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by Wanda on August 12, 2014

download (1)Let’s talk about snobs. A snob is someone who thinks he/she is better than everyone else, who looks down on others because of status such as intellect, wealth, looks, ancestry, taste, or a variety of other reasons. We all know some. For some reason or other, I was thinking about snobs the other day and started to wonder about the word “snob.” Do you ever think of a word that you know, and when you say it aloud or to yourself it suddenly sounds really funny? Like it’s strange that a sound can randomly mean something. Anyone know what I’m talking about, or am I really a super nerd? Snob…snob…snob…snob. Try it; you’ll see what I mean. So I started wondering how that strange sound came to have its meaning. According to Wikipedia, the origin of the word comes from 1820′s England. People who were not from the aristocracy were referred to as sine nibilitate (without nobility), which was shortened to s. nob. The early meaning of the word refers to someone who wanted to imitate the upper class, but it evolved to its current meaning, which is someone who looks down on those thought to be inferior. Snobbery (snobbishness?) was always about attitude.

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There are many types of snobs now, too. You hear people talk about wine snobs, food snobs, film snobs, intellectual snobs, grammar snobs, and so on and so on. There seems to be a snob for every occasion. If you don’t like the wine that I like, I might have to look down on you because, of course, my taste in wine in the correct one! Just kidding! Is that really what these people think, though, or does it just seem that way to others who might feel intimidated by someone else who seems so sure of his/her taste in wine (or movies, or clothes, or whatever)? Where does snobbishness really come from, anyway? There is the theory that deep down it comes from insecurity. That people who seem to be snobs are really only putting on an act to cover up just how unsure they are of themselves. Sounds like it could make sense. Then there is also the theory that snobs are people who really do have very high self-esteem and it shows.



How about the people who are really kind and friendly, but shy? Being quiet because you’re shy can look very much like being quiet because the people around are not good enough for you to associate with. The world is a complicated place and dealing with people is the most complicated part of it, I think. So I also think it’s important to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and to respect the opinions of others. Are you a snob? It might be fun to take this quiz and find out!



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