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How to deal with overload (part 3): quick de-stressors

by Wanda on March 15, 2013

By now you should know what sets you in overload, and what your tumescent type is. Now its time to manage it. Tumescence, what we usually refer to as being “over-stimulated” isn’t necessarily a bad sensation, it’s just a high amount of sensation. Everyone has a different “capacity for sensation.” What overwhelms me, might underwhelm you. We feel “tumesced” rather than excited, when our sensation goes beyond whatever our capacity is. It the next post we’ll go over how to transmute tumescence into something positive by increasing our capacity, but for now, let’s just get it down.

We’re already familiar with most de-stimulators. When you get into an argument, or you have too much work to do, many of us have a go-to. Here’s a list of some quick, effective de-stressors. Many of them are not good for you, but they work. Make sure you don’t over do any of them.

  1. Eating. Yes, most of us are familiar with stress-eating. Here’s a tip. Keep a healthy munchy food near your workstation, car, or wherever you experience the most stress. If you have a bag of raw almonds to get you back down to feeling normal. 
  2. Punching a pillow or punching bag. Yes we all love to get violent when we’re having a bad day. When you feel this way, don’t suppress it. That’s how people end up going postal. Do yourself, your family, friends, and co-workers a huge favor and go hit something soft and inanimate. It’s better you punch a punching bag once a week than punching person ever.
  3. Reading or watching TV. This is most common for the dissipated types who just want to check out. Just be sure you do it because you want to or have to.
  4. Exercise (walking, running, lifting.) It’s great for the hyper-volatile types who need to boogey when stressed.
  5. Spending quality time with the friends and family. We need connection. A lot the time our capacity for how much we can take on is reduced, simply because we feel disconnected from other people. Humans are social animals. Make sure you are getting your daily dose. This is the most healthy thing on the list, so don’t worry about overdoing this one :)


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