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by Wanda on March 20, 2014

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Kids are asked that question all the time, and some of them are ready with an answer. A kid with a plan! Of course much can change over the years, but where do they get their ideas? A lot of little girls play with Barbie, the doll who can “Be Anything.” Barbie has been marketed in many different professions- 130, in fact- ranging from presidential candidate to lifeguard to rapper to doctor to artist and almost anything in between. And all, of course, while looking beautiful and glamorous. That beauty and glamour has lots of critics up in arms over the unrealistic body image she presents to young girls and the negative effects that may have. That’s a very interesting discussion and definitely something to get to another time, but not my topic here. For now I want to talk about a study that was recently conducted-  “Boys Can Be Anything: Effect of Barbie Play on Girls’ Career Cognitions.”



I’m not  making this up- it’s for real. Two psychology professors worked with a group of 37 girls, aged 4-7 and had them play with either a Fashion Barbie doll, a Doctor Barbie doll, or Mrs. Potato Head. After five minutes the girls were shown photographs of ten occupations, half of which are traditionally male dominated and half traditionally female dominated. They were each asked which they thought were jobs they could do and which were j0bs for boys. The girls who played with Mrs. Potato Head believed they could be anything; the girls who played with Barbie- either one- saw fewer options for themselves.


I’m not sure I buy it. Do you really believe there is a connection? Girls have been playing with Barbie dolls for the last 55 years and many of those girls have grown up to be successful women in a variety of careers. The purpose of this study was to see how playing with different toys influenced how kids think. Since Barbie has had so many careers, they wanted to see if playing with glamorous Barbie had different effects on girls’ thinking depending on how she was dressed. Mrs. Potato Head was chosen as a contrast because although she has similar color and texture to Barbie, and feminine accessories as well, she is not sexualized the way Barbie is.


I do think this is all very interesting but I don’t think it should be taken at face value. After all, playing dress-up and pretend is part of childhood and I really don’t think it negatively affects the career choices girls make when they grow up. Just because a little girl plays with Barbie or dresses up as a Disney princess, it doesn’t mean that she won’t be a financial analyst or engineer twenty years down the road. On the contrary, I think that playing pretend helps develop healthy imagination and creativity, qualities that will surely serve kids well as they grow up and function in the grown-up world.



Modern Technology

by Wanda on March 17, 2014

Isn’t it great to live in modern times? It goes without saying that electricity and indoor plumbing are required but I’m talking about more recent developments You can bet I enjoy my smartphone and my tablet, and I like that any question can be answered by a quick search on Google, using only my voice if I am too lazy to type. Mobile phones have allowed us to be, yes, mobile- no more waiting at home for a call, and with texting, communication became even easier- no need to even speak to have a conversation. Many of us probably remember the days when you had to see a movie when it played in the theaters and watch TV at a show’s regular time. Of course you could have taped a show, but that wasn’t always reliable- messed up programming and taping over things I wanted to keep often ruined things for me. And remember the lines at the video store? Longer than security lines at the airport today! Now we can watch any TV show or movie whenever we want without standing on line, rewinding a VHS tape, or forgetting to return a video on time and incurring a late fee. Technology is fabulous! Like living in a science fiction movie of the future.


But what about the problems that come along with all this new technology?  Don’t worry-  I’m not really complaining- I’m musing. Watching movies now is completely different- I love it! I’m busy and don’t get to go out to see every movie that looks good. So when I want to relax I can now watch almost anything I want when it’s convenient for me. The problem is that unless I have a particular title in mind, it can take hours to look for something I want to see. If I watch the previews I feel like I’ve already seen the movies, and after all that time, my attention span is not up for a two hour movie anymore! I spend (waste?) more time searching for a movie to watch than I do actually watching it and who has time for that? Always leaves me frustrated, but I get to watch a movie at home in my pajamas!


About my smartphone that I love- and I do love it- do I really have to check my email every time it buzzes? Usually not, but I find myself doing it most of the time anyway. I have a friend who does have a job that holds her hostage 24/7 and we all know how much fun Girl’s Night is when work tags along! I still remember when people could have more than thirty minutes of “me time” without endangering their careers. So, is the smartphone a blessing or a curse? Probably a little bit of both. As annoying as it sometimes is to always be accessible, it does comes in handy when you need to be away from the office but can’t necessarily be away from work. And the comfort of knowing that your kids can always get you- also a mixed blessing!


Shopping online is great  too- I’ve written about the convenience of that, but I didn’t go on about the hours I waste doing it. I can sit down to look for something I need and the next thing I know, an hour has passed and I never know quite how that happens. If there is something specific that I need, you would think I could find it pretty quickly, but there are always customer reviews to read, other options to compare, and suggested products to check out. If I want to shop for a book or a pair of sandals (Ha! What a joke- it’s still freezing!), but need to browse, I can easily lose hours of my life. I won’t get that time back, but I can have the merchandise at my door within a few days without having had to go anywhere. I wonder if it would have taken the same amount of time to travel to the store and stand on line there. Does any of it really make a difference anyway? After all, this is the way we live now, and it doesn’t look like we’ll be going back to the old way any time soon. Interesting to think about though…                                                                                                                                                                        


Do You Say Something?

by Wanda on March 13, 2014

Have you ever noticed how people like to point out the obvious? And usually something that can’t be fixed at the moment anyway? Like when you have an enormous zit in the middle of your forehead, so huge that no amount of makeup will hide it,  people actually say to you: “Did you know, you have a pimple right there?” Seriously? How could you not notice something the size of a small island right on your face? And you still can’t make it go away so now you feel self-conscious all over again.



Or how about this: when I was out and about with my crying infant, trying to finish up some errands and get home as quickly as possible, concerned citizens would look into the stroller and say: “Oh, the baby’s crying!” Really? I hadn’t noticed my baby was screaming her lungs out! “Why- is she hungry? Does she need a diaper change?” they’d go on.  I know a screaming baby is not music to the ears of other shoppers, but I don’t think they would appreciate my changing a smelly diaper and nursing right there in the produce aisle. And then there’s the the relative who meets you at the airport after an overnight flight to say “Oh my! What happened to your hair?” Unless you’re offering to help in some way, it’s probably better to just keep quiet. One of my friends likes to quote Thumper from “Bambi:” “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothin’ at all.”

screaming baby

And then, on the flip side of that, is the danger of erring on the side of too sensitive; do you mention something that can be fixed, even if it might be embarrassing to point it out? When someone has food stuck in his or her teeth, what do you do? Saying something might make the person slightly embarrassed, but it can easily be taken care of. I’m never really sure what to do in those situations, and I’m not really sure why. It’s embarrassing to have food stuck in your teeth, but it happens- so why is it a weird thing to point out? If you don’t it will stay there, making more people uncomfortable until someone else finally mentions it. Actually, it’s probably worse to look in the mirror at the end of the day to see lunch stuck in your teeth, knowing you were talking to people all day with that there. And how about when someone accidentally spits on you while speaking? That’s embarrassing, so  do you just ignore it, or do  you discreetly wipe it away? And what if you are the spitter, do you ignore spraying your friend, or do you apologize? What about just laughing about it? Would that make everyone less uncomfortable?


It’s funny how certain things work; how we determine what is embarrassing and what is funny, what’s taboo and what’s appropriate to mention. What do you think?


Daylight Saving Time

by Wanda on March 10, 2014

I don’t think I will ever understand Daylight Saving Time! It’s just a one hour time change but for some reason, I always feel like I have jet lag for a few days. I am tired or not tired at the wrong times, hungry or not hungry at the wrong times, and in general I just feel a little off balance. The term “Daylight Saving Time” doesn’t even make sense- how do you save daylight, anyway? The number of daylight hours don’t change, they just get shifted around and I’m not convinced they should be. I know some people who say they love getting out of work while the sun is still up, but I would rather have the daylight in the morning. It was just starting to be okay when I wake up and now it feels like November again!


Before I go on, I just want to clarify that the correct term is Daylight Saving Time, though most people add an extra “s” and say “savings.” I just found this out and it sounds a little strange to me, so I thought I’d clear that up in case it looks like a typo or like I don’t know what I’m saying. Now for some DST trivia:  The earliest idea of a Daylight Saving Time came from Benjamin Franklin in 1784. It was first implemented in 1916 by Germany and Austria-Hungary  in order to save fuel for the war effort. In 1918 the United States passed the Standard Time Act and DST was on and off from then until the Uniform Time Act of 1966, when Congress set Daylight Saving Time from the last Sunday in April until the last Sunday in October. The dates changed a few times over the years but since 2007 DST is observed from the second Sunday in March until the first Sunday in November, the goal being a reduction in energy use during days of later daylight hours. States could bypass the time change by passing a local ordinance, but most of the United States goes through the time change, with the exception of Hawaii and most of Arizona. Most countries observe Daylight Saving TIme as well but dates vary.


And how do people feel about Daylight Saving TIme? I bet you can tell I’m not a fan. And I’m not alone; studies show that the transition to DST affects health, mood, and general stress levels. The main problem is sleep deprivation, which can set into motion a whole lot of other problems. In the first three weeks of DST there is a significant increase in heart attacks and suicide rates, which doctors believe might come from the negative effects of sleep deprivation on cardiovascular and mental health. Lack of sleep also contributes to a decrease in work productivity. Farming and other industries that depend on the sun do not benefit from the time change either- chickens don’t know you changed the clock and it can take weeks for them to reset their internal time clocks and animals get hungry when they expect to be fed. I can tell you that parents don’t appreciate their babies being thrown off schedule either.



For those of us who don’t like Daylight Savings Time, it doesn’t look like there is much we can do to change things right now, although some years I’m tempted to just ignore DST and see what happens. There are some small things we can try, though, to make the transition easier and healthier. Exercising  stimulates serotonin release which can help adjust our internal time clocks. So can about an hour of daily exposure to bright natural light. If you can’t spend an hour outdoors (and since it’s still early March it’s still too cold for many of us to do that) you can use a light box. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol later in the day will  help you fall asleep sooner, which will make it less painful to get up an hour earlier in the dark. And remember- when you change your clocks it’s also a good time to change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

Stay Healthy!

by Wanda on March 6, 2014


So, my friend Sam came to visit the other night. Sam drops by from time to time to hang out- we gossip, we try to solve the world’s problems- you know, just friends hanging out. Sam is clean and well put together, which is good because I am terrified of germs, always worrying about the billions of bacteria lurking on every surface, just waiting to make me sick. As I said, Sam’s a neat and clean guy, but the other night he showed up with a red, gooey eye. Oh the terrible possibilities! Conjunctivitis! Viral eye infection! Cold! Flu! It could be anything… “What’s wrong with your eye?” I asked Sam. “Oh, I don’t know- probably just lack of sleep,” he answered, unconcerned. “Does it hurt, does it itch?” I continued. “Yes, actually, it does,” Sam said. My germ phobia kicked in at full speed.  “You should get that checked out tomorrow- you might need to treat it,” I told him. “Good idea.” I told him to be careful not to touch anything around the house just in case he had something contagious. Sam said he’d leave. I’m afraid I may have made him feel unwelcome so I told him he didn’t really have to go; he could wash his hands well with hot water and soap, dry with disposable paper towels, and then do a quick rub with Purell just to be safe.


I love hand sanitizer! I have it in my house, my car, my handbag, my office- anywhere I feel threatened by germs. I know that sometimes, despite your best efforts, you get sick. But if you do what you can to avoid germs, I’m sure you can prevent that from happening at least some of the time. One day a coughing, sneezing woman sat down next to me on the bus. It was crowded and I couldn’t get up and  move somewhere else, so in addition to being grossed out, I was also worried about catching what she had. I must not be the only one who worries about those kinds of things because she immediately turned to me and reassured me that she wasn’t sick, she was suffering from allergies. Still gross but at least not dangerous.


I know it’s already March which means Spring officially begins in a few weeks, but it still feels like winter and it’s still cold and flu season. I don’t know if it’s too late to get a flu shot, and even if you already got one there are still precautions to take to make sure and stay healthy. First of all, stay away from people who are coughing and sneezing or look sick. Washing your hands is the best way to prevent getting sick- always wash your hands well with soap and hot water and use hand sanitizer if you can’t clean right away. Don’t touch your eyes, nose or  mouth because that is how germs can enter your body. And you can also do your part to avoid getting others sick; if you don’t feel well- stay home!


Muffin or Cupcake

by Wanda on March 3, 2014

I’ve been on a muffin kick lately. I’ve been eating one almost every day. Yum! Muffins are tasty, they come in many flavors in convenient individual size servings, and eating a muffin feels healthy. Really, how many of us would admit to having eaten a cupcake for breakfast without any guilt? Not many, I’m guessing. But if you ate a muffin, for some reason you’re okay. Is that really true? Is there really no guilt involved in eating a muffin, or are muffins just cupcakes posing as “health food?”

It was time to be completely honest with myself. I turned to Google to help me answer a very pressing question: What is the difference between muffins and cupcakes?  I thought I’d look up the answer to quickly satisfy my own curiosity. Who would have thought this could turn into a blog entry? Would you believe I found pages of results? It turns out that the difference between cupcakes and muffins is a long-time topic of debate, and as a new expert on the subject I can now help to clear up the mystery for all of you who might be wondering  as well.


It turns out the answer is not so simple. One chef says there is no difference at all and that muffins are just an excuse to eat cake for breakfast. Someone clever wrote that we might as well call them “muffcakes” or “cupfins.” But most are of the opinion that cupcakes and muffins are definitely different and the only thing they have in common is their shape. According to a lot of professional and home bakers the basic difference is that cupcakes have frosting and muffins don’t. Some writers get technical and talk about ingredients and methods: cupcakes have more fat, eggs, and sugar, muffins have more flour and can have fruit, nuts, or chocolate chips mixed in. Muffins are made with oil, cupcakes with butter. Cupcake batter is beaten well until smooth; muffin ingredients are quickly mixed together till just combined. These differences result in different textures. Cupcakes, true to their name, are more caky- actual mini cakes- while muffins are drier and denser- more like small quick breads. Cupcakes are always sweet but muffins can be savory too. So far, so good- I’ve been eating healthy muffins, right? Cupcakes, they say, are baked in paper cups and muffins are baked straight in muffin tins, but I don’t know how strict everyone is about that rule because I have had muffins with paper holders. Omg! Did I unknowingly eat a cupcake?!?


And of course, as in most debates, there are strong opinions. A muffin fan describes cupcakes as cloying, smarmy, sweet muffins that try too hard to please. Muffins, on the other hand, are cupcakes with attitude, with enough confidence that they don’t need to hide under frosting.  And from the cupcake fans: “If you throw a cupcake against a wall it will make a ‘pouf’ sound. If you throw a muffin it makes a ‘thud’ sound.” I can’t even attribute this quote to any specific source because I saw it all over the place!


So, does this newfound knowledge help me at all? Will I feel better about eating muffins instead of cupcakes? A little, I guess. I know muffins are not cake, but the term “muffin top” doesn’t come from nowhere!

Letting Go

by Wanda on February 25, 2014

“Let it Go” is the Oscar nominated song from “Frozen,” Disney’s latest animated film, which is itself in the running for Best Animated Feature. Those Disney movies always  have such great songs. “Let it Go” is playing all over the place, so of course it’s stuck in my head, but I like it so I don’t really mind. I’m actually inspired by the concept of letting go.


Like everyone, I can get angry. If you messed with me two years ago, or even two decades ago, I might still be holding a grudge. I know I should let it go. Holding on to stress from the past can be bad for your physical and emotional health. Studies show that people who forgive have lower rates of heart disease and depression and are, in general, happier and more satisfied with their lives. It’s hard, but it’s important to forgive and move on. “Forgive and forget” is one of those sayings that gets thrown around- easier said than done. Forgetting is not easy but you can work on not staying bitter about things that angered or upset you. Letting go of old wounds is not like giving in and losing; it’s actually the opposite. It’s a decision you make to take control of your own feelings and it is liberating and empowering to get rid of old baggage.


Most of us also worry too much. Like anger, worrying can have the same harmful effects on health, so letting go of worries is important too. Worry does little more than provide a false sense of control when we feel helpless. Of course we can take precautions to prevent minor and  major disasters but  there are many things we really cannot control. To let go and realize that you can’t always manage everything will allow you to relax and accept reality. You might be surprised to find strengths you didn’t know you had when you are no longer crippled by worry.

In the words of Princess Elsa: “Let it go, let it go!”   frozen_elsa-1152x864


by Wanda on February 20, 2014

It’s February, and because it seems like winter will never end I desperately need a new pair of snow boots. After slogging through the snow and slush the other day, drenched in the “wintry mix” that won the battle with the umbrella I started the day with, I came home with cold, wet feet and knew I couldn’t put it off any longer.  So I sat down at my computer and filled the shopping carts at about five websites with contenders.  Of course I wasn’t going to keep all the boots, but I needed a selection in terms of style, fit, and comfort. And without boots to wear in the snow that I don’t believe will ever go away I couldn’t very well go out and buy shampoo and toothpaste either, so those went into another shopping cart, along with other  items I hadn’t realized I needed or wanted. And I was definitely going to need something to read while I was stuck at home ignoring the weather, so i went ahead and ordered a few books. In my email were plenty of good deals from clothing retailers I like, so, click, click, click and my family and I had some new clothes too. With overnight delivery, all I had to do was sit tight and in a short while all my purchases would be at my doorstep.


Remember life before online shopping? You had to go to the store, or stores, do the legwork, carry the merchandise home. Those crazy Dark Ages! How did we know what was good or bad without customer reviews?  I know I’ve been helped often by reading those reviews. I can also go from website to website comparing prices to make sure I’m getting the best deal. And remember, it was snowing and I didn’t have boots- how could I have gone out? Even if I had, I’m sure there would have been a lot of other people desperate for boots because of the approximately five thousand snow storms we’ve had this winter; can you imagine how crowded the stores would have been? I can, and I can’t help feeling a little smug about avoiding those crowds.


Shopping online certainly has advantages, but it also carries the danger of getting carried away and easily losing track of spending. It’s hard to keep from getting sucked into the madness, especially with mobile apps that make it even easier to shop anywhere, anytime and coupons that appear in my email every hour. I know I have to make a real effort to pay attention not to go too crazy. I try not to fall for every online coupon- okay, okay, that day I failed, but I’d had a hard day- most of the time if I concentrate I can resist. I also always try to find ways to get free shipping, either by using a code or waiting until I need enough to spend the minimum required for free shipping. Some sites even offer free returns, which is really helpful, because I have about  eight pairs of boots to return.

images boots

Get Your Get-Away!

by Wanda on February 18, 2014

Is Winter over yet? I feel like a kid in the back of the car on a family trip that keeps asking his parents “are we there yet?” But seriously, when is this going to end? It seems like every morning when I look out my window, the temperature has dropped even lower and the ground is covered with a new batch of white snow. I don’t know about you but I could really use a vacation in a warm climate right about now.

But there is this minor issue of my starving piggy bank.


“Feed me!”


I’ve got to be smarter about my money so that I don’t find myself dreaming about this sunny beach next year, but actually enjoying it.


My new computer wallpaper.
Photo Courtesy:


If you can also use a get-away, lets plan for it together.

First things first. Obviously we need to pick our destination. That’s the easy part as I’m sure there is an endless list of beautiful places you’ve always wanted to visit.

Next, we have to figure out how much we’ll need and when we would like to go away. Are you with me so far?


I hate math :(

Once we have this information, we can calculate how much we must save per month.  If you need help with these calculations, check out Financial Wisdom for estimated costs and savings information.

Then comes the hard part. We actually have to save our money. Sometimes we are not so careful where our money goes by spending on a whim (no judgement here), but with a plan, we can make sure that the money for our vacation will be there when we need it.

Find ways to earn some extra cash. You can sell things you no longer have use for on Ebay, Craigslist, or  hold a yard sale. You can also check out some survey sites or become a mystery shopper for some extra cash.


Get money to fly into your pocket instead of out if it!


If that’s not enough, we also may have to forgo that expensive cup of coffee or restaurant meals. Think of other ways you can cut back. If you have a hard time with these sacrifices, keep a picture of your dream destination handy. When you need a motivational boost, just whip out your picture and imagine yourself there. It will all be worth it soon!



Be A Winner

by Wanda on February 12, 2014

It feels like I am constantly battling with the ice cream in my freezer and the running shoes in my closet!  Know what I’m talking about? I just read about the newest winner of “The Biggest Loser.”   Twenty-four year old Rachel Frederickson went from 260 to 105 pounds, for a total loss of 155.  I am impressed by that kind of determination and perseverence, but also concerned- at five feet, five inches tall, this puts her body mass index (BMI) at 17.5, which is considered underweight. Going from dangerously overweight to underweight is quite a swing and it has me thinking- why are so many Americans at unhealthy weights? Why do so many of us struggle with body image issues? Why are there so many extremes- why is a healthy balance so difficult to achieve and maintain? Is it healthier to be overweight or underweight? I could go on and on. There are so many interesting comments on the articles reporting this story: some commentators applaud her accomplishment, others say she isn’t healthier this way and most certainly could not have achieved this weight loss in a healthy way. One commentator speculates that she lost all the weight to win the money and will probably gain back some of those pounds once the hype wears off.

Health is one of the hottest topics these days! With results of new studies being published everyday- often with different conclusions- just to mess with out heads, I think, with Obamacare causing a stir (a topic for another day), and with people living longer than ever before, there really is a lot of ground to cover! Beauty is a hot topic too and one that means something different to everyone, so who can say what is right ?

I think there has to be a lesson in this story and the fact that I now have a great need to eat a piece of chocolate has to be a part of that lesson. What that means, I guess, is that moderation is always important. So is feeling good about yourself, and taking care of your body and feeling positive about that is a great way to get there. If you need to lose 10 pounds, or even 100, do it in five pound increments and congratulate yourself for each accomplishment. If you can’t work out for an hour and a half every day like Frederickson says she now does, don’t beat up on yourself- take a five-minute walk around the block and feel good that you did that. And if you do eat that chocolate- make sure you enjoy it!