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How to deal with overload (part 4): increase your capacity

by Wanda on March 18, 2013

All through last week, we went over “tumescence,” also known as overstimulation, having too much sensation, or being overwhelmed. The first step was to identify when you get fall into this state and what typically causes it. The second step was to figure out what “type” of stressor you are so you can apply the proper antidote. The third thing we learned was quick ways to get the sensation down when it feels like too much. Today we’re going to learn how to be able to take on more so that we can take on more without feeling like it’s too much.

The overload of

Is this you?

Is this you?

sensation is not good or bad in itself. All it is, is a lot of sensation. Whether it’s good or bad is simply our perception. Our perception is based on our capacity for sensation. Imagine it as a container or a tank. As long as there is space in the tank, the liquid can be contained. But when the tank is full, the liquid spills and makes a mess. Each person has a different sized container. Some people fall into a blind rage from a little traffic on the way home from work. Some people can sit in traffic for hours in a Zen like state of relaxation. The only difference is how much a person can handle. Follow these steps to be able to take on more so you will feel overwhelmed less often.

  1. Empty your tank whenever possible. Think again of the guy who get’s a temper tantrum from little inconveniences like traffic. He probably keeps taking on troubles without ever letting it out. His container is always almost full so the slightest addition makes him tip. 
  2. Increase your capacity by taking it slow. Zen masters spend years perfecting the art of simple tasks like pouring tea. They will place so much attention on tea pouring that eventually they can pour it perfectly every single time. If you can learn to appreciate little things, it’s easier to
  3. Get in touch with your body. Anxiety is caused by the mind. Your body knows how to relax. You can increase your capacity for sensation with activities that open you up physically like yoga or dancing.

Next post will be on alchemizing your stress lead into gold!

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