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Why Keeping A Journal Is Good For You

by Wanda on April 20, 2015

How badly would you like to have something that lets you take a good look at what’s going on in your life, make you feel good about yourself, and alleviate stress? Not to mention express yourself creatively without the pressure of judgement by others? I’m talking about keeping a journal, which is a very cool thing to do. Here’s why: Writing When you keep a journal you have the opportunity to take an objective look at your life. This allows you to see things you might not see otherwise, and act on them. You can see the blessings in your life that you might otherwise take for granted, feel good about them, and let that positive energy nourish you. Looking at things objectively helps you work out problems that seem overwhelming when you’re in the thick of things. You’ll also learn about yourself, which will guide you in leading a more productive and rich life. If you’re upset, it can help to talk to a friend, but there are times when no one’s available and certain things that are too personal to talk about with anyone. A journal is the best thing for those situations. Getting rid of your negative thoughts by putting them on paper is an incredible stress reliever. Writing a journal requires time to be alone with yourself and your thoughts, which is also good for your emotional health. Take the time every day, or every few days, to get away from everything and focus on yourself- it’s extremely therapeutic. Finally, keeping a journal is a wonderful way to express yourself. A little creativity goes a long way and since your journal is just for you, you can write away without worrying about how good it is. Nobody’s going to see it but you so don’t be self-conscious about your writing skills and just let go! black-woman-writing-pf So, how to get started? You can go the traditional route and keep a paper journal. Treat yourself to something special that will inspire you to write. Here is a variety of of choices in a range of prices from Barnes & Noble. Somehow I feel like writing by hand means I put more of myself into it, but if you really love your gadgets, a journaling app might be the way to go for you. Two popular ones are Penzu and Day One. Check them out and see what works for you. Like everything else that’s good for you, keeping a journal requires some discipline and commitment, but if you stick to it, you will enjoy the benefits. Happy writing!

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