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Play is the purpose of life

by Wanda on April 17, 2013

I took the kids to the playground yesterday afternoon. Normally I bring a book to read, but this time I forgot. I zoomed out visually and took in the entire scene. A collage of kids, ages 4-8, running, jumping, swinging, twisting, pulling, bopping. They were all moving together in a majestic rhythm the way that trees all sway together in the wind. My eyes were defocused. I knew my kids were in the collage, but I couldn’t discern them from the whole system. I had an thunderbolt moment, the type that you get when you see that piece of artwork in the museum that makes the world make sense.

It was a little more picturesque than this.

It was a little more picturesque than this.

The words that hit were “This is it.” This, right here, watching my kids play in the playground, this is the purpose of life. The purpose of life is to play. There is nothing higher or more important. Play is anything we do for the sake of doing it. The value of play is in the play itself. There is not need for an extrinsic reward. My kids don’t play in the playground to earn money, or curry favor, or even to exercise their bodies. They play because it’s fun, and fun is good.


As an adult, we can’t always play. But play is still out purpose. In our world, we must work in order to afford play. Work is that which we do to gain something else. We work for money. If us grown-ups didn’t work to provide food and shelter, there would be no time for play. Work is a necessity as an adult. But play is still the highest purpose. My action, sitting and watching them in the park is also play. I didn’t take them to the park to get them to like me more. I didn’t take them here because that’s what parents “should do.” I took them because I want to. Play requires no reward. Play is the most effortless expression of being human. What constitutes play for you?


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