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The Corduroy Appreciation Club

by Wanda on January 11, 2013

Today is January 11. 1/11 in numerical form. Along with November 11th, and many of the days in 2011, it’s a special day for some. There is one group in New York City (and possibly the world) that hold’s theses ’1′ filled days in high esteem. That is The Corduroy Appreciation Club.

Yes, that’s a real thing. I’m very serious. It’s a group of corduroy enthusiasts with a great sense of humor that convenes on days with lots of ’1′s in it. This is because 1′s side by side mimic the ridges in the fabric, known as “wales.” How do I know this? I was, and probably still am, a member.

Prior to the special year of 2011, their previous big year was 2001. On 11/11/01 I happened to be a single twenty-something who had just moved to New York a month ago and didn’t know a soul outside of work. I heard about “The Corduroy Appreciation Club” on a radio show and saw they were convening near my apartment on the West Side. I had to check it out. I borrowed a corduroy blazer from my then roommate and went to the bar party put on by the CAC.

I want cord pants like these next CAC holiday!

Just as one would expect, it was a horde of very funny, very artsy folk all donning various corduroy attire: vests, slacks, hats, even capes, yes, capes. The organizer gave a funny pithy speech about the grandeur of the fabric then led this group of maybe fifty people to 41st to pay respects to the Whaling Wall– a mural of giant humpback whale. Wale/whale, get it? The corny joke ay have been taken a bit too far when they took out a bag of ruffled potato chips and laid them out as tribute to the wall. (Apparently the ridges in chips are also called “wales.”) Another speech was made where instructions were given to “Hail the Wale.” After this sacrifice, we all went to bar and had a grand old time.

It was a silly night for sure. Although that was my only experience with the Corduroy Club, I hold that night special in my heart. Though I didn’t want to admit it at the time, I was a lonely girl in a big city. That night I met an awesome chick whose been my best friend for over a decade now and is the godmother of my daughter.

So if you see someone in corduroy today, don’t think it’s a coincidence. In fact, chances are you can start an easy conversation. Just “Hail the Wale.”

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