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How to Stop Impulse Buying

by Wanda on February 21, 2016


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You know that jacket you just have to have? So what if it will set you back a couple of hundred dollars-  it’s really fabulous! Or the great armchair that will look so great in the den, even though you have a perfectly good one there already- maybe you should just buy it anyway… Are any of us immune to impulse buying? You feel like you have to buy that item- in the moment- and then you realize you never really use it, you don’t really need it, and it sort of messed with your budget. We all know what that’s like! So how do you stay in control when a buying urge hits? Here are some smart ways to stop impulse buying:

1. Have a list: Always shop with a list: the stores you need to visit and the items you need to buy. This will help you stay focused on what you really need.

2. Think about your long-term goals: Remind yourself if you’re saving for a vacation, a house, retirement, or a special pair of shoes.

3. Give yourself a time limit: When you have to be out shopping, give yourself a certain amount of time to spend in the store and you’ll be less susceptible to becoming distracted.

4. Use cash: This way you can only spend what you have.

5. Budget for small splurges: Plan for rewards and you won’t feel deprived, which will help diminish the urge to buy impulsively.

6. Make yourself wait: When you see something you want impose a waiting period to see how badly you really want it. Wait a week, or 30 days and you’ll have time to make a rational opinion. Read reviews, talk to other people, and think it over really well before you buy.

7. Stay away from the mall: If you need something, go to the specific store and leave right away.

8. Ask yourself questions: How badly do you really want this item? How will it improve your life? How happy will it make you ? Will it make things easier for you? Can you really afford it?

9. Take stock of what you have: Go and spiff up something you already own. Or make a rule that if you buy something new you have to give something away. You might develop a new appreciation for what you already have and decide you’d rather hold on to that than get something new.

10. Don’t browse online: If you need to buy something, search for it specifically and then log off.

11. Unsubscribe: Opt out of emails from retailers that will only tempt you to buy things you don’t need.

12. Hold on to receipts: You can always return something if you change your mind.

13. Recognize marketing tricks: Just because an item is on sale doesn’t make it a good buy if you don’t need it or like it. And something that looks great on a model or mannequin might not work for you at all.

14. Know who to shop with: Don’t go shopping with friends who have unlimited budgets or bad spending habits.

15. Don’t rationalize small purchases: Just because your impulse buy was inexpensive doesn’t make it okay; you still spent money on something you don’t need, and small purchases do add up!

16. Don’t shop hungry: Or sad, angry, or stressed. You’ll be more vulnerable and less able to withstand temptation. Don’t let your emotions control your shopping.

17. Take a deep breath: Compose yourself. Stop, take a deep breath, and compose yourself and the urge to spend might pass.

Which of these ideas is most helpful to you? You might find that you can use a few, or even all of them to curb your impulse buying. If you really can’t control your spending and it’s becoming a real problem in your life, you might want to consider getting some professional help.

Do you have any smart tips for cutting down on impulse shopping? Share them with us on Facebook!

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