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by Wanda on May 22, 2014

Memorial Day is the official start to summer. Doesn’t everyone love summer? Summer is about sunny days, the beach, great picnics and barbecues, and being with friends. Or at least it should be. After the brutal winter we endured, I think we deserve the perfect summer. There’s nothing like the perfect summer day- not too hot, not too humid, just the right breeze to put you in a great mood. Summer activities are also great mood lifters, as they should be. I don’t want to be the one who sees danger lurking in every corner, but we should all be aware of summer safety issues to make sure nothing stands in the way of a happy and healthy summer.

Beach scene with blue wood decking

A day at the beach- sun, water, sand- what could be better? Never mind, don’t answer that- I know not everybody loves the beach. But for those who do, the beach is an ideal way to spend a summer day. And you should enjoy every minute, after you ensure that your safety is taken care of. When you are out in the sun, make sure your sunblock has a high enough SPF to protect you from sunburn- dermatologists recommend 30 or higher.  You also want to make sure to use a broad spectrum sunblock that will protect you from both UVA and UVB rays. Sun damage to your skin can age you dramatically and none of us wants to look old before we have to. More importantly, skin cancer is a real threat, but you can really reduce your chances by getting proper protection from dangerous rays. If you will be going into the water, use a sunblock that is waterproof, and still reapply it every so often. Water safety at the beach or pool is extremely important, too. Watch kids every minute they are in the water, and follow alerts regarding riptides and rough currents in your area. Try to swim in places where there is a lifeguard. Pack your cooler full of refreshing drinks- you will need to drink more on a hot day spent in the sun. Keep in mind that alcohol is dehydrating, so it’s smarter to stick to water and sports drinks.


A summer barbecue is delicious, and when you’re with the right group of friends and family it’s a great summer party. Maybe you’re the summer outing type, going on an adventure with a picnic basket packed for lunchtime. You should make the most out of the summer and enjoy these popular activities while being careful to stay safe. It should go without saying that we have to be careful when working around fire, and here, too: watch the kids. Make sure they don’t get too close to the fire or other hot cooking surfaces. A round bite of hotdog is the perfect size to get stuck in a small child’s throat, so cut them in half the long way first. Food safety is always important, but especially during warm weather. Always keep perishables properly refrigerated until you are ready to eat or cook them, and cook meat to an internal temperature of at least 160 degrees to make sure that harmful bacteria are killed.

I hope all this doesn’t make me sound like the queen of doom. I love the summer and hope this weekend is the start to a great one. Enjoy yourselves and have a happy and safe summer!



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