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Beer and Diapers

by Wanda on June 10, 2014

Congratulations to me for probably my most eye-catching title yet! Beer and Diapers. I love  it! So what’s it about? I recently heard a news story about a study that found that often, when men bought diapers, they also bought beer. I was busy with something else when I heard this, so I was a little distracted. I thought I heard them go on to say that because of this finding, stores were planning to place these two items on opposite ends of the store, hoping the men would find lots of other things to buy on the way from one to the other.  I was very intrigued, but since I was only listening with half an ear, I tried to look it up online later. I couldn’t find this particular story, but I found something similar and continued reading. It turns out that this story is an urban legend, or myth, that is used as an illustration for data mining, where patterns are examined in order to be used in the future in practical applications. In the story I read, though, the beer and diapers were then placed near each other to make sure the men remembered to buy both.

dad shopping

What struck me is these two different approaches to getting into the shopper’s brain and trying to manipulate buying habits. If a guy is  going in to buy diapers, stack the beer right next to them. He’ll see the beer and think “Oh, yeah, I can use some beer.” Impulse purchase right there. But if he is intentionally shopping for diapers and beer, and you put them on opposite sides of the store, think of how many other things he will  be drawn to buy- other items he didn’t know/think he needed/wanted. Very clever marketing.


This made me think of the supermarkets and grocery stores where I shop, and how the placement of products influences what I buy. Please tell me I’m not the only one who comes home with the strangest grocery items! I can’t tell you how many times I went into a store to buy a few things and came out five (or ten!) bags later with cake mixes, pickles, and snacks that some grocery fairy must have snuck into my cart! And each time I vow I won’t fall for it the next time. It’s just that I was hungry, or the snack looked interesting, or yes, definitely, I was going to make that impressive dessert with the four thousand weird ingredients, so of course, I need to buy them. Who was I kidding?!? How does this happen? The stores analyze data from shopping records to learn our shopping habits, and then organize items in a way that will make us notice things we weren’t planning to buy when we walked in. The way to avoid falling for that  is to always make a shopping list and make sure to stick to it, no matter how tempting the other things look, or how badly they beg to be taken home.  Being a smart and careful shopper is important if you want to avoid spending money on items you don’t need or want. Hopefully, I’ll remember this next time I go to the store.


Beach Bags

by Wanda on June 6, 2014

Sometimes the seasons play games with us- 85 degrees one day, 45 the next. Do you put away your winter sweaters or do you take out your sandals? It’s very confusing, and I never feel like I’m wearing the right thing. At this point, though, I think it’s safe to say that summer is here. While I can skip the heat waves and extreme humidity that hit every year, I’ll take summer over winter any day, so I’m happy when it comes. I like to think I’ll get to the beach, so I’ve been thinking about beach bags.


I love beach bags and use them as regular hand bags in the summer. You need something to tote your stuff around in anyway, so why not have some fun and make a fashion statement at the same time? There are many styles of beach bags to suit everyone’s tastes and needs. Sometimes I like the look of a terry cloth beach bag to go with the whole towel/water theme, plus it can easily be washed, which is so convenient. There is probably no better way to get rid of the sand you bring home with you, not to mention the sticky spills that seem to happen every time! Canvas looks beachy, too, and can also be easily washed. Do you like a straw bag? A straw bag does somehow seem to make a statement about summer, especially when it is brightly colored with playful handles or straps. I also love wide-brimmed floppy straw beach hats, which I wear out on the street too. You can’t protect your skin too much, and hats are so much fun.


There is a great variety of bags to meet every budget. If you feel like splurging and your wallet allows for it, go for it! Celebrate summer and get something you love, and enjoy using it. If you need or want to reign it in this year, that’s not a problem at all. A great beach bag doesn’t have to break the bank in any way. It’s good to know that there are options. At this time of year there are so many gift  promotions- like makeup or shoes- that come with free beach bags. Be in the right place at the right time and you can even score a fabulous bag for free!  You also need to figure out what you will need to take on your beach outing, so you can decide what size bag will work best for you. You definitely need to be able to fit in the essentials, such as sunblock, sunglasses, some snacks, a great book or magazine, tissues, a towel, and of course water or sports drinks. If you are with your kids, you might want some sand toys and extra snacks and drinks. Beach bags can be fun and functional. However you like to spend your summer days, you can always do it in style!

Sassi Wench Beach Bag 2

Playing Games

by Wanda on June 3, 2014

How much time do you waste playing games on your phone or tablet? Playing games on our electronic devices has become like second nature to most of us. Are you waiting too long for the doctor? Waiting for your computer to turn on? Play a game on your phone. I have become so used to filling every spare moment with activity that I find myself playing something whenever I have some time to fill. Waiting on line at the supermarket always seems to take forever. For some reason, someone on my line always has some sort of problem that requires the manager, which means more waiting and waiting. Good thing I always have my phone.


I have lots of games on my phone that I don’t even play anymore. I played them obsessively after I downloaded them, and then I just lost interest. Of course there’s that one board of 4 Pics One Word that  I’ve been stuck on for the last few weeks so I’m not going back there until inspiration strikes again. Do you ever play a game on a roll- feeling like you’re on fire and you must be the most clever person in the world- and then you get a board that totally stumps you? So I leave it for a while so that I don’t feel bad about myself and my intellectual capabilities. I do not have Flappy Birds, so I never got caught up in that frenzy, but maybe I should have, because then I could have sold my phone for a nice little profit when the game became unavailable. Remember that craziness? I don’t understand that game designer at all for taking it off the app store. I have this fantasy of creating the greatest app ever, cashing out, and then living on my own private island. Or maybe luxury penthouse? Decisions, decisions… Well, this is not a pressing dilemma for now-I guess I can cross that bridge when I get there.


The other day I was waiting for a friend. We were supposed to meet and go to dinner. He kept me waiting and waiting. I was quite annoyed, but thankfully, there is always a game at my fingertips to help pass the time. When we finally met up, he explained that he had been stuck on a board and couldn’t leave until he cracked it. Unapologetically, I might add, like it’s perfectly normal and acceptable to keep people waiting because you’re playing an absorbing game. It’s interesting how just when life is as busy as it’s ever been, we find ways to waste our time. Is playing downtime, or is it a waste of time that decreases our downtime? I wonder…


Emma Watson

by Wanda on May 29, 2014

Associated Press reported that Emma Watson graduated on Sunday with a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature. From Brown, no less, an Ivy League university in Rhode Island. I must admit that I’ve never really gotten swept up in the whole Harry Potter culture- the extent of my participation was reading one book in the series and watching two of the movies. Fantasy/wizard/magic stuff just isn’t really my thing. But the two (very long) films that I did see, or at least the parts of them that I saw when I wasn’t napping, were very well done. Credit for that goes to many of the people involved in making the movie, but I thought that the actors deserve special mention, especially the three young actors playing Harry, Ron, and of course Hermione.

emma watson graduation

You know how sometimes you watch a kid movie and the actors seem so adorable and wholesome? You feel good when it’s over and you know it’s fine for your kids to get to know about these actors. Well, sometimes, a few years  later, the adorable wholesome kid actor becomes an out of control teenager who is on all the gossip sites that you have to close when your kids come into the room. I’m not naming names but you all know what I’m talking about. It makes me sad. Is it because the lifestyle becomes too much for a young child to handle? Is it the exposure to a lifestyle that does not represent real life that makes it so hard to find a balance? Is it the overwhelming wealth, or the adults in the child actor’s life who take advantage and cause problems?  Who knows- it’s probably a combination of all of the above.

harry potter hannah montana

My newsfeed also gave me more than I wanted to know about the Kim Kardashian/Kanye West wedding, and I don’t know if there’s something wrong with me, but I find the information about Emma Watson’s English Lit degree far more interesting. Does this mean that I’m a nerd? Or worse, an intellectual snob? Maybe, as a parent, I just felt a little inspired. It’s nice to see someone grow up to be successful. I know success can be measured in different ways, and different types of success are important to different people, but if a child star makes it into young adulthood, still scoring movie hits, avoiding negative publicity, and getting a college degree to boot, I think we can all agree that this is something to admire. Congrats, Emma!

harry potter


by Wanda on May 22, 2014

Memorial Day is the official start to summer. Doesn’t everyone love summer? Summer is about sunny days, the beach, great picnics and barbecues, and being with friends. Or at least it should be. After the brutal winter we endured, I think we deserve the perfect summer. There’s nothing like the perfect summer day- not too hot, not too humid, just the right breeze to put you in a great mood. Summer activities are also great mood lifters, as they should be. I don’t want to be the one who sees danger lurking in every corner, but we should all be aware of summer safety issues to make sure nothing stands in the way of a happy and healthy summer.

Beach scene with blue wood decking

A day at the beach- sun, water, sand- what could be better? Never mind, don’t answer that- I know not everybody loves the beach. But for those who do, the beach is an ideal way to spend a summer day. And you should enjoy every minute, after you ensure that your safety is taken care of. When you are out in the sun, make sure your sunblock has a high enough SPF to protect you from sunburn- dermatologists recommend 30 or higher.  You also want to make sure to use a broad spectrum sunblock that will protect you from both UVA and UVB rays. Sun damage to your skin can age you dramatically and none of us wants to look old before we have to. More importantly, skin cancer is a real threat, but you can really reduce your chances by getting proper protection from dangerous rays. If you will be going into the water, use a sunblock that is waterproof, and still reapply it every so often. Water safety at the beach or pool is extremely important, too. Watch kids every minute they are in the water, and follow alerts regarding riptides and rough currents in your area. Try to swim in places where there is a lifeguard. Pack your cooler full of refreshing drinks- you will need to drink more on a hot day spent in the sun. Keep in mind that alcohol is dehydrating, so it’s smarter to stick to water and sports drinks.


A summer barbecue is delicious, and when you’re with the right group of friends and family it’s a great summer party. Maybe you’re the summer outing type, going on an adventure with a picnic basket packed for lunchtime. You should make the most out of the summer and enjoy these popular activities while being careful to stay safe. It should go without saying that we have to be careful when working around fire, and here, too: watch the kids. Make sure they don’t get too close to the fire or other hot cooking surfaces. A round bite of hotdog is the perfect size to get stuck in a small child’s throat, so cut them in half the long way first. Food safety is always important, but especially during warm weather. Always keep perishables properly refrigerated until you are ready to eat or cook them, and cook meat to an internal temperature of at least 160 degrees to make sure that harmful bacteria are killed.

I hope all this doesn’t make me sound like the queen of doom. I love the summer and hope this weekend is the start to a great one. Enjoy yourselves and have a happy and safe summer!



National Chocolate Chip Day

by Wanda on May 15, 2014

May 15th is National Chocolate Chip Day! Do we all agree that chocolate chips deserve their own holiday? You know I like my fun facts, so here is the history of the chocolate chip and its most popular recipe, the chocolate chip cookie: Like many great things, the cookies were invented by mistake. Ruth Graves Wakefield, our heroine, was baking chocolate cookies for her guests at the Toll House Inn in Whitman, Massachusetts. When she ran out of baking chocolate, she substituted by chopping up some semi-sweet chocolate and adding the morsels to the cookie dough. When the cookies were done, she found that the chocolate pieces had not melted into the cookies like she thought they would, but it all ends well anyway. Her guests went crazy over these new cookies and a delicious recipe was created. The new recipe needed a new specialty ingredient, and in 1941 Nestle began selling chocolate chips.

National Chocolate Chip Day(2)

Today, 25% of cookies baked in the United States are chocolate chip. Get me into a room with freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, and all my good dieting intentions go out the window! My ideal cookie is the perfect balance of chewiness and crunch holding slightly gooey chocolate pieces- gets me every time! But enough about the cookies- the day is really all about the chocolate chips. Chocolate chips are a great ice cream topping, muffin or pancake add-in, and even when you make a healthy choice like yogurt, a few chocolate chips can go a long way without causing too much damage. Chocolate chips are a must-have at any cake or cookie decorating party. When you are using a recipe that requires melting chocolate, starting off with chocolate chips will make that job a lot easier and faster than having to chop up a larger piece of chocolate.


The very fact that chocolate chips exist is reason enough to celebrate, isn’t it? I have been known to snack on them straight from the bag, and I do recommend it! It’s a good way to ensure portion control and still indulge. And don’t forget that dark chocolate (okay, in moderation) is actually good for you, so if that’s the kind you like, tell yourself it’s a healthy snack. I could give you my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe, but I don’t want to mess with copyright issues, so I will send you here for recipes to celebrate this very important holiday. Happy National Chocolate Chip Day!


Female Breadwinners

by Wanda on May 12, 2014

I was surfing online, and a headline caught my eye: “Are Female Breadwinners a Threat to Society?” Of course I had to click and read it, and of course I then had to write about it. This was a discussion on a recent episode of a news show. A ‘panel of experts,’ and I can’t tell you what type of experts because that’s all the article says, were asked whether marital problems could arise when a wife earns more money than her husband. Huh? Is this really a question in 2014? We can talk a lot about women and careers, but the simple truth is that today, most families need to have two incomes just to get by. So does it matter which part of the couple makes more money? It probably shouldn’t, but apparently, it does, or this wouldn’t have been a topic on a national news show.

prof women

The answers were interesting. One of the co-hosts said that a wife being the breadwinner in the family was bound to have ramifications if for no other reason than it is a challenge to conventional cultural norms. This led another co-host to wonder if it goes deeper than cultural expectations; could there be something biological at play, maybe an inborn need for a man to take care of his wife? A female member of the panel responded and said that even if that were true, there are other ways that a man can feel good taking care of his family- it shouldn’t have to be only about money. She said that maybe a man’s earning power is mistakenly tied up with his masculinity, and what he should work on is overcoming that kind of insecurity. The money/power/pride thing is created by our culture, too, so that may be easier said than done.


Are men afraid that society will look down on them if their wives earn more? It’s very possible that’s all it is, but cultural conventions change eventually. Not so long ago, women had to fight for the right to vote? Sounds ridiculous now, doesn’t it, but it was a real fight back then. Here’s something the article didn’t address- how many women also feel that  the man must be the breadwinner or the balance of the family will be thrown off? In the end, it’s probably all a question of attitude and also probably a pretty personal one, at that. Different things work for different families, and each family has to find its own comfort zone. In real life, though, someone has to pay the bills, so now might be the perfect time for society to work on an attitude adjustment.

Boy and Girl Piggy Banks on Coin Heart

Mother’s Day

by Wanda on May 8, 2014

This Sunday is Mother’s Day, and that is definitely an occasion to blog about. Of course, most of you have probably been thinking about it for a while and some of you have already made plans and bought cards and gifts. I’m sure other bloggers have been writing about Mother’s Day ideas for the last two weeks, but being the last minute type that I am, here I am now. I bet I’m not the only one like that and I know some people who would even consider this planning ahead. So in case you haven’t given it any thought until now, hopefully I can help you out with some ideas.

happy mother's day

We know how special our moms are and hopefully, we realize it every day, but I still think it’s important to dedicate a day to express our love and appreciation. As a mom myself, I certainly like it- it’s like a bonus birthday day. Who doesn’t love a day all about “me?” And I like knowing that just in case I don’t let my mom know often enough how important she is to me, I can be sure to do it on Mother’s Day. For you trivia hounds, here are some facts about the day. I won’t bore you with a long history lesson, but here’s a fun fact: Mother’s Day-like traditions go back to ancient Greek and Roman times. Fast forward to the twentieth century when a woman named Anna Jarvis campaigned for a day to recognize mothers because she felt that most other holidays were established to celebrate male achievements. In 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed a law establishing the second Sunday in May as the official Mother’s Day.


So, on to practical matters… Many children treat their mothers to breakfast in bed, while others take Mom out for brunch or dinner. If most women feel the way I do about flowers, it is safe to say that flowers are always appreciated. Don’t feel that you need to go all out with an expensive arrangement- a simple bouquet, or even a single stem is beautiful and will be enjoyed just as well. Cards are nice and it’s probably best to think about what kind of tone your mom goes for when you are card shopping. I can literally ‘laugh out loud’ reading greeting cards, but there are also plenty of ‘mushy’ cards if you or your mom are sentimental. Good gift ideas include gift cards for a favorite store, jewelry, knick-knacks for the home, a spa day, or theater tickets. Try not to stress out too much over this, though- remember that gifts are just tokens. What counts is that your mom knows how special she is on this special day.

cat mom


by Wanda on May 5, 2014

“Laughter is the best medicine.” I was thinking about laughter and that quote popped into my mind. I don’t remember if it’s from someplace specific or if it’s just one of those sayings that go around. Doesn’t matter, really, it’s a good one anyway. It’s meant to tell us that humor can help us feel better but it’s actually more true than most of us know. There are real emotional and physical health benefits to laughing. There is even something called Laughter Club where they do laughter therapy. Yes, go ahead and laugh; laughter therapy is a thing. In Laughter Club, the the focus is not even on humor, but on the physical exercise of laughing.


I’m sure we’ve all experienced the stress relieving effects of laughing, and here’s why that happens: the action of laughing actually relaxes physical tension, decreases stress hormones, and releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones. That all makes sense. What I didn’t know until recently is that laughing can help balance blood pressure, and even strengthen the immune system by increasing the release of immune cells and antibodies. Wow! When we laugh, we breathe faster, which enhances oxygen intake- good for the brain. Recent research suggests that humor may improve short-term memory- that might be all the incentive I need to let go and laugh!


We laugh, usually when something is amusing, which makes us feel happy, and we all know that feeling happy is good for us. Amusing and humorous situations often occur in happy social settings which are good mood enhancers, too.  I know that sometimes when I’m tired, all I need at the end of the day is some funny TV to relax me. It’s easy, funny, and I don’t have to think too deeply when my brain is tired. And how many times is something so funny that we laugh until we cry? There is actually something very satisfying about moments like that- laughing with tears rolling down your face, to the point of exhaustion. Sometimes just thinking about a time I roared with laughter can set off a laughing fit all over again; I’m even smiling now but there are too many people around and bursting into hysterical laughter would just be too weird. So I will leave you with symbolic laughter for now: LOL!


Real Housewives

by Wanda on April 28, 2014

Did you ever have one of those nights where you lie in bed wide awake, watching the clock and knowing that as each minute passes you will be that much more tired in the morning? That was me, last night. And as we all know, watching the clock and actively trying to fall asleep only makes it worse. So at some point between “Why can’t I sleep?!?” and “I’m losing my mind!!!” I decided to just give up and watch TV. Of course, in the wee hours of the night, the choices are pretty limited, but then, at strange hours you are also more likely to make strange choices, so I found myself watching the reunion episode of “Real Housewives of Atlanta.” I don’t mean to offend anyone who regularly watches any of the Real Housewives shows- I just mean it was strange for me because I don’t watch them and had no idea what was going on. I know the shows are very popular and should check them out for real one of these days just to be in the loop.


So, there I was, in the middle of the night glued to an intense episode of an intense reality show with lots of screaming and crying, and I have to say that even though I hadn’t the foggiest idea what they were all yelling about, I continued watching. The gowns they wore, their hair and makeup, and the passion with which they argued and wildly gestured at one another were enough to keep me fascinated even if I didn’t understand what they were saying. This was real drama! If the real housewives of the other cities are like this, it’s no wonder there are so many versions of this series and that approximately two million 18-49 year-old women are hooked. “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” was the first of these series that Bravo debuted in 2006, and since then, there are Housewives shows that are set in New York City, Atlanta, New Jersey, DC, and Miami. In case you wanted to know, Atlanta is the highest rated and most watched.


I wonder if there is a magic formula. The producers must do an excellent job on the glamour and drama angle of it, and I’m sure there has to be a little Peeping Tom in all of us. Why else would we be interested in the lives of total strangers? I  know there are more celebrity gossip magazines and websites than I can list, but those people are celebrities already- these women are unknown to their viewers before the shows start. And not to burst anyone’s reality TV bubble, but how much is really reality, anyway? The lives these women supposedly lead are way larger than real life and everything they do on the shows is so over the top. I hate to be the skeptic, but I can’t believe that none of it is scripted. Whatever- it works- Bravo is profiting, the viewers are entertained, the Housewives are famous. And it gave me something to think about. I just hope my writing today makes sense- I didn’t get much sleep last night.
