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Letting Go

by Wanda on February 25, 2014

“Let it Go” is the Oscar nominated song from “Frozen,” Disney’s latest animated film, which is itself in the running for Best Animated Feature. Those Disney movies always  have such great songs. “Let it Go” is playing all over the place, so of course it’s stuck in my head, but I like it so I don’t really mind. I’m actually inspired by the concept of letting go.


Like everyone, I can get angry. If you messed with me two years ago, or even two decades ago, I might still be holding a grudge. I know I should let it go. Holding on to stress from the past can be bad for your physical and emotional health. Studies show that people who forgive have lower rates of heart disease and depression and are, in general, happier and more satisfied with their lives. It’s hard, but it’s important to forgive and move on. “Forgive and forget” is one of those sayings that gets thrown around- easier said than done. Forgetting is not easy but you can work on not staying bitter about things that angered or upset you. Letting go of old wounds is not like giving in and losing; it’s actually the opposite. It’s a decision you make to take control of your own feelings and it is liberating and empowering to get rid of old baggage.


Most of us also worry too much. Like anger, worrying can have the same harmful effects on health, so letting go of worries is important too. Worry does little more than provide a false sense of control when we feel helpless. Of course we can take precautions to prevent minor and  major disasters but  there are many things we really cannot control. To let go and realize that you can’t always manage everything will allow you to relax and accept reality. You might be surprised to find strengths you didn’t know you had when you are no longer crippled by worry.

In the words of Princess Elsa: “Let it go, let it go!”   frozen_elsa-1152x864

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