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Get Up, Stand Up

by Wanda on April 5, 2013

I don't think it counts if he doesn't have a chair

I don’t think it counts if he doesn’t have a chair

My dad often says that he attributes his good health in old age to his two legs. For over forty years he walked 20 minutes to work almost everyday, and spent much of his day as a professor standing, rather than sitting at a desk. There’s a lot of people out there who would agree with him. Many say that most of the physical degeneration of office workers comes from sitting. The human body isn’t meant to sit for extended periods of time. Sitting ruins the spinal alignment, circulation, and atrophies the muscles of the lower body. The Shaolin monks in China almost never sit. They spend their entire days on their feet. They even stand while eating. Studies are showing great benefits to those who stand more at work.

  1. You are burning more calories just by activating your stability muscles to stand.
  2. Activation of the hips and glutes. Getting rid of your chair might not automatically give you a nice butt, but it will prevent those derriere muscles from atrophying.
  3. Better posture. Sitting causes the hip flexors to shorten. This makes your hips tip forward when you stand. The hips house the bottom of your spinal column. If you tip the base, the entire column will misalign. That’s why many office workers develop hunchbacks.


Standing at work is becoming easier. Many furniture manufacturers have created standing desks, and many companies are investing in them for the long term health of their employees. Ergonomics, the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body, is one of the hottest topics in business and engineering.

You don’t have to wait for your boss to buy you a standing desk. You can rework your space by propping up your computer of finding a ledge that’s elbow height (see picture left.) We as a species are moving towards body alignment and evolving out of the “office mole people.” Do your body a favor. Get up! Stand up!

Coconuts for Coconut Water

by Wanda on April 3, 2013

I’ve started doing yoga recently. For those who do yoga, you know that means as of recent, my muscles are sore, my joints are limber, and I’ve been drinking a ton of coconut water…

Green Coconut isolated on white backgroundOne of the biggest crazes in the health community these days is coconut water. You can’t go into a yoga studio, hipster coffee shop, or crossfit gym without spotting bottles of coconut water, can of coconut water, and sometimes whole coconuts themselves with a straw in them! In the past two years many coconut water brands have popped up. Zico and Vita Coco are two of the big front runners.

Supposedly the stuff keeps you way better hydrated than plain water. Whereas plain water will go “right through” a dehydrated person, coconut water naturally is full of electrolytes, especially potassium, that let you retain the hydration. Potassium also reduces hyper tension. No wonder coconut-drinking island-dweller seems so relaxed all the time!

Ok, so I’ve decided to try it. An 8 ounce bottle of coconut water usually lets me feel hydrated after hot yoga. Keep in mind, I usually sweat out roughly 2-3 gallons during hot yoga. Ok, maybe not quite that much, but definitely waaaaay more than 8 ounces. I’ve been drinking it in the mornings too and feeling great. This week I’ve started packing a little bottle with the kids lunch now.

As far as which brand, beware of Vita Coco. They add sugar to their water. Zico only adds sugar to their flavored coconut water, but I honestly don’t like the taste of their plain one. The best brand I’ve tried is Harmless 100% harvest. They don’t pasteurize, so none of the nutrients are compromised. That’s probably why they don’t need to add sugar. Also, it tastes the best.

I’m sold on this health “craze.” If it’s delicious and nutritious, then why not?


Emergency Job Opening: MSD needs a new CSO

by Wanda on April 1, 2013

We need to level something with you. My Shop Discounts needs help. Despite offering some of the best coupons, samples, and cash back from some of the top retailers, our office requires new leadership. Morale is low and we are underperforming. We need a highly-motivated, highly skilled leader to bring us back up. What we need is a better CSO, and Chief Snack Officer.

Features and Compensation:

  • Work from home. We will build you a corner office.
  • Unlimited candy use.
  • Quarterly performance bonuses.
  • Generous stock options.
  • 4-6 weeks vacations, and optional Mondays off.
  • $100k+ salary.


  • 6-8 years experience ordering food.
  • Excellent communication skills, even when hungry.
  • Must be able to discern peanut M&Ms from regular.
  • Must be able to discern regular M&Ms from crunchy.
  • Ability to articulate the nutritional value of all different food groups.
  • Ability to manage various groups of hungry people.


Snacks are the number one correlated feature when it comes to office performance. Our company depends on it. Unsalted nuts, and knock-off candy has brought us almost to strike. If you think you have the right qualifications send a resume and headshot to


Family Friendly Fools Day Pranks

by Wanda on March 29, 2013

Growing up, my family was always big on the pranking. April Fools Day was one of our most “celebrated” holidays. Over the years, I’ve picked up quite a few family-friendly pranks to play on the kids or the hubs. Now my kids are little pranksters. Here are a few safe pranks that can be played at home. Just be aware that next year the kids will do them to you.

  1. Switch similar looking foods. This is the easiest. Put salt in the sugar container. Put mayonnaise in the yogurt. 
  2. Fast forward time. Set all the clock early. Everyone wakes up and gets ready for work/school, then finds out its 3am. Use your judgement on this one. April Fools day is on a Monday today.
  3. Send them back in time. Here’s one that really only works on spacey adults. Get a bunch of old newspapers and anything with a date on it. The older the better. Place them around so that they think its March 27th or something.
  4. The call from god. My husband did this once to his sister-in-law who liked to sleep in whenever she stayed with us. He stole the poor girl’s cell phone and put in his number as “god.” Then he called early in the morning in a deep voice and told her she wake up at a reasonable hour or her soul would be darned. The rest of the in the living room had a nice laugh while she stumbled in the living room.
  5. Switch the shampoo with ketchup. I’ve never done this one, but last year my oldest pulled this on me. I wasn’t sure if I was more angry about wasted ketchup, or that it was in my hair. But then again, those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

Have fun pranking on Monday. Stay safe!


The Same-Sex Marriage Debate

by Wanda on March 27, 2013

315058_4617091989349_1278771947_nDepending on the political leanings of your Facebook friends, today you may notice some or many people have changed their profile picture to a pink equals sign on a red background. Today is the first day of the Supreme Court’s deliberation of the same-sex marriage debate. The pink on red equals sign is the chosen symbol for those pro-same-sex marriage. (You would think they of all people would have chosen colors that didn’t clash…)

We’re not going to say which is right or wrong here. But I’m going to list the reasoning of both sides from their points of view. These are the two sides reported to be under consideration by the “swing vote” justice, Anthony Kennedy. Again, I’m not saying which is right or wrong. See the arguments. Decide for yourself.

The Conservative Argument:

Forcing the states to legally acknowledge same-sex marriage, removing each state’s democratic process. This is a hindering of states’ rights. Conservative states don’t want to have to restructure just because of a few states’ “experiment.” The idea is, that as individuals or free will, same-sex couples can always move to states where their marriage will be recognized.

The Change Argument:

In states where same-sex marriage is recognized, couples head households that are typically high contributors to society. There are currently 40,000 children in the households of same-sex couples. The children will benefits from their parents’ getting the legal rights involving custody and social security offered to heterosexual marriages.

The Apathy Argument:



Just kidding…

The Language of the Birds

by Wanda on March 25, 2013

The birds speaking to Odin from Norse mythology

The birds speaking to Odin from Norse mythology

In much medieval literature there is an occult practice retroactively referred to as “The Language of the Birds.” The belief was that birds are connected to the divine, and in observing and interpreting the movement of birds, one can communicate directly with the higher power. The belief probably came from our Paleolithic nomadic ancestors who would literally follow vultures to find the traveling herds. The birds, or any part of nature, can give us the answers to everything.

I was at a meditation retreat this past weekend where we they gave us a “Language of the Birds” exercise for our lunch break. We were instructed to ask some divine question of any intensity, like “what should I do next with my life?” or “how can improve relationship with my kid?” then we simply walk the city in silence for fifteen minutes and see what signs “the divine” gives us. I tried it. My question was “How can I get my family to see the importance of continuous self-improvement?” I walked for a few minutes listening to the traffic, and people chattering on their phones. I made a turn on West St in downtown Manhattan, and saw three orange parking cones spray-painted purple. I identified with the middle cone for some reason. It was a little bigger and totally purple. The other two were smaller and not painted fully. I interpreted this as my answer: show, don’t tell my family. Be the purplest, the best person I can be, and my kids will follow when they see the results. It was an” Aha! moment”, mixed with “no kidding, I knew that already!”

You don’t have to be spiritual or believe in any hocus-pocus to get value from this exercise. The non-spiritual psychological explanation is this: You subconsciously know the answer to most of your life’s questions. When you put your attention out and “look for signs” you are exercising your imagination to access these subconscious answers. Anyone can attach any meaning to anything. That’s how “psychics” and “fortune-tellers” make their money. And that’s ok. Whatever helps you access the answers in your head is worth it. Try asking a divine question, then look for “the birds” to give you the answer. It doesn’t matter where you look. You already have the answer anyway.


At what point do you stop pushing?

by Wanda on March 22, 2013

Little League season is fast approaching. That means a certain boy in my house has been super excited to get out his glove and bat and get on the baseball diamond. No, it’s not my youngest son, he is just starting tee ball. No, it’s not my oldest son (more on him later.) It’s my husband! He’s been looking forward to Little League season since last year. All week he’s been trying to engage my oldest in baseball conversations. All week he’s been trying to get my oldest excited about getting his cleats on.

images (4)But my oldest doesn’t really care. He says he’s never really like baseball. Now that he’s ten years old, apparently he has the wherewithal to actually express this lack of desire. My husband was devastated. Like many American men, he likes reliving his sports career vicariously through his son. It’s one of those things I understand that I don’t understand. But now it’s a family dilemma. Should we encourage our son to play baseball anyway, or listen to his immediate desire?

On the one hand, I don’t want to push my son to do anything he doesn’t want to do. On the other, he should play some sort of sport right? (My husband clearly thinks so.) I mean, if my son said he didn’t want to go to school, I wouldn’t certainly force to him to go. I want to do what’s in my child’s best interest, but what’s that? How many adults complain about how their parents forced them to play an instrument or a sport against their will? How many adults complain about how their parents didn’t force them to learn to swim or play an instrument? It seems 50-50. What’s a parent to do? Really, the question is, is baseball actually good for you? That’s an argument I will certainly not have with the hubby.

How to deal with overload (part 5): turn distress into eustress

by Wanda on March 20, 2013

Let’s review our last few posts on getting overloaded:

  1. Identify the stressor
  2. Figure out your “tumescent type”
  3. Get the sensation down quickly, if necessary
  4. Increase your capacity

Now it’s time to turn this tumescence into something positive. That’s right. We’re going to make feeling overwhelmed into a good thing. I mentioned before that what causes you to feel overwhelmed is simply sensation. We get stressed when the sensation goes beyond what we can handle. You can try to numb yourself by perhaps watching useless TV or eating junk food, but that’s not good for you. You can increase how much you can handle by say meditating, but that takes time and is a slow-gain practice. What if you just change how you view the sensation?

The King turned his tumescence into power

The King turned his tumescence into power

Look at stage fright. Imagine a young man who is about to play guitar and sing a song in front of a large crowd for the first time. Butterflies are rock and rolling in his stomach. His voice is trembling. His knees are knocking and he can’t stop his legs from shaking. We call this “stage fright.” Something for kids and inexperienced performers, right? What if I told you I was talking about the great Elvis Presley? That’s right. Elvis was so nervous during his performances that he couldn’t help his legs from shaking. Instead of fighting the fear, he went along with it and creating his signature hip gyration. Many of the greatest performers like Freddie Mercury and Jim Morrison were known for intense stage fright.

They turned “being overwhelmed” into a power. They used their high sensation into beautiful expression. Ok, so maybe you won’t go write a rock opera just because there is work piled on your desk. Maybe you won’t win a Grammy just because your kids keep getting sick. But used can certainly turn anxiety into excitement. All you have to do is go along with it. It’s not as Zen as you think. Stress is a neutral feeling. The difference between distress and eustress is how you perceive it. Next time you feel overwhelmed, just observe yourself. Stop trying to fix it, and just approve of the feeling. You’ll be amazed at how you gyrate. Thank you, thank you very much.

How to deal with overload (part 4): increase your capacity

by Wanda on March 18, 2013

All through last week, we went over “tumescence,” also known as overstimulation, having too much sensation, or being overwhelmed. The first step was to identify when you get fall into this state and what typically causes it. The second step was to figure out what “type” of stressor you are so you can apply the proper antidote. The third thing we learned was quick ways to get the sensation down when it feels like too much. Today we’re going to learn how to be able to take on more so that we can take on more without feeling like it’s too much.

The overload of

Is this you?

Is this you?

sensation is not good or bad in itself. All it is, is a lot of sensation. Whether it’s good or bad is simply our perception. Our perception is based on our capacity for sensation. Imagine it as a container or a tank. As long as there is space in the tank, the liquid can be contained. But when the tank is full, the liquid spills and makes a mess. Each person has a different sized container. Some people fall into a blind rage from a little traffic on the way home from work. Some people can sit in traffic for hours in a Zen like state of relaxation. The only difference is how much a person can handle. Follow these steps to be able to take on more so you will feel overwhelmed less often.

  1. Empty your tank whenever possible. Think again of the guy who get’s a temper tantrum from little inconveniences like traffic. He probably keeps taking on troubles without ever letting it out. His container is always almost full so the slightest addition makes him tip. 
  2. Increase your capacity by taking it slow. Zen masters spend years perfecting the art of simple tasks like pouring tea. They will place so much attention on tea pouring that eventually they can pour it perfectly every single time. If you can learn to appreciate little things, it’s easier to
  3. Get in touch with your body. Anxiety is caused by the mind. Your body knows how to relax. You can increase your capacity for sensation with activities that open you up physically like yoga or dancing.

Next post will be on alchemizing your stress lead into gold!

How to deal with overload (part 3): quick de-stressors

by Wanda on March 15, 2013

By now you should know what sets you in overload, and what your tumescent type is. Now its time to manage it. Tumescence, what we usually refer to as being “over-stimulated” isn’t necessarily a bad sensation, it’s just a high amount of sensation. Everyone has a different “capacity for sensation.” What overwhelms me, might underwhelm you. We feel “tumesced” rather than excited, when our sensation goes beyond whatever our capacity is. It the next post we’ll go over how to transmute tumescence into something positive by increasing our capacity, but for now, let’s just get it down.

We’re already familiar with most de-stimulators. When you get into an argument, or you have too much work to do, many of us have a go-to. Here’s a list of some quick, effective de-stressors. Many of them are not good for you, but they work. Make sure you don’t over do any of them.

  1. Eating. Yes, most of us are familiar with stress-eating. Here’s a tip. Keep a healthy munchy food near your workstation, car, or wherever you experience the most stress. If you have a bag of raw almonds to get you back down to feeling normal. 
  2. Punching a pillow or punching bag. Yes we all love to get violent when we’re having a bad day. When you feel this way, don’t suppress it. That’s how people end up going postal. Do yourself, your family, friends, and co-workers a huge favor and go hit something soft and inanimate. It’s better you punch a punching bag once a week than punching person ever.
  3. Reading or watching TV. This is most common for the dissipated types who just want to check out. Just be sure you do it because you want to or have to.
  4. Exercise (walking, running, lifting.) It’s great for the hyper-volatile types who need to boogey when stressed.
  5. Spending quality time with the friends and family. We need connection. A lot the time our capacity for how much we can take on is reduced, simply because we feel disconnected from other people. Humans are social animals. Make sure you are getting your daily dose. This is the most healthy thing on the list, so don’t worry about overdoing this one :)
