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Best Super Bowl Commercials of the Last Decade

by Wanda on February 4, 2013

What did you guys think of this years Super Bowl Ads? I was chasing my kids around too much as this year’s Super Bowl party to catch many of them, but I heard some were good. Since the best ones from this year aren’t up yet, I decided to share the best ones from the last decade:

2012: Acura

“The one with Jerry” where Seinfeld does anything to get the first Acura NSX 2012. Surprise cameo from Leno.


2011: Volkswagen

“The Force.” The little adorable kid in the Darth Vader costume is surprised by a remote starter.


 2010: Snickers

Betty White starts her glorious comeback to the limelight with this clever campaign about how Snickers can help you from “playing like Betty White.”


2009: Audi 

Jason Statham with some kick ass moves.


2008: Pepsi



2007: Budweiser


“Fist bump is out man.” Slap in the face is in.


2006: Monster

All monkey business


2005: Emerald Nuts

Do these still exist? In this ad, the father gets caught lying by all the fictional characters.

2004: Lays

Two old people fight over a bag of chips. The man gets the bag, but the woman gets the last laugh.


2003: Budweiser

Clydesdales playing football. “The referee’s a jackass.” “No, I believe that’s a zebra.”


2002: Reebok

Terry Tate Office Linebacker. A football player raising work productivity with pain.

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