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How to Navigate Black Friday

by Wanda on November 16, 2012

Deals, deals, deals. Black Friday is exactly one week away! Dave recently posted some great ways to avoid the Black Friday craze with online shopping, but some of us still prefer to physically be in the madness. (Maybe it’s the roller derby girl in me.) Here’s my tips of how to get the most out of Black Friday, the old fashioned way.

How I like to think of myself on Black Friday

1. Make a list of what you actually want…and stick to it.

I’m super guilty of this. I see a top I want and spend valuable time looking for my size, then totally forget about the jeans I was planning to get for my hubby. (Not that it made a difference to him lol.)

2. Drink Coffee

Black Friday is physical more than anything else. You have to be your most energetic self.

3. Don’t pig out at Thanksgiving Dinner

Professional athletes don’t eat heavy before competition do they? If you stuff yourself on stuffing, you’ll be too stuffed to buy stuff.

4. Be nice to the store staff

They are all dreading Black Friday because stressed shoppers means mean shoppers. A [seemingly] calm and polite shopper will get more attention and service. Golden rule. ’nuff said.

5. Wear comfy shoes and single layers

You’ll be running around, so that’s obvious. I wear full runner’s gear: leggings and under armor. That way if want to try on something. I can do so without a wasted minutes in the overly crowded dressing room.


Good luck everyone! Don’t forget your elbow pads :)

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