowl party to catch many of them, but I heard some were good. Since the best ones from this year aren’t up yet, I decided to share the best ones from the last decade:

2012: Acura

“The one with Jerry” where Seinfeld does anything to get the first Acura NSX 2012. Surprise cameo from Leno.


2011: Volkswagen

“The Force.” The little adorable kid in the Darth Vader costume is surprised by a remote starter.


 2010: Snickers

Betty White starts her glorious comeback to the limelight with this clever campaign about how Snickers can help you from “playing like Betty White.”


2009: Audi 

Jason Statham with some kick ass moves.


2008: Pepsi



2007: Budweiser


“Fist bump is out man.” Slap in the face is in.


2006: Monster

All monkey business


2005: Emerald Nuts

Do these still exist? In this ad, the father gets caught lying by all the fictional characters.

2004: Lays

Two old people fight over a bag of chips. The man gets the bag, but the woman gets the last laugh.


2003: Budweiser

Clydesdales playing football. “The referee’s a jackass.” “No, I believe that’s a zebra.”


2002: Reebok

Terry Tate Office Linebacker. A football player raising work productivity with pain.

Beware of Super Bowl Commercial Hypnosis

by Wanda on February 1, 2013

The Superbowl is coming up. It’s an American holiday in itself. For football fans, it’s a day celebrating the highest level of competition in the most competitive team sport. For us non-football fans, its a day of family, friends, and food. But no matter what the appeal of the Superbowl is to you, we all will be watching commercials.

On any other day, commercials are something you try to ignore, or fast forward through if you have a DVR. However, for many of us, Superbowl commercials are most interesting than the game itself. Superbowl commercials are the cream of the crop in terms of entertainment. Advertisers make sure to commit a hefty part of the the budget to the Superbowl because the high viewership – over 90 million viewers in 2012. Last year, a 30 second spot costed around $3 million dollars! We can’t forget that while they are entertaining, the purpose of the commercial is to sell.

My Shop Discounts is all about saving you money. A big part of saving money, is not buying things you don’t need. Sunday’s commercials are designed to make you want to buy and remind you of certain brands when you think about buying. Don’t think your mind is impervious to commercial advertising. Much of it is subliminal. That Doritos commercial that made us laugh may not have caused you to immediately want to buy Doritos, but next time you’re at the grocery store, you may find that you added an extra bag of Doritos when you passed the snack aisle. There is no special trick to prevent consumerist hypnosis. We are constantly bombarded with messages to buy. Just pay attention to what you actually want and need, so you don’t end up with yet another toaster :)


Things that should be done monthly

by Wanda on January 30, 2013

Happy end of the month everybody! I’m looking forward to the beginning of next month because February has some of my favorite things: Valentine’s day, my daughter’s birthday, and black history month (I like all history months.) But before the start of the new month should be enjoyed there’s a few things to make sure I’ve done this month. Here’s what I think we all should do each month.

Log your finances. Many people don’t realize how much they’ve spent on different items till when they do their annual taxes. Checking your spending each month each month can help you stay within budget and manager your bills a lot better.

Take note of what you have learned. Dale Carnegie suggest reflecting on what you’ve learned and how you’ve grown each month. Like tracking spending, it forces you to stay on course with your goals. Many people lose sight of new years resolutions because they go the whole year without tracking them. Check up on your life overall each month and you’ll be surprised how it improves monthly.

Self-exam breasts. Obviously for the women only. You should make it a routine. I make sure I give myself a a check everytime I pay bills.

Clean your computer. Check for viruses, defragment, clean out the junk. It increase the performance and longevity of your computer.

Dust the hard to reach places. Most people forget to dust locations like the top of the ceiling fan, air vents, and tall furniture and shelves. The dust may be out of site, but it still can get into your lungs. Dusting monthly will keep your home’s air cleaner.

Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. There’s no point in having detectors to protect your family if the batteries die or the alarm breaks. Make sure it works.

Inspect your car. Most states only require an annual inspection, but that’s not enough to be truly safe. Every month you should check the air filter, fluid levels (oil, transmission, brake, coolant, power steering, and wipers,) battery, and tires.


I hope you all take care of these for January. Here’s to 2013′s month number 2!

Some Facebook Rules We Should All Follow

by Wanda on January 28, 2013

As most of you should know, I handle the social media and user engagement here at My Shop Discounts. I love representing our awesome money-saving service to the public, and our users. Since this occupation involves  social media, I’m basically on Facebook all day. Most of the time I love interacting with all you lovely people on social media. But sometimes people do annoying things. Here are a few rules I’ve put together that I hope we can all follow for a better online community.

Don’t let companies “Post on your behalf.” This holiday season, my feed was covered in promoted posts saying “Your friend, Jane, wants a Lanvin sweater” etc. etc. More that annoying your friends, it just makes you look bad. Facebook is for connecting with people.

If you like something, Share it! There is so much information online. We need each other to filter all the junk so that we all can enjoy the funniest memes, most interesting articles, and cutest pictures.

Don’t share your political views on anyone else’s page but yours. Yes, we get that you are red-blooded American liberal/conservative/Democrat/Republican/pirate/vegetarian. But guess what? We don’t care. If you want to plaster your views on your own page, go for it. Just keep it off of public walls.

Treat people as if you were face to face. This isn’t a Facebook rule, as much as a life rule. Yet I can’t believe how ordinarily nice people can be so rude to each other online. Maybe the lack of intimacy on the internet is to blame. People who never would raise their voice in person, seem to willing swear at each other on the internet. Part of my job is dealing with complaints. While the complaints are sometimes valid, I didn’t cause your problem, and I can’t help yo if you are just typing rude words in caps lock.

Still not cool

Don’t take a photo of yourself in the mirror. Reflections reduces attractiveness by at least 12 points. They also make you look like a tool.

Always assume everyone you know sees everything. This one is important for parents! (And kids for that matter.) I see so many of my friends whose kids are on FB, typing inappropriate comments on different walls assuming the kids won’t see. Maybe you aren’t FB friends with you children, but they can still see a public post. This goes for anyone who thinks they can play a different persona online as in life.


Yeah, I think that’s about it. Be smarter on Facebook everybody.