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Mother’s Day Gifts

by Wanda on May 7, 2015

How great are our mothers? So great that there’s a whole day dedicated to them, when we shower them with well-deserved cards, gifts, flowers, and special meals. Let’s stop a minute and think about the gifts that mothers give to their families. Like, for example, the gift of life. No biggie. How about those newborn sleepless night and dealing with crazy toddler tantrums? Our moms did all that, and while it’s easy to start to hate someone who robs you of your sleep and your sanity, no one loves us like our moms do.


Who else can soothe your physical and emotional boo-boos like your mom, sometimes making things feel better just by being there? There is probably no one on this earth who would make the sacrifices she would make for you. Really, who else would give you the last cookie without a fight? Mothers support and encourage our dreams, no matter how out-there they are, while at the same time, gently letting you know that maybe your dream is a little too out-there without hurting your feelings. Because she wants you to stay grounded. Then she’ll support you as you go on to the next dream because your mother believes in you like no one else does.

How about those special birthday parties, cooking your favorite meals, or any meals at all, for that matter. But its not just about food- our mothers feed us and nourish us in so many ways. Our moms chased away the monsters in our nightmares, and sometimes the ones in real life, too. Mothers are there to attend to their children’s basic and immediate needs, and to teach them to navigate this chaotic world. It can be tough out there, but thanks to Mom, you can handle it, and she had faith in you the whole time!

So when you give your mom her gift this Mother’s Day, be sure to thank her for the gifts she’s been giving you your whole life. Happy Mother’s Day!


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