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Gotta Love These Savings

by Wanda on February 10, 2014


It seems like just yesterday that my credit card took a major hit in the name of the Holidays. And yet, right around the corner waits another celebration through gift giving; Valentines Day.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m no cynic. I don’t care if the day was made up by greeting card companies to make a quick buck (or whatever cynics believe). I want my flowers and candy and an evening to feel special and loved.

And of course I have to show that in return. So how much is this going to cost me?

I’ve checked out a bunch of stores online to see what kind of deals are going on now. Whoever you are shopping for or whatever gift you have in mind, I am sure you’ll be able to find it on one of these sites while getting a great discount!

ProFlowers special offers starting at $19.99 and free ginger or tulip vase with a bouquet order , no promo codes required

Edible Arrangements $5 off any order using promo code MAPC1212, free shipping on purchases made 2/12/14 using promo code VDAY2014, many other deals with no codes required, also get $30 worth for $15 on

Kohls special savings in their Valentines Day Gift Shop

Macy’s extra 15% off using promo code RED

Red Envelope check out the sale section for the deals or shop by price range


Enjoy your Valentines Day. But with these savings, I’m sure you will!


Super Bowl 2014 Trivia

by Wanda on February 2, 2014

So Game Day is finally here! This is Super Bowl 48 (for those of you that get a headache from Roman numerals) with the Denver Broncos playing the Seattle Seahawks.


Photo Courtesy: MGN

Truthfully, I am not exactly what you would call a  football fanatic. In fact, I’m  quite clueless when it comes to sports in general. But when everyone around me is getting hyped up for the big game, I must admit that I get swept along with all the excitement.

Of course I have to do my homework beforehand so I don’t embarrass myself in front of the guys with my total lack of knowledge. Its always fun to see people’s reactions when I mention something that they don’t expect me to know.  So if you have someone in your life that you want to impress (or just need a conversation starter), you are more than welcome to cheat off of what I have.

Let’s dive right in to some pretty impressive facts:

 This is the first Super Bowl ever in history that will take place  in a cold weather city (New Jersey) without a dome.

Over 3000 people have been hired to work security which includes 700 police officers.

The “cheapest” seats cost $2500.  A suite is 1 million dollars!

The cost of a commercial is at an all time high of 4 million dollars for 30 seconds!

No one from the Seattle Seahawks team has ever been in the Super Bowl before.

This is the first time in 20 years that the number 1 offensive team in the league (Denver Broncos) will face off against the number 1 defensive team ( Seattle Seahawks). It has only happened 4 times before!

Derrick Coleman, the fullback for Seattle, is the NFL’s first offensive player to play in the Super Bowl. (That’s pretty impressive!)

If the Denver Broncos win the Super Bowl, Peyton Manning will be the first quarterback to win with two different teams. (He previously won with the Indianapolis Colts in 2007)


Here are a bunch of hot topics that have been popular in sports news and will surely be brought up come game time:

John Fox, the Denver coach, missed a few games because of a mini heart attack in middle of the season but has made a full recovery.

Although the defensive teams have been known to dominate in the Super Bowl, it will be interesting to see who takes this championship, especially because the Denver Broncos (the offensive team) are favored to win.

Seattle’s quarterback, Russel Willson, is a 2nd year player and is quite young to be in the Super Bowl.

Richard Sherman, the Seattle’s cornerback, is in the spotlight after he made a great play landing his team in the Super Bowl but ranted about it in a post game interview.


Photo Courtesy: Doug Pensinger/Getty Images

The Denver Broncos quarterback, Peyton Manning, has already broken the passing yards (5477) and touchdown records (55) throughout the season. Who knows if or how many records he’ll break come game time. It is certainly something to watch out for.

More trivia about Peyton Manning: His current record in playoff games where the weather has been below 40 degrees is 0 wins and 4 losses.  It will be interesting to see what the temperature turns out to be on Game Day and how Manning will respond.

There has been some controversy about whether or not Manning is the greatest quarterback of all time. He is a great player that dominates in a regular season but hasn’t really proven to do well in the playoffs throughout his career (12 wins and 12 losses, not great stats).

• Be on the lookout for Manning to say “Omaha” before he snaps the ball. A bunch of stores in Omaha, Nebraska promise to give his charity $800 every time he says it!

That’s all I got for now. If you know any other interesting tidbits that I left off, please comment in the section below.

Enjoy Game Day!

Here We Go Again!

by Wanda on January 23, 2014

It was just a couple of weeks ago that the East Coast got hit hard with a winter storm, but the heavy snow and freezing temperatures are back for round two.



Brrr…It’s cold out there!
Photo Courtesy:


Many of you will be finding yourself staying indoors because of the weather conditions.  It can be quite a challenge to find things to do around the house, especially if you have children to entertain.

Have no fear, Wanda is here!

I think we can all agree that there is no better pick-me- up than the smell of baked goods in the oven, warming up the whole house.  Don’t worry, you don’t have to go scouring the internet or your cookbooks for a great recipe, I have already done that for you.

I have listed my two favorite winter snow day recipes that I hope will become your favorites too.  Plus, baking is such a fun way to involve your little ones in the kitchen and enjoy some quality family time.  Grab some blankets and cozy up to a movie while digging in to your delicious treats!


Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe: These are the perfect balance between chewy and crispy and are sure to be a hit in your home!



Cream together ¾ cup of unsalted melted butter, 1 cup of brown sugar, and ½ of a cup of white sugar.

Beat in 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, one egg, and one egg yolk.

Once the mixture is light and creamy, mix in 2 cups of flour, ½ teaspoon of baking soda, and ½ teaspoon of salt.

Add 2 cups of semisweet chocolate chips.  Drop the cookies, one tablespoon each, on a greased cookie sheet (no need to shape them) about 3 inches apart because they will expand in the oven.

Bake at 325°F (165°C) for 10-12 minutes. The edges should look lightly toasted when they are ready. After the cookies initially cool on the baking sheet, transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.


Hot Cocoa: No need to trudge out in this weather if you’ve got this recipe in your arsenal! hot-chocolate


Mix 1/3 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder and 1/3 cup of sugar in a saucepan. Add 1/3 cup of boiling water and stir over the fire. Simmer until the sugar is dissolved, about one minute. Then add 4 cups of milk, and ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract while continuing to heat. Pour into four mugs and top with whipped cream. Done!






Now go snuggle up and enjoy that movie!








Target Data Breach

by Wanda on January 17, 2014

So I was just checking my email, as I usually do at some point during the day (okay maybe at a few points during the day), when I see an email from Target.  I usually don’t get emails from them but it all clicked into focus once I read the subject line; “Important message from Target to our Guests”.

Ahhh…The much talked about Target Data Breach.


At least 70 million customers were targeted.

While I have certainly heard about this issue, I have quickly scanned articles on the web without reading anything in depth.  After refilling my cup of coffee, I finally decided to delve in. After all, I got a personal email from Target.

If you’re like me and you just want the basics without wadding through a wordy article about malware, I’ve got you covered!   Here are the main points you should know:

●  Hackers have stolen the personal information of Target customers that made in-store purchases between November 27th and December 15th.

●  Info included debit or credit card numbers, social security numbers, home addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses.


Target is offering customers free credit monitoring for the year!

●  Check your credit report, credit card and bank statements to make sure you recognize all activity.

●  Even if you did not purchase anything from a Target store during those dates, or notified that your information was hacked; it’s still a good idea to take precautions.  Especially because Target recently informed the public that the damage was twice as bad as they had originally thought. You can never be too careful when it comes to your personal information!

●  Change your passwords on personal accounts.

●  Watch out for suspicious phone calls and emails requesting personal information.

I hope that no one out there experiences any damage from this hacking and things are straightened out ASAP! Time for a refill because I will certainly drink to that!


Sentimental Gift Giving 101

by Wanda on November 7, 2013

The holidays are so close that you could probably hear the sleigh bells and smell the eggnog. If you’re like me, you’re probably still digging yourself out of whatever you spent last year. And, if you’re like me, whatever gifts you bought and gifted are currently:


1) Lost or broken (due to clumsiness)

2) In the attic (the gift became boring)

3) Sold on eBay (the gift recipient needed to pay off last year’s holiday debt)


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Think of all the money you ever spent on toys…

So you’re planning to spend more money this year on more useless things, right? It’s inevitable. You can’t possibly pretend that you forgot about the holidays. No one would believe it.


“Woops… oh wow. The holidays? Totally slipped my mind. Sorry.”


Some people have invented new religions to avoid buying gifts/ spending money.


“Sorry, it’s against hallelujah-ism. What’s that, you ask? New religion. Basically, I’m not allowed to spend more than ten dollars this month.”




That won’t work (trust me, I’ve tried it).


So what can you possibly do? Well… saving money during the season of spending is easier than you think. It’s all about being sentimental in your gift- giving process. An expensive product doesn’t necessarily qualify it as a good present.


Sentimental Gift Giving 101


1) Don’t be afraid to use the old-photos-in-a-nice-picture-frame gift (cost: less than $20 bucks). The gift of good memories is priceless. Print out that one photo you both love and frame it. It’s easy, it doesn’t get in the way, and it’s cheap. What else do you need?


2) Put lots of thought into it. Write a long note. Paint a picture. Make it surprising. It’s all about the presentation. If your recipient is unable to forget your gift, you’ve done an excellent job.


3) Don’t overspend. Research has shown that expensive gifts make recipients feel guilty. They’ll be obligated to reciprocate by “returning the favor.” It’s a big mess. If you know someone is having financial problems, give them a cheap gift. They’ll be happier with something simple, because they won’t feel like they owe you something. They don’t need any more debt on their back.


Those are our tips. We really hope you’ll save more this year. Maybe take a few surveys for some extra money (every little bit helps). Try not to stress too much. Remember, the holidays aren’t about money. The holidays are about getting together and sharing things. Unless, of course, your religion is hallelujah-ism.

Our Fan Mail

by Wanda on October 7, 2013

Here at MyShopDiscounts, we receive a ton of e-mail from our members. Like, here’s one from Tammy D. from South Carolina.


“You guys are what I wake up to! I got Good Morning America in the background and my coffee and the surveys are there on my computer. It’s like that feeling you get from finding quarters in your shirt pocket. It’s not a lot but it adds up to something decent!”



We agree, Tammy. And we also agree with Wilson from Bronx, New York.


“I kinda knew from the start that I would not make more than fifty a week, but I guess money’s money. If you have surveys, keep them coming at me. I have opinions by the dozen! I think if people have the extra thirty minutes a day, why not? Might as well make like around twelve dollars for that time instead of letting it fly down the drainpipe.”


Here’s what Michelle from California had to say:


“Yes! I’m so glad I finally got one site to work. I was looking at survey sites this entire week. This one showed up just when I was about to call it quits. Freaking amazing! The bonus is perfect. I’m waiting impatiently for the next one. Nice to be working with you guys. I’m referring my friends for the referral bonus, too!”



Here at MyShopDiscounts, we pride ourselves on the little things. We start small. When you sign up, we give you beginner’s assignments. If you show dedication, we ramp it up! That’s when the higher paying surveys come in.


Don’t be discouraged if you don’t make much. Patience will get you far.

Best of luck to you!

Every Year…

by Wanda on October 4, 2013

“You can do it,” I say into the mirror every morning in October.


Halloween is when my cravings boil over. The same episode happens every year.


I muster up all of my willpower and my courage as I watch my two children pour out their Halloween bounty onto the carpet in the living room. My daughter likes to organize her candy by color; my son prefers to arrange by brand.


Toughest battle ever.

“I hate candy. I hate candy. I hate candy,” I repeat in my head.


I try to isolate myself in the kitchen, but the crinkling sound of candy wrappers taunts me to no end. I run into the bathroom (“you can do it,” I say once more) and I grab a magazine. Eventually I’ll toss the magazine aside when the candy advertisements get on my nerves. I leave the bathroom and run down the hall to my bedroom. I pick up the phone and I call my friend, Alley.


“I’m in the kitchen right now,” Alley says. “I can hear the wrappers.”


Luckily, I have friends like Alley. Every year, my small group and I get together and we set group goals.


In our mid-twenties, we realized that going through motherhood (let alone life) was going to be one heck of an uphill trek. We banded together and formed a pact. We would support one another for the rest of our days.


“You still there?” Alley asked.


“Yeah, I’m here.”


“Hey, this is nothing,” she said. “We can do it.”


And we would have the same conversation next year.


Get a few good friends together and try setting a similar goal.

2013 Holiday Spending Tip

by Wanda on October 1, 2013

Brace yourselves.


The season of holiday spending is coming.


If only people gave money away for Halloween…

It begins with costumes and candy for Halloween and a new cookware set at a Columbus Day sale. Then it’s downhill from there. Someone might as well dress up as a Credit Card Bill for Halloween. Nothing is scarier than debt that piles up during the holidays.


Before you know it, you’re swiping your way through ingredients for Thanksgiving, a few Black Friday deals…


It’s too easy to get sucked into the shopping frenzy.


So here’s a helpful tip.


Saving money during this time of the year is more about your awareness and less about your thriftiness. The next time you go shopping, ask yourself this question: “Do you like the actual product or do you like the price?”


Santa Claus collects sled-fulls of loyalties during the final months of the year.


There’s a difference. It’s the shopping sale psychology. It’s how retailers sell you things that, later on, become junk. When you see an amazing deal on a cookware set, the retailer is taking your focus away from the cookware set that you already have (which is working just fine, by the way) and is placing your focus on something shiny, new and within your financial grasp. Before you know it, you’re signing your name in that digital credit card machine at checkout.


So think about how they’re selling the product (instead of what is being sold). And think about the things you already have!


On the other hand… I don’t think we can ever be ready for holiday spending…


Well, good luck anyway!

Benefits of Being Pregnant

by Wanda on September 24, 2013

I lost 7 pounds when Todd was born. That’s the name of my first son and that’s how much he weighed. That’s also how many cups of coffee I started drinking per day. After Todd was delivered, I made a beeline for the coffee pot in the hospital’s employee lounge. I was an overly cautious pregnant chick. The type that screamed at smokers.


It’s tough.

I stayed away from construction sites, where paint fumes or other harmful airborne toxins could be in the air. I didn’t even eat cheese for goodness’ sake. Abstaining from drinking coffee was the most difficult thing.


But there are a ton of benefits for pregnant women. I mean, a ton.




Unlimited naps. Wonderful, wonderful naps.


Maternity leave (you get paid to take naps for a few months).


Free stuff (a.k.a. the baby shower).


You begin to become healthier. The good habits you pick up during pregnancy will stay with you forever. Like, I love yoga now.


Also a good way to make mommy friends.


The best one: no periods for an entire year!


You win every argument. Who argues with a pregnant woman? Yes, I’m pregnant. Your argument is invalid.


Seriously. You get special perks for 6 months (the bigger your bulge, the more plentiful your gain). I would advise you all to take full advantage of your pregnancy perks. I mean, once you have children, your whole world revolves around them (they get to enjoy eighteen years of free food and housing and you have to cover the bill).


Bringing life into the world is a special thing. Believe me, it’s worth giving up coffee for eight months.

What To Do With Lemons

by Wanda on September 20, 2013

When life gives you lemons…


You say “Thanks!”


Because lemons are unbelievably good for your health! Tossing a slice in your water bottle will help expel bad breath. Squeezing it onto your steak or salmon brings on flavor without the effort. Studies have shown that lemon juice can help increase concentration. But there’s more to it than that.


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Here’s one exception.


Did you know that citrus acid could help fight pimples? Of course, you might want to speak to your dermatologist before doing anything drastic.


Do you get canker sores often? Get a cup of water and toss in a lemon. There are antibacterial agents in lemons that can help the healing process.


Yet, there are more medicinal qualities to know about. The vitamin C in lemons will help your body in the fight against common colds.


If you add lemon juice to a spray bottle, you can ward off insects as well.


So when life gives you lemons, there’s plenty you could do!


You could also make lemonade.


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