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Dealing with the Dark

by Wanda on November 19, 2012

Why did we have to revert back after daylight savings? Whose idea was it to make five pm the time it gets dark out here on the east coast. I don’t like it. I hate the dark. I hate it so much that when my oldest said “Mommy, I’m afraid of the dark,” I wanted to say “Yeah, I know.” As I sit at my desk, hoping I can make it home before it gets dark, it made me think…

The convention of working nine to five was completely arbitrary. My husband used to work seven to three. I would pity him, but he’d say “what do you mean? I watch less useless late night TV than you, and spend more time with the kids in the afternoon.” He had a point. My youngest brother is right out of college and newly in the “real world.” He keeps complaining about how he spends all the daylight hours in the dark and is missing out all the “fun in the sun.”

Why is it “normal” to work during the day? Wouldn’t it make more sense for everyone to work from say, midnight to 8am, then we can enjoy the daylight when we got out? More than just warmth and fun, there are some serious health concerns for those who miss all the sun during the “nine to five.”

  1. Vitamin D: Your body synthesizes this from sunlight. If you live in a colder climate and/or have darker, sun-blocking skin, you need to be aware of this! Take a vitamin D supplement in the winter. Vitamin D deficiencies are associated with pain reception, slower muscle healing (which is a big deal if you work out), asthma/respiratory issues, and even cancer!
  2. Seasonal Affective Disorder: Do you become gloomy in the winter? You’re not alone. Many people experience lower energy levels, irritability, and depression during the colder months. Again, taking vitamin D and exposing yourself to sunlight and waking early to see dawn can help.
  3. Trouble regulating body temperature: Our cavemen ancestors typically didn’t live in colder climates during the winter. Most research shows they migrating South like the birds. Since most of us are stuck wherever our home is, you can keep your body temperature up by eating regularly, staying hydrated, and wearing layers.

I hope this helps anyone else who misses summer like me. Maybe I’m just complaining because it’s Monday…


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