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What Not to Do This Summer

by Wanda on July 9, 2013

Long live summer. The bright weather. Beach volleyball. Picnics and mosquito repellent. Sipping on cool drinks in the shade. People leaving their babies and pets in their cars.


Wait. People what?


Yes, people absent- mindedly leaving their infants and pets in their cars while running errands—it happens far more often than I’d care to think about. It’s like stuffing your child into a microwave or sticking your poodle into an oven.


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Look at their faces. Their whole lives are ahead of them. Photo Credit: Goodshoot/Goodshoot/Getty Images


It’s murder. Yet, people do it. Every. Single. Summer.


Recently, in Virginia, a woman left her 8-month-old infant in her car. It was not a happy ending.


In Wisconsin, a couple did the same thing—luckily, the baby survived (thanks to a few pedestrians walking by).


In Canada, a deaf woman faces life in prison for leaving her 2-year-old grandson in a car during a sweltering heat wave.


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This is the sun. It makes the inside of your car feel like the inside of a volcano. Think about it: Would you leave your dog in a volcano? Kudos to National Geographic for taking this close-up of the sun.


Every. Single. Year. Something tragic and utterly stupid like this happens. A parked car ranks among the deadliest places in extreme heat. With the windows rolled up, there’s zero ventilation. Sunbeams multiply the heat on the inside of the vehicle. Any living thing that happens to be trapped inside is toast.


Put yourself in that situation. It’s not pretty. The brave Dr. Ernie Ward demonstrates in this video by putting himself through torture: watch as Dr. Ward roasts himself inside a car on a hot day.


When a child dies, we all share the burden. Share this post with your friends. Make them watch Dr. Ward’s self- torture video. Take action. Let’s put an end to the stupidity and enjoy Summer.


Sorry for this morbid post. But someone has to do it.


- Wanda


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