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Easy Activities to Stay Young

by Wanda on March 1, 2013

Darn right it is

Darn right it is

Someone we both know noticed a gray hair earlier this week. This person who shall not be named freaked out a bit for obvious reasons. This person who shall not be named, despite three kids and many 21st birthdays has denied that she has been aging. Not to worry! Forty is the new thirty right? As I, I mean, this person, steps deeper in the forties, I’ve decided to go in style. Wrinkles are just not fashionable. Here are some easy ways to slow the aging process.

  1. Stretch. Light stretching, especially in the hip region, can keep you limber and prevent joints from getting stiff. Also, when you’re deep into “Life’s Third Act,” tendon flexibility can be the difference between falling and getting hurt, or falling and just laughing about it.
  2. Stay Hungry. Not that you should ever starve, but eating till you’re “full” overtaxes the digestive and nervous system. We’re not supposed to eat till we’re full. We’re supposed to eat till we’re no longer hungry. Think of it this way: your digestion tract only has so many “miles” on it. If you put too much food down there now, you’re wearing it out for later. Actually, it’s not even the amount, it’s about giving your system a break. A practice called Intermittent Fasting is a dietary style where you limit your daily eating to a smaller window. I’ll probably have to explain it further in another post.
  3. Move Around. A lot of our health problems come from our chairs. Our legs are not supposed to be bent for very long at a time. If you work at a desk, get up! Walk Around! You don’t have to be an exercise junkie, just move as much as possible, even if just the stairs.
  4. Play. Doing things just for fun is one of the best ways to keep your mind youthful and growing. Wolves and Labrador Retrievers are both canines with similar ancestral backgrounds. One big difference is that Labradors are neotonous, meaning they retain some characteristics from their “childhood”/developmental years. One big one is that they continue to play till they die. Wolves on the other hand only play as puppies, they stop once reach sexual maturity. The result in brain function is that the playful Labs continue to learn things their whole lives, whereas the grumpy no-fun wolves become set in their ways and are unable to learn as adults. You can teach an old dog new tricks, as long as he keeps playing.
  5. Sleep! You may have heard that “Sleep is the cousin of Death.” Yes he is. He’s the much happier, healthier cousin. If you don’t hang out with Sleep often enough, Death will join the party sooner. It might be hard to get your good night sleep each night. That’s fine. Take a nap. Really, I’m serious. Take a nap the way you never wanted to as a kid!


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