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Giving And Getting

by Wanda on December 4, 2014

“It is better to give than to receive.” Who made up that saying anyway? When you’re talking about gifts, everyone knows it’s way better to receive. That’s why we make wish lists, that’s why we dream, that’s why we drop hints to the people in our lives who we hope will give us gifts. Hopefully, we’ll all receive some good ones this holiday season. But it is true that giving gifts can be exciting, too, just in a different way. There is something to be said for watching the reactions of your loved ones when they open the gifts that you’ve carefully selected for them. Especially if you put a lot of thought into it. It’s always nice to know your efforts paid off and are appreciated.


Giving is nice because it proves that we are not totally self-centered. There is more meaning to life in a world where giving and sharing are priorities, and who are we as a society if we don’t look out for those in need? So it’s important to get our priorities in order and understand what really matters. Each of us should do our part to help out. Beyond that, though, it is gift giving season, and we’re all going to have to come up with some good ones for our friends and families. Some times you know exactly what you want to give each person in your life. Others, you draw a complete blank. There are some years when I find myself on a roll, just crossing off everyone on my list right away. Done, and done. Then there are the years where I find myself surfing from site to site and also literally plodding from store to store and I can’t ever seem to find the perfect gifts. I know we’ve all been there. Some planning can help to prevent that kind of frustration and eliminate (or at least alleviate) the stress so that giving this year is truly enjoyable and fulfilling for you.


Start by making a list. For real. I mean, write down names on paper or in notes in your phone or tablet- not just in your head. This will give you a realistic idea of what you need to accomplish. I keep all my notes and lists on my phone because I always have it with me, but I have to say that there is something very satisfying about writing lists on paper and then triumphantly crossing things off as you do them! If you have rough ideas about what you want to give anybody, write that down, too, because that can help guide you in your shopping. You might see that you have similar ideas for a few people, so you can shop in the same place for all of them and save yourself some time. List categories to help keep you organized and simplify planning. Categories might include: toys, kitchen, jewelry, games, food, books. You know your people. Try to think about what they’d like to get, but don’t think too hard. With a little bit of thought you’ll probably be on the right track, and if you include a gift receipt, almost anything can be exchanged. Keep reminding yourself that the idea this year is to make gift giving and getting a good experience for everyone, so no stressing!


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